$! File created by DCL_DIET at 23-AUG-2004 11:20:36.95 from
$! (Space added before "." at beginning of record)
$goto start
This procedure "DIETs" a command procedure file -- compressing
it by removing comments and unnecessary space. This saves file
space and improves execution time. It may also remove comments
that you don't want users to see.
To run this procedure, enter command
where is the input command procedure
is the "DIETed" output file
If you use DCL_DIET frequently, you may wish to assign a symbol in
your LOGIN.COM file to execute DCL_DIET. For example, if the
DCL_DIET.COM is in you LOGIN default directory, you might put the
following in your LOGIN.COM:
Alternatively, if you put DCL_DIET.COM in SYS$SYSTEM, you might put
the following in your SYS$SYLOGIN (which is normally
If the translation of the logical name DCL$DIET_DOTDOT is true, then
this version adds a space a the beginning of a line that starts with ".".
This is to overcome a problem with SMTP mail in Compaq TCP/IP services
so that TCP/IP V5.3-18's SMTP won't double the "."
$set = "set"
$set symbol /scope=(nolocal,noglobal)
$sav_status = 1
$say = "write sys$output"
$on control_y then goto y_exit
$on warning then goto err_exit
$if f$trnlnm("DCL$DIET_DOTDOT")
$dot$dot = 1
$dot$dot = 0
$in$deck = 0
$continuation$line = 0
$s2_upr = s_quote + s_quote + "F$"
$s2_lwr = s_quote + s_quote + "f$"
$lines_in = 0
$lines_out = 0
$line_disply_increment = 500
$line_to_display = line_disply_increment - 1
$dcl_dt_vers = "V1.1"
$say ""
$say -
"-*- Charlie Hammond's unsupported DCL DIETer (Version ''dcl_dt_vers') -*-"
$say ""
$if p1 .eqs. ""
$read /error=get_p1 sys$output p1 -
/prompt="Enter name of file to be Dieted: "
$goto get_p1
$if f$search(p1) .eqs. ""
$say "Cannot find ""''p1'"""
$p1 = ""
$goto get_p1
$diet$input = f$parse(p1)
$p2 = p2 + p3 + p4
$if p2 .eqs. ""
$say "The default for the ""dieted"" output file is"
$say """''diet$input'_DIET""" - ";"
$read /error=get_p2 sys$output p2 -
/prompt="Enter name of file for output: "
$if p2 .eqs. "" then p2 = "''diet$input'_DIET" - ";"
$diet$output = f$parse(p2,diet$input)
$if diet$output .eqs. ""
$say "*** ""''p2'"" is not a valid filename"
$p2 = ""
$goto get_p2
$say " Input file is: " + diet$input
$say "Output file is: " + diet$output
$say "Starting -- ''f$time()'"
$create 'diet$output'
$close /error=open_output diet$output
$open /append diet$output 'diet$output'
$write diet$output "$! File created by DCL_DIET at ''f$time()' from"
$write diet$output "$! ''diet$input'"
$if dot$dot then -
write diet$output "$! (Space added before ""."" at beginning of record)"
$close /error=open_input diet$input
$open /read diet$input 'diet$input'
$read /end=common_exit diet$input record_in
$lines_in = lines_in + 1
$if lines_in .gt. line_to_display
$say f$fao("...processing line number !UL...",lines_in)
$line_to_display = line_to_display + line_disply_increment
$temp = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS,UPCASE")
$if ( ( f$extract(0,2,temp) .eqs. "$!" ) -
.or. ( f$extract(0,3,temp) .eqs. "$ !" ) ) -
then goto read_input
$t0 = f$element(0," ",temp)
$t1 = f$element(2," ",temp)
$if in$deck
$if (t0 .eqs. "$EOD") .or. ( (t0 .eqs. "$") .and. (t1 .eqs. "EOD") )
$in$deck = 0
$write diet$output "$EOD"
$lines_out = lines_out + 1
$continuation$line = 0
$goto read_input
$if (t0 .eqs. "$DECK") .or. ( (t0 .eqs. "$") .and. (t1 .eqs. "DECK") )
$in$deck = 1
$write diet$output "$DECK"
$lines_out = lines_out + 1
$continuation$line = 0
$goto read_input
$if in$deck
$write diet$output record_in
$lines_out = lines_out + 1
$continuation$line = 0
$goto read_input
$if ( ( f$extract(0,1,temp) .nes. "$" ) .and. ( .not. continuation$line ) )
$write diet$output record_in
$lines_out = lines_out + 1
$continuation$line = 0
$goto read_input
$in_length = f$length(record_in)
$if ( (f$locate(s2_lwr,record_in) .lt. in_length) -
.or. (f$locate(s2_upr,record_in) .lt. in_length) ) -
then goto do_fao
$goto not_fao
$record_out = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM")
$goto after_fao
$record_out = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS,UNCOMMENT")
$goto after_fao
$continuation$line = 0
$if record_out .eqs. "$" then goto read_input
$if f$extract(0,2,record_out) .eqs. "$ "
$record_out = "$" + record_out - "$ "
$goto check_$
$if dot$dot .and. ( f$extract(0,1,record_out) .eqs. "." ) -
then record_out = " " + record_out
$write diet$output record_out
$lines_out = lines_out + 1
$if f$extract(f$length(record_out)-1,1,record_out) .eqs. "-" -
then continuation$line = 1
$goto read_input
$write sys$output "Exiting due to Ctrl_y entry"
$goto 1_exit
$sav_status = $status
$write sys$output f$message(sav_status)
$if sav_status .lt. %x10000000 then sav_status = sav_status + %x10000000
$goto common_exit
$write sys$output f$message(sav_status)
$sav_status = 1
$goto common_exit
$on control_y then continue
$on warning then continue
$close /error=exit_output diet$output
$close /error=exit_input diet$input
$say "Finished -- ''f$time()'"
$say ""
$say f$fao("!7UL lines read",lines_in)
$say f$fao("!7UL lines written",lines_out)
$say ""
$exit sav_status