____ __ ____ __ _ / _/__ ___ / /____ _/ / /__ _/ /_(_)__ ___ _/ // _ \(_-</ __/ _ `/ / / _ `/ __/ / _ \/ _ \ /___/_//_/___/\__/\_,_/_/_/\_,_/\__/_/\___/_//_/ Updated: 19th Nov 1996 Requirements ------------ - You must be using X11R4 or X11R5. It may work on X11R3 but cannot test it! - You must have the XPM pixmap library. The XPM library can be obtained from the following sites:- ftp.x.org ( - Latest revision. (America) V3.4c - in /contrib/libraries The author of XPM is lehors@sophia.inria.fr - BULL Research FRANCE - v2.3 has now been compiled and I've be told works on the following machines, + SunOS 4.1.2 5 sun4c/sun4m + SunOS Solaris 2.2 LX + IRIX 4.0.5G 12171207 IP7 + SGI 310/GTX + HP 9000/720 HP-UX 8.07 + DEC 2100 + Coherent on i486/386! + NCR 3000 + DEC OSF/1 AXP + DECstation 5000/133 ULTRIX 4.2/4.3 0 RISC + AIX 3.2.3e rs6000/350 + NetBSD on i486 + Linux on i486. + Intel 486 ESIX 4.0.4 X11R4 + Intergraph InterPro 6780 + ConvexOS 10.1 & CXwindows 3.1 - You must have a COLOUR display. Sorry to all those B&W dudes. On a greyscale it seems to work but a bit dull in some places. - An ANSI compiler would be nicer however I spent ages changing code with all those lovely #ifdefs so you can use a non-ansi compiler. :-) - This game does NOT need Motif or Xt or anything except pure XLib. - The xnews Sun X server is NOT the quickest with this game. Be warned. It also can stuff the graphics up (somehting to do with clip origin). Makefiles --------- Included in this package is an Imakefile which generates a Makefile that will compile XBoing using your system setup. For those people without imake, or who can't get it to compile, a Makefile.std is also included. You may need to fiddle with Makefile.std as it was generated by imake and has a lot of things that can go wrong. Compilation ----------- Edit the Imakefile or the Makefile.std and change the default compiler to your compiler. Also change the compiler flags if necessary. Change the $(XBOING_DIR) to point to the place where xboing is to be installed. In that directory xboing will create the highscore file and also place the level data and sound data in their own directories. NOTE: The user can now specify the sounds, level and highscore file locations as environment variables. They are :- XBOING_SCORE_FILE = the highscore file to be used. XBOING_LEVELS_DIR = the directory containing the levels. XBOING_SOUND_DIR = the directory containing the sounds. On some machines the file locking may not be available or work. Please try and if you get errors then set the NO_LOCKING define on or turn on USE_FLOCK and see if you have that. This is relevant to the highscore file locking so it is not major if only a few people are playing the game. Linux dudes need to set USE_FLOCK I am told. The audio facility can be turned off completly even if you have sound by leaving the COMPILE_IN_AUDIO define commented out. If you want audio (if you can have it) then you must uncomment this #define. You may want to disable audio for everyone even if it is available. ie: universities. Check the audio directory and see if audio is supported by xboing. Then check the Imakefile and see if it will automatically use the correct audio source. If not then change the default NOaudio.c to the one you want. For NCD & RPLAY users that's what you'll have to do. Don't forget to set the AUDIO_LIB and the AUDIO_INCLUDE variables. LINUXaudio.c - SoundBlaster support on Linux for PC. RPLAYaudio.c - Support for the rplay sound system. SUNaudio.c - Sun workstation audio NCDaudio.c - NCD X terminal NCDaudio support. See below. HPaudio.c - HP audio which is .au format? NOaudio.c - Default - no audio support file. AFaudio.c - Audiofile sound server. See below. The default will be no audio at all. ie: NOaudio.c Please work on NOaudio.c if you have another machine that you want to post the sound too. Note that I am not going to support and other file format than .au as I'll have sound files everywhere. :-) If your operating system doesn't have the function usleep() then edit the Imakefile and put NEED_USLEEP into the defines as explained in the file. If you have imake, type: xmkmf -a make If you do not have imake, type: cp Makefile.std Makefile make depend make all Installation ------------ Try 'xboing -setup' and see if the compilation has gone as you planned. This option will print out useful information about where xboing will look for its data files. Please note that you must be root to install the game. If you are not root then you can just run XBoing from your own account. Don't forget to set the $(XBOING_DIR) in the Makefile/Imakefile and re-compile if you don't like where it will be installed. For imake users, type: make install - install XBoing binary. make install.man - install the manual page. If you do not have imake then you must first edit the Makefile.std to check that where you want the program to be installed. make install - install XBoing binary. make install.man - install the manual page. You should now have XBoing installed and it's manual page. If not, then please read problems.doc. HighScore File -------------- It is automatically created. There will also be a personal highscore file saved in each users account home directory. This keeps their personal highscores. If you have problems then touch one and chmod it to something that will work for you. ie: rw for all. GOOD LUCK!! jck@catt.rmit.edu.au