04-Jan-2000 *** Note: The VESTed images in this package HAVE NOT BEEN FULLY TESTED. *** You should get the ETHERWATCH and LATWATCH versions that are available as separate packages... I will repackage this one when I get some spare time. DBS-NETUTILS This package contains four utilities that can be used to monitor the ethernet to isolate problems or just to see what is going on. The only documentation available at present, is the NETWORK_UTILITIES.CARD which gives a summary of the valid qualifiers for each utility. Each utility should be invoked via a foreign command - MCR will not work. The file DBSSYSRTL.EXE is a run-time library used by all of the utilities and should either be put in SYS$SHARE or have a logical defined to point to the file. ETHERWATCH and LATWATCH will use a file ETHERWATCHER:NODELIST.DAT (if it exists) which maps node names to addresses (a sample is included). When specifying /FROM and /TO addresses, you can use a name as defined in NODELIST.DAT (no wildcards) or you can use an address format which can include wildcards. If you use the UNKNOWN option, you must spell it out in full. When specifying /PROTOCOL values, wildcards are allowed. The images included were built on a VMS V5.5-2 system. Contents: --------- File Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAAREADME.1ST This file. The executables: ETHERWATCH.EXE FRAME_COUNTER.EXE LATWATCH.EXE PROTOCOL_COUNTER.EXE The VESTed executables: ETHERWATCH_TV.EXE FRAME_COUNTER_TV.EXE LATWATCH_TV.EXE PROTOCOL_COUNTER_TV.EXE ETHERWATCH.OBJ Just link the matching objects against ETHERWATCH_CLD.OBJ DBSSYSRTL to produce the image. FRAME_COUNTER.OBJ FRAME_COUNTER_CLD.OBJ LATWATCH.OBJ LATWATCH_CLD.OBJ PROTOCOL_COUNTER.OBJ PROTOCOL_COUNTER_CLD.OBJ DBSSYSRTL.EXE Used by all of the utilities. Either define a logical or dump this in SYS$SHARE. DBSSYSRTL_TV.EXE A VESTed version of DBSSYSRTL.EXE. DBSSYSRTL.OLB SYS_OBJECTS.OLB Non-sharable version of DBSSYSRTL. NODELIST.DAT "Sample" nodelist. NETWORK_UTILITIES.CARD "Quick Reference" Card for these utilities. BUILD_IMAGE.COM Used to build images from the included source. Make sure LNK$LIBRARY points to DBSSYSRTL. NMADEF.INC Include file used by all the utilities. STRUCTURES.INC Include file used by all the utilities. Source code is include in the following ZIP files: ETHERWATCH-X4-002.ZIP FRAME_COUNTER-X1-008.ZIP LATWATCH-X4-004.ZIP PROTOCOL_COUNTER-X1-006.ZIP Any bug reports (or fixes), comments, suggestions etc. should be directed to me at the address below. Dave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David B Sneddon (dbs) OpenVMS Systems Programmer dbsneddon@bigpond.com DBS software at ... http://www.users.bigpond.com/dbsneddon/software.htm "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" Lennon