This is the file, dir, which contains the topmost node of the Info hierarchy. The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.  File: dir Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics. Typing "d" returns here, "q" exits, "?" lists all INFO commands, "h" gives a primer for first-timers, "mTexinfo" visits Texinfo topic, etc. --- PLEASE ADD DOCUMENTATION TO THIS TREE. (See INFO topic first.) --- * Menu: The list of major topics begins on the next line. * Info: (info). Documentation browsing system. (From GNU Emacs) * JED: (jed). JED editor documentation. * Latex: (latex). latex ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following info directories may not exist on all systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * /usr/info: (/usr/info/dir). Additional info topics. * /usr/local/info: (/usr/local/info/dir). Additional info topics.