%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % async shell for jed !if (is_defined ("Shell_Default_Shell")) { #ifdef WIN32 variable Shell_Default_Shell = getenv ("COMSPEC"); if (Shell_Default_Shell == NULL) Shell_Default_Shell = "cmd.exe"; #else variable Shell_Default_Shell = getenv ("SHELL"); if (Shell_Default_Shell == NULL) Shell_Default_Shell = "sh"; #endif } !if (is_defined ("Shell_Default_Interactive_Shell")) { #ifdef WIN32 variable Shell_Default_Interactive_Shell = ""; #else variable Shell_Default_Interactive_Shell = "-i"; #endif } variable AShell_Id = -1; static variable Current_Working_Directory = "."; public define ashell_expand_path (path) { if ((path == NULL) or (path == "~")) path = "~/"; #ifdef UNIX if (path[0] == '~') { variable user = extract_element (path, 0, '/'); if (strlen (user) > 1) { variable dir; (dir,,,,) = get_passwd_info (user[[1:]]); if (strlen (dir)) (path,) = strreplace (path, user, dir, 1); } } #endif variable cwd = getcwd (); () = chdir (Current_Working_Directory); path = expand_filename (path); () = chdir (cwd); return path; } public define ashell_getcwd () { return Current_Working_Directory; } public define ashell_chdir (dir) { dir = ashell_expand_path (dir); if (-1 == chdir (dir)) verror ("chdir %s failed: %s", dir, errno_string (errno)); Current_Working_Directory = dir; } static define builtin_cd (cmd, argc, argv) { variable arg = ashell_expand_path (argv[1]); if (0 == chdir (arg)) Current_Working_Directory = arg; return cmd; } static define builtin_edit (cmd, argc, argv) { variable dir = Current_Working_Directory; foreach (argv[[1:argc-1]]) { variable file = (); () = find_file (expand_filename (dircat (dir, file))); } return ""; } static define builtin_most (cmd, argc, argv) { ERROR_BLOCK { _clear_error (); insert ("\nUnable to read file.\n"); return ""; } if (argc < 2) return cmd; () = read_file (argv[1]); pop2buf (whatbuf ()); most_mode (); return ""; } static variable Builtin_Cmds = Assoc_Type [Ref_Type]; public define ashell_add_builtin (cmd, fun) { Builtin_Cmds[cmd] = fun; } ashell_add_builtin ("cd", &builtin_cd); ashell_add_builtin ("edit", &builtin_edit); ashell_add_builtin ("jed", &builtin_edit); ashell_add_builtin ("most", &builtin_most); ashell_add_builtin ("more", &builtin_most); ashell_add_builtin ("less", &builtin_most); static define parse_shell_cmd (cmd) { variable argv, argc; cmd = strtok (cmd); argc = length (cmd); % This has the effect of NULL terminating the argv list argv = String_Type[argc+1]; % remember that [0:-1] picks out elements in an array indexing context if (argc) argv[[0:argc-1]] = cmd; return (argc, argv); } static define try_builtin (cmd) { variable argc, argv; (argc, argv) = parse_shell_cmd (cmd); !if (argc) return cmd; variable fun, command; command = argv[0]; !if (assoc_key_exists (Builtin_Cmds, command)) return cmd; fun = Builtin_Cmds[command]; return @fun (cmd, argc, argv); } define ashell_send_input () { variable buf; variable this_line, mark_line; variable m, ch, prompt; m = process_mark (AShell_Id); this_line = what_line (); push_mark (); goto_user_mark (m); mark_line = what_line (); if (this_line >= mark_line) { pop_mark_0 (); push_mark_eob (); buf = bufsubstr (); } else { bskip_chars ("\t "); push_mark (); !if (bolp ()) { go_left_1 (); ch = what_char (); } bol (); prompt = bufsubstr (); pop_mark_1 (); bol (); if (looking_at (prompt)) { go_right (strlen (prompt)); } else if (ffind_char (ch)) { go_right_1 (); } push_mark_eol (); buf = bufsubstr (); eob (); insert (buf); } newline (); move_user_mark (m); buf = try_builtin (buf); #ifdef WIN32 send_process (AShell_Id, buf + "\n\r"); #else send_process (AShell_Id, buf + "\n"); #endif } define ashell_send_intr () { signal_fg_process (AShell_Id, 2); % SIGINT } define ashell_completion () { variable partial_completion; variable dir, file; push_spot (); push_mark (); bskip_chars ("^ \t'`\"><$"); partial_completion = bufsubstr(); pop_spot (); (dir, file) = parse_filename (partial_completion); dir = ashell_expand_path (dir); variable len = strlen (file); variable files = listdir (dir); files = files[where (0 == array_map (Int_Type, &strncmp, files, file, len))]; variable num_matches = length (files); if (num_matches == 0) { message ("No completions"); return; } variable match; variable i; _for (0, num_matches-1, 1) { i = (); match = files[i]; if (2 == file_status (path_concat (dir, match))) files[i] = path_concat (match, ""); % add / } match = files[0]; if (num_matches == 1) { insert (match[[len:]]); return; } % Complete as much as possible. By construction, the first len characters % in the matches list are the same. Start from there. _for (len, strlen (match)-1, 1) { i = (); variable try_match = match[[0:i]]; if (num_matches != length (where (0==array_map (Int_Type, &strncmp, try_match, files, i+1)))) { if (i != len) insert (match[[len:i-1]]); break; } } variable cbuf = whatbuf (); pop2buf ("*completions*"); erase_buffer (); foreach (files) { insert (()); newline(); } buffer_format_in_columns (); bob (); pop2buf (cbuf); message ("Ambiguous Completions"); } $1 = "AShellMap"; !if (keymap_p ($1)) make_keymap ($1); definekey ("ashell_send_input", "^M", $1); undefinekey ("^C", $1); definekey ("ashell_send_intr", "^C", $1); definekey ("ashell_completion", "\t", $1); define ashell_signal_handler (pid, flags, status) { variable msg; eob (); msg = aprocess_stringify_status (pid, flags, status); vinsert ("\n\n----- %s ------\n\n", msg); AShell_Id = -1; } define ashell_insert_output (pid, str) { eob (); push_spot (); insert (str); pop_spot (); bol (); replace ("\r", Null_String); eob (); move_user_mark (process_mark (pid)); } define ashell () { variable buf = "*ashell*"; variable arg, nargs = 0; if ((AShell_Id != -1) and bufferp (buf)) { pop2buf (buf); error ("Currently, only one shell process is supported."); } pop2buf (buf); (,Current_Working_Directory,,) = getbuf_info (); () = chdir (Current_Working_Directory); use_keymap ("AShellMap"); run_mode_hooks ("ashell_mode_hook"); erase_buffer (); #iffalse AShell_Id = open_process (Shell_Default_Shell, Shell_Default_Interactive_Shell, 1); #else % parse possible arguments forever { arg = extract_element (Shell_Default_Shell, nargs, ' '); if (arg == NULL) break; nargs++; arg; % push on stack } Shell_Default_Interactive_Shell; nargs;% push on stack AShell_Id = open_process (); #endif set_process (AShell_Id, "signal", "ashell_signal_handler"); set_process (AShell_Id, "output", "ashell_insert_output"); } provide ("ashell");