# # File: makefile.dos # Author: Alejandro Aguilar-Sierra # Created: 1995 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds wxImalib and demo (DOS). !if "$(WXWIN)" == "" !error You must define the WXWIN variable in autoexec.bat, e.g. WXWIN=c:\wx !endif WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makemsc.env CPPFLAGS= $(INC) /DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) /AL /Gt4 /W4 /G3s /GA /Z7 /Dwx_msw WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx.lib LIBS=$(WXLIB) oldnames.lib libw llibcew commdlg shell ddeml wxima.lib png\winpng.lib zlib\zlib.lib INC=-I$(WXDIR)\include\base -I$(WXDIR)\include\msw \ -I$(WXDIR)\utils\wximage\win IMALIB = ..\lib\wxhtml.lib all: $(IMALIB) OBJECTS = LOBJECTS = wxhtml.obj wxwww.obj htmlpars.obj htmlmisc.obj htmldraw.obj \ htmltabl.obj htmltab2.obj htmlform.obj htmlprop.obj \ htmledit.obj htmlsite.obj htmlfram.obj \ authent.obj base64.obj popmail.obj smtpmail.obj \ astring.obj listof.obj simsock.obj hashof.obj \ sslsock.obj http.obj url.obj LINCS = htmlconf.h wxhtml.h wxwww.h astring.h listof.h htmlpars.h htmlfram.obj: $*.cpp cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /Z7 /D_Windows /DALLOW_EDIT_MODE=0 /Ox /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << .cpp.obj: cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /D_Windows /DALLOW_EDIT_MODE=0 /DUSE_WXWWW=0 /O2 /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << $(IMALIB): $(LOBJECTS) -erase $(IMALIB) lib /PAGESIZE:128 @<< $(IMALIB) y $(LOBJECTS) nul ; << clean: -erase *.obj -erase *.res -erase *.map -erase *.rws