Matti-Oskari Leppänen suggested the following: I think that you should mention somewhere in documents howto make shift-arrow etc. work under linux-console ... because it's quite simple just make file that has following lines save it as and loadkeys then you have same keysyms as used in ________________________________________________ # S+Up shift keycode 103 = F100 string F100 = "\033[a" #S+Left shift keycode 106 = F101 string F101 = "\033[c" #S+Right shift keycode 105 = F102 string F102 = "\033[d" # S+Down shift keycode 108 = F103 string F103 = "\033[b" #C+Ins control keycode 110 = F104 string F104="\033[2^" #S+Ins shift keycode 110 = F105 string F105="\033[2$" #S+PgUp shift keycode 104 = F106 string F106 = "\033[5$" #S+PgDn shift keycode 109 = F107 string F107 = "\033[6$" #S+Home shift keycode 102 = F108 string F108 = "\033[1$" #S+End shift keycode 107 = F109 string F109 = "\033[4$" #S+Del shift keycode 111 = F110 string F110 = "\033[3$" #C+Del control keycode 111 = F111 string F111 = "\033[3^"