; Test installation script [Application] Language=english ; can also be 'german' Name=Test Title=Test Installation Directory=c:\testit PM Group=TestIt Free Space=1000 ; in kbytes ;Message=Please install WinEase into the directory shown below, and no other.%n%nIt will take up about 2MB. [Disks] 1=Test Install Disk [Directories] ; List of destination directories (under the main destination directory). 1=. [SourceDirs] ; List of directories on the source disks. 1=. [FileGroups] ; List of file groups, max 5. 1=Main Program Files [Windows Files] ; Files to be installed in \windows\system. ; ; = <0> ; ; The last parameter specifies compression (yes or no) ; CTL3D Library=ctl3dv2.dl$ ctl3dv2.dll 1 0 1 Y [Files1] ; ; = ; ; The last parameter specifies compression (yes or no) ; ReadMe=readme.txt readme.txt 1 1 1 N Test File=install.inf install.inf 1 1 1 N [PM Group] ; Zero or more items to go in the Program Manager (or other ; shell) group. ; ; [,,]= ; ; E.g. ; ; Read Me,progman.exe,28=notepad.exe {1}readme.txt ; Changes=notepad.exe {1}test.txt Read Me,progman.exe,28=notepad.exe {1}readme.txt Test File=notepad.exe {1}test.txt [Execution] ; Zero or more program specifications. ; ; [W][?]['']= ; ; W: Wait for program termination ; ?: Ask yes/no ; Message: Message in message box ; Command spec: Command line, where {n} is replaced by directory ; ; E.g. ; ; W=notepad {1}readme.txt ; Wait for termination ; W?'Read the ReadMe now?'=notepad {1}readme.txt ; Ask if execute ; 'Read this file carefully!'=notepad {1}readme.txt ; Messagebox, then execute ; dummy=notepad {1}readme.txt ; No message, just execute ; ; Can also use special command 'del', e.g. ; dummy1=del{1}thing.txt W?'Read the ReadMe now?'=notepad.exe {1}readme.txt