\variable{USE_TABS} \synopsis{Control use of tabs in whitespace} \usage{Int_Type USE_TABS} \description If \var{USE_TABS} is non-zero, the editor may use tab characters when creating whitespace. If the value of this variable is zero, no tabs will be used. \seealso{TAB, TAB_DEFAULT} \done \variable{WRAP} \synopsis{Set the column at which wrapping occurs} \usage{Int_Type WRAP} \description The \var{WRAP} variable determines the column number at which wrapping will occur. When entering text, if the current point goes beyond this column, the text will automatically wrap to the next line. This will only happen for those buffers for which the wrap flag is set. \seealso{WRAP_INDENTS, getbuf_info, set_mode} \done \variable{WRAP_INDENTS} \synopsis{Control indentation after wrapping} \usage{Int_Type WRAP_INDENTS} \description If this variable is non-zero, after a line is wrapped, the new line will start at the same indentation as the current one. On the other hand, if the value of \var{WRAP_INDENTS} is zero, the new line will begin in the first column. \done \function{del} \synopsis{Delete the character at the current editing position} \usage{Void del ()} \description The \var{del} function deletes the character at the current editing position. If the position is at the end of the buffer, nothing happens. If the deletion occurs at the end of a line, the next line will be joined with the current one. \seealso{eobp, erase_buffer, insert} \done \function{del_region} \synopsis{Delete the region} \usage{Void del_region ()} \description This function deletes the region defined by the mark and the current editing point. For example, #v+ define delete_this_line () { bol (); push_mark (); eol (); del_region (); } #v- defines a function that deletes all characters on the current line from the beginning of the line until the end of the line. It does not delete the line itself. \seealso{push_mark, markp, check_region} \done \function{erase_buffer} \synopsis{Erase all text from the current buffer} \usage{erase_buffer ()} \description The \var{erase_buffer} function erases all text from the current buffer. However, it does not delete the buffer itself. Note: This function destroys all undo information associated with the buffer making it impossible to undo the result of this function. \seealso{delbuf, del} \done \function{indent_line} \synopsis{Indent the current line (using the \var{indent_hook})} \usage{Void indent_line ()} \description The \var{indent_line} line function indents the current line in a manner which depends upon the current buffer. The actual function that gets called is set via a prior call the \var{set_buffer_hook} to set the indent hook. The default value is to indent the line to the indentation level of the previous line. \seealso{set_buffer_hook} \done \function{insbuf} \synopsis{Insert buffer "buf" into the current buffer} \usage{Void insbuf (String buf)} \description This function may be used to insert the contents of a buffer specified by the name \var{buf} into the current buffer. The editing position is advanced to the end of the insertion. \seealso{copy_region, narrow, narrow_to_region} \done \function{insert} \synopsis{Insert string "str" into buffer at the current position} \usage{Void insert (String str)} \description Inserts string \var{str} into buffer at the current position. The editing point is moved to the end of the of the string that was inserted. \seealso{insert_char, del, insert_file, insbuf} \done \function{insert_char} \synopsis{Insert character "ch" at the current position} \usage{Void insert (Integer ch)} \description Undocumented \done \function{insert_file_region} \synopsis{Insert a region of the file "file"} \usage{Integer insert_file_region (String file, String beg, String end)} \description This function may be used to insert a region specified by the strings \var{beg} and \var{end} of the file with name \var{file} into the current buffer. The file is scanned line by line until a line that begins with the string given by \var{beg} is encountered. Then, that line and all successive lines up to the one that starts with the string specified by \var{end} is inserted into the buffer. The line beginning with the value of \var{end} is not inserted although the one beginning with \var{beg} is. The function returns the number of lines inserted or \exmp{-1} upon failure to open the file. Note that a zero length \var{beg} corresponds to the first line and that a zero length \var{end} corresponds to the last line. \seealso{insert_file} \done \function{insert_from_kill_array} \synopsis{Insert the contents of element "n" of the kill array} \usage{Void insert_from_kill_array (Integer n)} \description This function inserts the contents of the nth element, specified by \var{n}, of an internal array of character strings. Note: This function is not available on 16 bit systems. \seealso{insert_from_kill_array, copy_region_to_kill_array} \seealso{KILL_ARRAY_SIZE} \done \function{trim} \synopsis{Remove all whitespace around the current editing point} \usage{Void trim ()} \description The \var{trim} function removes all whitespace around the current editing point. In this context, whitespace is considered to be any combination of tab and space characters. In particular, it does not include the newline character. This means that the \var{trim} function will not delete across lines. \seealso{skip_chars, skip_white, del, del_region} \done \function{whitespace} \synopsis{Insert white space of length "n"} \usage{whitespace (Integer n)} \description The \var{whitespace} function inserts white space of length \var{n} into the current buffer using a combination of spaces and tabs. The actual combination of spaces and tabs used depends upon the buffer local variable \var{TAB}. In particular, if \var{TAB} is zero, no tab characters will be used for the expansion. \seealso{insert, trim, goto_column} \seealso{TAB,TAB_DEFAULT} \done