#ifndef XCOMM #define XCOMM /**/# #endif XCOMM X-BASED OCTAHEDRON XCOMM XCOMM Imakefile XCOMM XCOMM ## XCOMM XCOMM Copyright (c) 1994 - 95 David Albert Bagley, bagleyd@source.asset.com XCOMM XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and XCOMM its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, XCOMM provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and XCOMM that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in XCOMM supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be XCOMM used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the XCOMM software without specific, written prior permission. XCOMM XCOMM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be "playable", XCOMM but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of XCOMM MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. XCOMM XCOMM *** BEGIN XM CONFIG SECTION *** XCOMM If your system has libXm (Motif), remove the 'XCOMM ' from the next line. XCOMM #define XmLibrary #ifdef XmLibrary XMDEF = -DHAS_XM PRE = xm XCOMM Below is a guess of the location of the Motif include directory. XMINC = -I/usr/local/include XCOMM If you get an error "Connot find libXm" while linking, set XMLIBPATH XCOMM to the directory libXpm.* is in. Below is a guess. XMLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lXm #else PRE = x #endif XCOMM *** END XM CONFIG SECTION *** XCOMM Set your C compiler if necessary XCOMM CC = gcc -g -DDEBUG -Wall XCOMM CC = gcc -O wIDGET = oct WIDGET = Oct SCOREFILE = ./${wIDGET}.scores DATAFILE = ./${wIDGET}.data DEFINES = ${XMDEF}\ -DSCOREFILE=\"${SCOREFILE}\" -DDATAFILE=\"${DATAFILE}\"\ ${XMINC} LOCAL_LIBRARIES = ${XMLIB} ${XTOOLLIB} ${XLIB} SRCS = rngs.c ${WIDGET}.c ${WIDGET}U.c ${PRE}${wIDGET}.c OBJS = rngs.o ${WIDGET}.o ${WIDGET}U.o ${PRE}${wIDGET}.o PROGRAMS = ${PRE}${wIDGET} ComplexProgramTarget(${PROGRAMS}) ${WIDGET}.o: ${WIDGET}.c ${WIDGET}P.h ${WIDGET}.h ${WIDGET}U.o: ${WIDGET}U.c ${WIDGET}P.h ${WIDGET}.h ${PRE}${wIDGET}.o: ${PRE}${wIDGET}.c ${WIDGET}.h clean.all:: clean ${RM} Makefile