# Tin Newsreader post-processor # $1 is the filename that has been uudecoded # This is just a sample script - It is very Linux oriented. # TODO: # Eliminate case issues # Check for gz composites (eg: .tar.gz) accordingly # Option to decide to list and/or extract archives # If there anyway we can grep mailcap to do all this ? # [ ! -f "$1" ] && exit 1 case ${1##*.} in gz) echo "Can't differentiate gzip/tar gzip yet" ;; tgz) tar -ztvf $1 ;; gif|jpg|GIF|JPG) [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && zgv $1 || xv $1 ;; txt|TXT) ${EDITOR:=vi} $1 ;; zip) unzip -l $1 ;; avi) [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && echo "No text mode viewer. Sorry." || xanim $1 ;; *) echo "Unsupported or missing suffix: ${1##*.}" file $1 ;; esac echo "" echo "Press to keep $(basename $1) or anything else to remove it." read ans [ -n "$ans" ] && echo "Removing $1" && rm -f $1 # end of tinpp