% dcl mode-- Special mode to facilitate editing of DCL files on VMS systems. % . ( [goal] 3 =goal . push_spot . {up_1} . { . eol_trim . bol_skip_white . '$' looking_at_char . { "$\t " skip_chars . '!' looking_at_char {what_column =goal break} !if . } . { . '!' looking_at_char . { % This takes care of running text following something % like type sys$input . push_spot . up_1 eol bolp not and . {trim go_left_1 . '-' looking_at_char . { pop_spot what_column =goal break} !if . } if . pop_spot . } !if . } else . } . while . {"then" looking_at {2 +=goal 1} {0} else} . {"else" looking_at {2 +=goal 1} {0} else} . orelse pop % orelse puts final value on stack . pop_spot . bol "$\t " skip_chars . {"else" looking_at {2 -=goal 1} {0} else} . {"endif" looking_at {2 -=goal 1} {0} else} . orelse pop . goal 1 > {goal}{3} else . ) dcl_get_ind . ( . [goal] . push_spot . dcl_get_ind =goal . push_spot . up_1 {eol_trim bolp {1 go_left '-' looking_at_char {2 +=goal} if} !if} if . pop_spot . bol "\t $" skip_chars . '!' looking_at_char . { "\t " bskip_chars trim goal what_column - whitespace} . !if . pop_spot . skip_white . ) dcl_indent . ( [cont p] 0 =cont . bobp bolp '$' looking_at_char and or {"$ \n" insert 1 left pop return} if . trim . push_spot % If line does not start with '$', assume something like % type sys$input going on and do not give dollar . push_spot bol . '$' looking_at_char not up_1 and . { . bolp eol_trim . 1 go_left . what_char '-' != =cont . } . if . pop_spot . cont { . _get_point =p "sys$input" bfind . { 9 right pop . ':' what_char == {1 right pop} if . _get_point p == =cont . } if . p _set_point . } !if . bolp {1 left pop . '-' looking_at_char { 1 =cont} if . } . !if . pop_spot . newline . cont {'$' insert_char} !if . dcl_indent . ) dcl_newline create_syntax_table("dcl"); #ifdef HAS_DFA_SYNTAX %%% DFA_CACHE_BEGIN %%% static define setup_dfa_callback (name) { dfa_define_highlight_rule("!.*$", "comment", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\"[^\"]*\"", "string", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("/[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*", "keyword2", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.([gG]|[lL]|[nN])[eE][sS]?\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.([gG]|[lL])[tT][sS]?\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.[eE][qQ][sS]?\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.[nN][oO][tT]\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.[aA][nN][tT]\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("\\.[oO][rR]\\.", "preprocess", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("[a-zA-Z][\\$a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*", "Knormal", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("@", "keyword", name); dfa_define_highlight_rule("[0-9]+", "number", name); dfa_build_highlight_table(name); } dfa_set_init_callback (&setup_dfa_callback, "dcl"); %%% DFA_CACHE_END %%% #endif set_color ("keyword2","blue","black"); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "ifon", 2, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "eodmcrrunset", 3, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "callelseexitgotoopenreadshowthenwait", 4, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "closeendifgosubspawnwrite", 5, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "assigndefinereturn", 6, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "deassign", 8, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "subroutine", 10, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "endsubroutine", 13, 0); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$faof$pid", 5, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$csidf$cvsif$cvuif$editf$filef$modef$timef$typef$user", 6, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$parse", 7, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$cvtimef$devicef$getdvif$getenvf$getjpif$getquif$getsyif$lengthf$locatef$searchf$setprvf$stringf$trnlnmf$verify", 8, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$contextf$elementf$extractf$integerf$messagef$process", 9, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$directoryf$privilege", 11, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$identifier", 12, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$environment", 13, 1); () = define_keywords_n ("dcl", "f$file_attributes", 17, 1); . "DCL_Mode" is_defined . { . [DCL_Mode] "DCL" =DCL_Mode . DCL_Mode make_keymap . "dcl_newline" "^M" DCL_Mode definekey . "newline_and_indent" "^[^M" DCL_Mode definekey . "dcl_indent" "^I" DCL_Mode definekey . "self_insert_cmd" "\"" DCL_Mode definekey . "self_insert_cmd" "'" DCL_Mode definekey . } . !if define dcl_mode () { set_syntax_flags ("dcl",0x81); use_syntax_table("dcl"); use_dfa_syntax(1); use_keymap ("DCL"); set_mode ("dcl", 4); run_mode_hooks("dcl_mode_hook"); }