#ifndef XCOMM #define XCOMM # #endif XCOMM Configuration portion of Imakefile for XPaint 2.4.1 XCOMM XCOMM $Id: Local.config,v 1.16 1996/06/03 06:58:15 torsten Exp $ XCOMM For FreeBSD, NetBSD and BSD386, no changes should be necessary, unless XCOMM your libraries are in nonstandard places. XCOMM For SunOS 4.1, include XCOMM XCOMM -DDECLARE_DRAND48 XCOMM XCOMM Defines that may or may not be useful XCOMM XCOMM -DMISSING_STRERROR if you system doesn't have strerror() XCOMM -DMISSING_STDARG_H if you system doesn't have XCOMM -DNOSTDHDRS if you don't have or XCOMM XCOMM -DERRORBEEP beep on errors XCOMM XCOMM Defines for experimental features XCOMM XCOMM -DFEATURE_FRACTAL for fractal fill operator XCOMM -DFEATURE_TILT for tilting the region XCOMM XCOMM Defines for reinstating old behaviour XCOMM XCOMM -DFILTERNEEDSSELECTION to get old behaviour of filter commands XCOMM -DTRUNC_SNAP to make snap truncate instead of rounding XCOMM EXTRA_DEFINES = -DERRORBEEP #ifdef SunArchitecture ARCH_DEFINES = -DMISSING_STRERROR #endif #ifdef NetBSDArchitecture ARCH_DEFINES = -DHAVE_PARAM_H #endif XCOMM Need an ANSI C compiler XCOMM XCOMM Which is either 'gcc' or 'acc' on a SparcStation XCOMM most MIPS based machines will do just fine using 'cc' XCOMM XCOMM CC = gcc XCOMM CC = acc XCOMM If you have the TIFF library, make HaveTIFF defined XCOMM and make sure the path names to the library and XCOMM includes are correct. XCOMM #define HaveTIFF #ifdef HaveTIFF TIFF_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -ltiff TIFF_INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include/tiff #endif XCOMM If you have the JPEG library, make HaveJPEG defined XCOMM and make sure the path names to the library and XCOMM includes are correct. #define HaveJPEG #ifdef HaveJPEG JPEG_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -ljpeg JPEG_INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include/jpeg #endif XCOMM If you have the PNG library, make HavePNG defined XCOMM and make sure the path names to the library and XCOMM includes are correct. #define HavePNG #ifdef HavePNG PNG_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz PNG_INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include/png #endif XCOMM If you are running SunOS and get an error with the following undefined XCOMM symbols from the link line: XCOMM _get_wmShellWidgetClass XCOMM _get_applicationShellWidgetClass XCOMM XCOMM try uncommenting these lines: XCOMM XCOMM #undef XawClientLibs XCOMM #define XawClientLibs -lXaw -Bstatic -lXmu -Bdynamic -lXt -lXext -lX11 XCOMM XCOMM You must have the XPM library. XCOMM Make sure the path name to the library is correct. XPM_LIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXpm XCOMM Uncomment these lines and tailor to taste, if you don't like XCOMM the default paths and man page extension. XCOMM XCOMM BINDIR = /usr/local/bin XCOMM MANDIR = /usr/local/man XCOMM #undef ManSuffix XCOMM #define ManSuffix 1 XCOMM Add '-g' here if you want to include debugging information. XCOMM Also add any optimizer flags etc. that you want. XCOMM Remember to include the flags in both lines, e.g. XCOMM XCOMM CDEBUGFLAGS = -g XCOMM #define PassCDebugFlags CDEBUGFLAGS='-g' CDEBUGFLAGS = #define PassCDebugFlags CDEBUGFLAGS='' XCOMM This should take care of everything needed for BSD. #if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture) || defined(NetBSDArchitecture) || \ defined(BSD386Architecture) ARCH_DEFINES = -DHAVE_PARAM_H TIFF_INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include TIFF_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -ltiff JPEG_INCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include JPEG_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -ljpeg XPM_INCLUDE = -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 #endif