# Makefile : Builds graph library and example (DOS). # Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debugging # info # Set WXDIR for your system WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makemsc.env GRAPHDIR = $(WXDIR)\utils\wxgraph GRAPHLIB = $(GRAPHDIR)\lib\wxgraph.lib DOCDIR = $(GRAPHDIR)\docs THISDIR = $(GRAPHDIR)\src EXTRALIBS=$(GRAPHLIB) INC=-I$(WXDIR)\include\base -I$(WXDIR)\include\msw DUMMY=$(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj # Default is to output RTF for WinHelp !ifndef RTFSTYLE RTFSTYLE=-winhelp !endif # Set this to nothing if using MS C++ 7 ZOPTION=/Z7 HEADERS = wxgraph.h wxgraphp.h SOURCES = wxgraph.$(SRCSUFF) OBJECTS = wxgraph.obj all: $(GRAPHLIB) test: test.exe wx: cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw nmake -f makefile.dos FINAL=$(FINAL) cd $(GRAPHDIR)\src wxclean: cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw nmake -f makefile.dos clean cd $(GRAPHDIR)\src $(GRAPHLIB): $(OBJECTS) -erase $(GRAPHLIB) lib /PAGESIZE:128 @<< $(GRAPHLIB) y $(OBJECTS) nul ; << test.exe: $(DUMMY) $(WXLIB) $(GRAPHLIB) test.obj test.def test.res link $(LINKFLAGS) @<< $(DUMMY) test.obj, test, NUL, $(LIBS), test.def ; << rc -31 -K test.res wxgraph.obj: wxgraph.h wxgraphp.h wxgraph.$(SRCSUFF) $(DUMMY) cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << test.obj: test.h wxgraph.h test.$(SRCSUFF) $(DUMMY) cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << test.res : test.rc $(WXDIR)\include\msw\wx.rc rc -r /dFAFA_LIB /i$(WXDIR)\contrib\fafa /i$(WXDIR)\include\msw test # Making documents docs: hlp xlp hlp: $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.hlp xlp: $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.xlp rtf: $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.rtf $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.hlp: $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.rtf $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.hpj cd $(DOCDIR) -erase wxgraph.ph hc wxgraph cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex $(DOCDIR)/classes.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxgraph.rtf -twice $(RTFSTYLE) cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)/wxgraph.xlp: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex $(DOCDIR)/classes.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxgraph.xlp -twice -xlp cd $(THISDIR) cleanrtf: cd $(DOCDIR) -erase *.rtf cd $(THISDIR) clean: -erase *.obj -erase *.sbr -erase *.exe -erase *.res -erase *.map -erase *.pdb -erase $(GRAPHLIB)