This example shows how to send SMTP mail to a remote recipient by sending data and expecting replies to and from port 25 on the local host. This program can be used to send SMTP simple mail to another recipient over the Internet network. OpenVMS Information: ------------------- Before executing the smtp executable, declare a symbol like: $ smtpmail :== $disk:[directory]smtp.exe Tru64 Unix information: ---------------------- % cxx -c -exceptions sockutil.cxx % cxx -o smtpmail -exceptions sockutil.o smtp.cxx Both systems: ------------ Activate it with the command: $ smtpmail remote-recipient When prompted, enter the subject and text body of the message. To write a short mail to the author, type $ smtpmail and then when prompted by the program, enter the text. $! $! COPYRIGHT (C) 1998 BY $! COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION, HOUSTON $! TEXAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. $! $! THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED $! ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION $! OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES $! THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER $! PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. $! $! THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND $! SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION. $! $! COMPAQ ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS $! SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY COMPAQ. $! $! NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF SOFTWARE $! ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION. $! $! SUPPORT FOR THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COVERED UNDER ANY COMPAQ SOFTWARE $! PRODUCT SUPPORT CONTRACT, BUT MAY BE PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE $! CONSULTING AGREEMENT UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE WAS DEVELOPED. $! $ create sockutil.hxx #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #if defined(__VMS) || defined (__osf__) #include #include #include #include #ifdef __VMS #include #endif #include #ifdef __VMS #include #else #include #include #endif #define BOOL unsigned char #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define SOCKET int #define closesocket close #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #define min(a,b) (a)<(b)?(a):(b) #endif class ConnectSocket{ public: int SendData(char *buffer, unsigned int len); int GetData(char *buffer,unsigned int buffersize, char Terminator); int GetData(char *buffer,unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int LengthOffset, unsigned int LengthSize, BOOL NetworkOrder = FALSE); void SetSocketOptions(int level,int optname, char *optval,int optlen); ConnectSocket(char *host,unsigned short port,int Size); ~ConnectSocket(); private: SOCKET s; int TcpBufferSize; char *TcpBuffer; char *TcpBufferPtr; }; $ create sockutil.cxx #include "sockutil.hxx" static int setipaddr (struct sockaddr_in *to,char *name); static char *strnchr(char *str,char search, int len); static int getsockdata (SOCKET s,char *cp, int len); const unsigned char BYTESIZE = 8; ConnectSocket::ConnectSocket(char *host,unsigned short port, int size){ #ifdef WIN32 WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; #endif struct sockaddr_in to; // Start up the Windows socket API DLL #ifdef WIN32 wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,1); if(WSAStartup(wVersionRequested,&wsaData)!=0){ delete this; throw(WSAGetLastError()); } if ((LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1) || (HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1)) { delete this; throw(WSAGetLastError()); } #endif if ((s = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET){ delete this; throw(-1); } TcpBufferSize = size; TcpBuffer = new char[TcpBufferSize]; TcpBufferPtr = TcpBuffer; memset(TcpBuffer,0,TcpBufferSize); memset (&to, 0, sizeof (to)); to.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)port); if(setipaddr(&to,host)){ delete this; throw(-1); } if (connect (s,(struct sockaddr *)&to,sizeof(to))== SOCKET_ERROR){ delete this; throw(-1); } } ConnectSocket::~ConnectSocket(){ if (s != INVALID_SOCKET){ (void) shutdown(s,2); (void) closesocket(s); delete []TcpBuffer; } #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif } void ConnectSocket::SetSocketOptions(int level,int optname,char *optval,int optlen){ if (setsockopt(s,level,optname,optval,optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR){ delete this; throw(-1); } } int ConnectSocket::SendData(char *buffer, unsigned int len){ char *cp = buffer; fd_set writefds; int status,sendlen; while (len != 0){ FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(s,&writefds); status = select(s+1,NULL,&writefds,NULL,NULL); switch(status){ case SOCKET_ERROR: return SOCKET_ERROR; break; case 1: /* send the message */ if (FD_ISSET(s,&writefds)) if ((sendlen = send (s,cp,len,0)) == SOCKET_ERROR){ return SOCKET_ERROR; } else { len -= sendlen; cp += sendlen; } break; }/* end switch */ }/* end while */ return 0; } int ConnectSocket::GetData(char *buffer,unsigned int buffersize, char Terminator){ char *cp = NULL; int packet_size=-1; int r; struct timeval timeout = {100,0}; fd_set readmask; while(!cp){ // Try to get from buffer cp = strnchr(TcpBuffer,Terminator,(int)(TcpBufferPtr-TcpBuffer)); if ((cp != NULL)|| (TcpBufferPtr == TcpBuffer + TcpBufferSize) || (!packet_size)){ unsigned int Size; if (cp != NULL) Size = min(buffersize, (unsigned int)(cp-TcpBuffer) + 1); else Size = min((unsigned int)(TcpBufferPtr-TcpBuffer), buffersize); // Copy from TCP buffer to user buffer. memcpy(buffer,TcpBuffer,Size); // move up rest of data. memcpy(TcpBuffer,TcpBuffer+Size,TcpBufferSize-Size); TcpBufferPtr -= Size; return Size; } // Get data from socket buffer FD_ZERO(&readmask); FD_SET(s,&readmask); /* Is the socket s readable ? If yes, the bit at position s in readmask */ /* will be set to one enabling us to receive data from the remote node */ if ((r=select (s+1,&readmask,NULL,NULL,&timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return r; } switch (r){ case 0 : // Timeout. No Answer return SOCKET_ERROR; break; case 1 : if (FD_ISSET (s,&readmask)){ int Remaining = (int)(TcpBuffer + TcpBufferSize - TcpBufferPtr); // Read the socket buffer if ((packet_size = recv (s,TcpBufferPtr,Remaining,0)) == SOCKET_ERROR){ return SOCKET_ERROR; } else { if (packet_size == 0){ // Remote node closed the link. // Return rest of TcpBuffer; continue; } else // Update pointer TcpBufferPtr += packet_size; } } else // Should never happen return SOCKET_ERROR; }// end switch }// end while return 0; } int ConnectSocket::GetData(char *buffer,unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int LengthOffset, unsigned int LengthSize,BOOL NetworkOrder){ unsigned int Length = 0; unsigned char *cp; int Size = LengthSize; if(getsockdata(s,TcpBuffer,LengthOffset+LengthSize)) return SOCKET_ERROR; cp = (unsigned char *)TcpBuffer+LengthOffset+LengthSize; while (Size--) Length = (Length << BYTESIZE) + (int)*--cp; if (NetworkOrder) switch(LengthSize){ case sizeof(unsigned short): Length = ntohs((unsigned short)Length); break; case sizeof(unsigned int): Length = ntohl(Length); } if(getsockdata(s,TcpBuffer+LengthOffset+LengthSize,Length)) return SOCKET_ERROR; memcpy(buffer,TcpBuffer,min(buffersize,Length+LengthOffset+LengthSize)); return min(buffersize,Length+LengthOffset+LengthSize); } // The routine strnchr searches for the occurence of a given character in a string // limited to len characters. If there is a match, the matching character pointer is // returned, else it returns NULL static char *strnchr(char *str,char search, int len){ for (;len;len--,str++) if (*str == search) return str; return (NULL); } static int getsockdata (SOCKET s,char *cp, int len){ int packet_size; int r; struct timeval timeout = {100,0}; fd_set readmask; while (len != 0){ FD_ZERO(&readmask); FD_SET(s,&readmask); /* Is the socket s readable ? If yes, the bit at position s in readmask */ /* will be set to one enabling us to receive data from the remote node */ if ((r=select (s+1,&readmask,NULL,NULL,&timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return r; } switch (r){ case 0 : return SOCKET_ERROR; break; case 1 : if (FD_ISSET (s,&readmask)){ if ((packet_size = recv (s,cp,len,0)) == SOCKET_ERROR){ return SOCKET_ERROR; } else { if (packet_size == 0){ /* Remote node closed the link. */ return SOCKET_ERROR; } else { cp += packet_size; len -=packet_size; } } } else return SOCKET_ERROR; }/* end switch */ } /* end while */ return 0; } static int setipaddr (struct sockaddr_in *to,char *name){ struct hostent *hp; to->sin_family = PF_INET; to->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(name); if (to->sin_addr.s_addr == (unsigned int)(-1)) { hp = gethostbyname(name); if (hp) { to->sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; memcpy(&to->sin_addr,hp->h_addr,hp->h_length); } else { return SOCKET_ERROR; } } return 0; } $ cxx/exceptions sockutil $ create smtp.cxx #include #ifdef __VMS #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef __osf__ #include #include #endif #include #include #include "sockutil.hxx" #ifdef __alpha #pragma member_alignment save #pragma nomember_alignment #endif typedef struct{ unsigned short buflen; unsigned short itemcode; void *buffer; unsigned short *retlen; } itmlst_t; #ifdef __alpha #pragma member_alignment restore #endif const char Terminator = '\012'; /* * This routine gets the user name of the user running this program. */ char *get_user(){ #ifdef __VMS static char user[17]; itmlst_t *itmlst; int status; unsigned short retlen; /* * Build the itemlist. */ itmlst = (itmlst_t *)calloc(2,sizeof(itmlst_t)); itmlst[0].buflen = sizeof(user); itmlst[0].itemcode = JPI$_USERNAME; itmlst[0].buffer = user; itmlst[0].retlen = &retlen; status = sys$getjpiw(0,NULL,NULL,itmlst,NULL,NULL,0); if (!(status & 1)) lib$stop(status); free(itmlst); user[retlen]='\0'; return(user); #endif #ifdef __osf__ char *user; if ((user = getlogin()) == NULL){ perror("getlogin"); exit(0); } return(user); #endif } void usage(){ cout<<"$ mailto destination"<SendData(buffer,strlen(buffer))<0){ cout << "Error sending data to SMTP Mail"<GetData(buffer,TCPBufferSize-1,Terminator); if (Size < 0){ cout<<"Error getting data from SMTP"<GetData(buffer,TCPBufferSize-1,Terminator); if (Size < 0){ cout<<"Error getting data from SMTP"<\r\n", get_user(),ThisHostName); SendAndCheck(SmtpSocket,buffer,TCPBufferSize); // Send all the message recipients sprintf(buffer,"rcpt to:<%s>\r\n",destination); SendAndCheck(SmtpSocket,buffer,TCPBufferSize); // Send a line containing "data" strcpy(buffer,"data\015\012"); SendAndCheck(SmtpSocket,buffer,TCPBufferSize,354); char const *CRLF = "\015\012"; // From this moment, we do not receive ACKs from the SMTP Mail Server. cout << "Subject: "; strcpy(buffer,"Subject: "); // append to the end of buffer the text subject. if (cin.getline(&buffer[strlen(buffer)], TCPBufferSize-2-strlen(buffer)) == NULL) exit(0); strcat(buffer,CRLF); if (SmtpSocket->SendData(buffer,strlen(buffer))<0){ cout << "Error sending data to SMTP Mail"<SendData((char *)CRLF,strlen(CRLF))<0){ cout << "Error sending data to SMTP Mail"<SendData(buffer,strlen(buffer))<0){ cout << "Error sending data to SMTP Mail"<