% % calender for JED % % It was written to test a mixture of S-Lang RPN and infix notation. % % It pops up a buffer like: % Jun 1993 Jul 1993 Aug 1993 % S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S % 1 2 3 4 5 1 * 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 % 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 %13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 %20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 %27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 % % The asterisk denotes the current day. % The actual computational part of the code presented here is a % translation of cal.el included with the GNU Emacs distribution. % (suitably modified to work with 16 bit integers) % % Changes: % 2000-09-30 by Eero Tamminen: % - month can be given either as a localized month name or a number % - configurability, month / day names & prompt can be changed % - day of the week, on which day week starts, can be configured % (US week starts on Sunday, european on Monday) % - some readability cleanup & more comments %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % country specific customization variable CalDays, CalMonths, CalStartWeek, CalPrompt; public define calendar_months(months) { CalMonths = months; } public define calendar_days(days) { CalDays = days; } public define calendar_start_week(day) { CalStartWeek = day; } public define calendar_prompt(prompt) { CalPrompt = prompt; } % set US defaults % each month name may be at max. 15 characters calendar_months(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]); % each day is two characters, separated with space calendar_days(" S M Tu W Th F S"); % sunday=0, monday=1... calendar_start_week(0); % string with month & year calendar_prompt("Month Year:"); % return nonzero if yearnum is a leap year static define cal_leap_year_p (year) { return ((not(year mod 4) and (year mod 100)) or (not (year mod 400))); } % calculate nth day of year for given date static define cal_day_number(month, day, year) { variable d; d = 31 * ( month - 1 ) + day; if (month > 2) { d = d - (month * 4 + 23) / 10; if (cal_leap_year_p (year)) d++; } return d; } % calculate day of week for given date static define cal_day_of_week(month, day, year) { variable c, delta, n, a, b; n = cal_day_number(month, day, year); --year; a = n + year + year/4; c = year/100 * 3; b = 0; if (c mod 4) b = 1; return (a - (b + c/4) - CalStartWeek) mod 7; } % output given month to buffer static define cal_make_month (indent, month, year, day, highlight) { variable month_name, first, nm, ny, max, i, istr; % get days in month first = cal_day_of_week(month, 1, year); nm = month + 1; ny = year; if (nm == 13) max = 31; else max = cal_day_number(nm, 1, ny) - cal_day_number(month, 1, year); ++indent; bob(); % output month/year line month_name = CalMonths[month - 1]; goto_column(indent + (strlen(CalDays) - strlen(month_name) - 5) / 2); insert(month_name); insert_single_space(); insert(string(year)); !if (down_1 ()) newline(); % output days line goto_column(indent); insert(CalDays); !if (down_1()) newline (); % output day numbers in 7 columns goto_column(first * 3 + indent); for (i = 1; i <= max; ++i) { if (first == 7) { !if (down_1()) { eol(); newline (); } goto_column(indent); first = 0; } % highlight current day if ((day == i) and highlight) { if (day < 10) insert (" * "); else insert ("** "); } else vinsert ("%2d ", i); ++first; } } % return current (year, month day) as integers (from date string) static define cal_get_date() { variable t, n, m, months, month, month_name, day, year; t = time (); month_name = extract_element(t, 1, ' '); % have to be same as time() returns months = "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"; for (m = 0; m < 12; ++m) { month = extract_element(months, m, ' '); !if (strcmp(month_name, month)) { month = m + 1; break; } } day = extract_element(t, 2, ' '); n = 0; % Some systems display the time as: Tue Jul 06 16:31:18 1993 % while others use: Tue Jul 6 16:31:18 1993 if (strlen(day) == 0) { day = extract_element(t, 3, ' '); n = 1; } year = extract_element(t, 4 + n, ' '); return integer(year), month, integer(strtrim_beg(day, "0")); } % convert month number or localized name string into integer static define cal_convert_month (month_name) { variable m; month_name = strlow(month_name); m = where (month_name == array_map (String_Type, &strlow, CalMonths)); if (length(m)) return m[0] + 1; % presume it's an integer return integer(month_name); } % output three month calendar into separate buffer public define calendar () { variable t, month, year, nlines, wlines, obuf, default; variable this_day, this_month, this_year; run_mode_hooks("calendar_mode_hook"); obuf = whatbuf; % ask user for month / year (this_year, this_month, this_day) = cal_get_date(); default = sprintf ("%s %d", CalMonths[this_month-1], this_year); t = strtrim (read_mini (CalPrompt, default, Null_String)); month = cal_convert_month(extract_element(t, 0, ' ')); year = integer(extract_element(t, 1, ' ')); pop2buf("*calendar*"); set_readonly(0); erase_buffer(); % output three months --month; if (month == 0) { month = 12; --year; } cal_make_month (0, month, year, this_day, ((month == this_month) and (year == this_year))); ++month; if (month == 13) { month = 1; ++year; } cal_make_month (25, month, year, this_day, ((month == this_month) and (year == this_year))); ++month; if (month == 13) { month = 1; ++year; } cal_make_month (50, month, year, this_day, ((month == this_month) and (year == this_year))); % fix window size if (nwindows == 2) { eob(); bskip_chars("\n\t "); nlines = what_line() - window_info('r'); if (nlines > 0) { loop (nlines) {call("enlarge_window");} } else { call("other_window"); loop(- nlines) {call("enlarge_window");} call("other_window"); } bob(); } set_readonly(1); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); bob(); pop2buf(obuf); % what the heck, give current time message(time); }