# # File: makefile.dos # Author: Julian Smart # Created: 1993 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds wxHelp for Windows 3.1 # Change WXDIR to wherever wxWindows is found WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makemsc.env WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx.lib WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include HYPDIR = $(WXDIR)\utils\hytext HYPINC = $(HYPDIR)\src HYPLIB = $(HYPDIR)\lib\hytext.lib WXHELPDIR = $(WXDIR)\utils\wxhelp TEX2RTFDIR = $(WXDIR)\utils\tex2rtf DOCDIR = $(WXHELPDIR)\docs LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(HYPLIB) oldnames libw llibcew commdlg ddeml shell !ifndef FINAL FINAL=0 !endif # Set this to nothing if using MS C++ 7 ZOPTION=/Z7 # Default is to output RTF for WinHelp !ifndef RTFSTYLE RTFSTYLE=-winhelp !endif INC=/I$(HYPINC) /I$(WXDIR)\include\base /I$(WXDIR)\include\msw PRECOMP=/YuWX_PREC.H !if "$(FINAL)" == "0" OPT=/Od CPPFLAGS= /AL /W3 /Zi $(ZOPTION) /G2sw $(OPT) $(PRECOMP) /Dwx_msw $(INC) /Fp$(WXDIR)\src\msw\wx.pch /DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) CFLAGS= /AL /W3 /Zi /G2sw /Od /Dwx_msw LINKFLAGS=/NOD /CO /SEG:512 /ONERROR:NOEXE !else OPT=/Ox CPPFLAGS= /AL /W3 /G2sw $(OPT) $(PRECOMP) /Dwx_msw $(INC) /Fp$(WXDIR)\src\msw\wx.pch /DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) CFLAGS= /AL /W3 /Od /G2sw /Dwx_msw LINKFLAGS=/NOD /SEG:512 /ONERROR:NOEXE !endif all: hytext wxhelp.exe compact: -wrun clean hytext: cd $(HYPDIR)\src nmake -f makefile.dos $(HYPLIB) FINAL=$(FINAL) OPT=$(OPT) PRECOMP=$(PRECOMP) cd $(WXHELPDIR)\src wx: cd $(WXDIR)\src\msw nmake -f makefile.dos FINAL=$(FINAL) OPT=$(OPT) PRECOMP=$(PRECOMP) cd $(WXHELPDIR)\src wxhelp.obj: wxhelp.$(SRCSUFF) wxhelp.h $(HYPINC)\hytext.h cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << wxhelp.res : wxhelp.rc $(WXDIR)\include\msw\wx.rc rc /i$(WXDIR)\contrib\fafa /i$(WXDIR)\include\msw -r wxhelp wxhelp.exe: $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj $(WXLIB) wxhelp.obj wxhelp.def wxhelp.res $(HYPLIB) link $(LINKFLAGS) @<< $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj wxhelp.obj wxhelp.exe, nul, $(LIBS), wxhelp.def << rc -K wxhelp.res # Tests out calling wxhelp.exe from an application test.obj: test.$(SRCSUFF) cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << test.res : test.rc $(WXDIR)\include\msw\wx.rc rc /dFAFA_LIB /i$(WXDIR)\contrib\fafa /i$(WXDIR)\include\msw -r test test.exe: $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj test.obj test.def test.res $(HYPLIB) link $(LINKFLAGS) @<< $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj test.obj test.exe, nul, $(LIBS), test.def << rc -K test.res # No PostScript production on the PC: just check it goes through Latex docs: dvi hlp xlp htm dvi: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/manual.dvi hlp: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.hlp rtf: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.rtf xlp: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.xlp html: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.html $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/manual.dvi: $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/manual.tex cd $(WXHELPDIR)/docs latex manual latex manual makeindx manual latex manual # dvips -f -r < manual.dvi > manual.ps $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxhelp.rtf -twice $(RTFSTYLE) cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src wordrtf: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxhelp.rtf -twice -rtf cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.hlp: $(DOCDIR)/wxhelp.rtf cd $(DOCDIR) hc wxhelp cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.xlp: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxhelp.xlp -xlp -twice cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src $(WXHELPDIR)/docs/wxhelp.html: $(DOCDIR)/manual.tex cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)\manual.tex $(DOCDIR)\wxhelp.htm -html -twice cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src clean: -erase *.obj -erase *.sbr -erase *.exe -erase *.res -erase *.map -erase *.pdb cleanrtf: cd $(DOCDIR) -erase *.rtf cd $(WXHELPDIR)/src cleanall: clean