% latex.sl % % AUC-TeX style LaTeX-mode (v0.18) by Kevin Humphreys % % For JED (v0.97.9b) by John E. Davis % % Based on AUC-TeX (v9.1i) by Per Abrahamsen % % Differences from AUC-TeX 9: - no shell interaction commands % - simplified insert TeX macro (C-c RET) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % TO USE THIS MODE: add the line: % % add_mode_for_extension ("latex", "tex"); % % to your .jedrc file. % % To override the default values below, simply declare and initialize % the approriate variables in your .jedrc file, e.g., % % variable LaTeX_default_options = "12pt,a4paper"; % variable LaTeX_default_document_style = "article"; % % To make LaTeX209 the default set LaTeX_default_documentstyle variable to a % non-null value (e.g. "article"). % % Other variables to change in the latex mode hook include: % % variable LaTeX_default_documentclass = "article"; % for LaTeX 2e % variable LaTeX_default_options = Null_String; % variable LaTeX_default_section = "section"; % variable LaTeX_default_environment = "itemize"; % variable LaTeX_default_figure_label = "fig:"; % variable LaTeX_default_table_label = "tab:"; % variable LaTeX_default_section_label = "sec:"; % variable LaTeX_default_documentstyle = Null_String; % for LaTeX 2.09 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % CHANGES HISTORY: % --- v0.17-1.0 % Fix synchronization of latex_math_mode/latex_mode and made each of the modes % local to a buffer. This allows one buffer to be in latex_mode and another % to be in latex math mode. --JED % % --- v0.17-0.1? % have indentation recognize \[ \] % % PC: changed most of the '\\\\', as they were not necessary % added a newline_indent_hook % debugged the indent_calculate_last by adding LaTeX_item_indent to % the \begin, etc indent level % debugged indent_calculate by subtracting LaTeX_item_indent from % the \end, etc level % --- % Modified to work with jed0.97-5. % --- v0.17-0.18 % fixed indent_line to keep the correct cursor position % --- v0.16-0.17 % added latex_help (C-c i) using latex.texi info file (should be on C-h C-l) % added completion for documentclass/style, sections, environments % added tex_complete_symbol (M-TAB) using ltx-comp.dat file % added simple tex_insert_macro (C-c RET) with completion from ltx-comp.dat % added tex_current_env for use by tex_mark_environment etc. % --- v0.15-0.16 (released 2/11/94) % added insertions for letter class % used built-in indent_hook for indentation % added tex_embrace for font specifier insertion using region % added latex_embrace_env for environment insertion using region % added latex_change_env for C-c C-e with prefix arg % made tex_mark_environment more intuitive by doing fsearch first % --- v0.14-0.15 (released 30/10/94) % added an attempt to do indentation % --- v0.13-0.14 (released 27/10/94) % added option to use latex209 font selections and documentstyle % added C-c : for uncomment_region and made uncomment_region more robust % --- v0.12-0.13 (released 25/10/94) % always pass env to insert_env functions % fixed insert_figure_env to prompt for center environment % fixed insert_list_env to insert \item % --- v0.11-0.12 (first release 20/10/94) % added math mode % added all standard environments %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Load the common definitions if not already loaded. This also defines % the TeX-Mode syntax table require ("texcom"); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Exported global variables % custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_documentclass", "article"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_options", ""); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_section", "section"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_environment", "itemize"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_figure_label", "fig:"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_table_label", "tab:"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_section_label", "sec:"); custom_variable ("LaTeX_default_documentstyle", ""); %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % documentclass/style symbols variable LaTeX_classes = "book,article,letter,slides,report"; % section symbols variable LaTeX_sections = "part,chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection,paragraph,subparagraph"; % environment symbols variable LaTeX_environments = "document,enumerate,itemize,list,trivlist,picture,tabular,array,eqnarray,equation,minipage,description,figure,table,thebibliography,theindex,sloppypar,tabbing,verbatim,flushright,flushleft,displaymath,math,quote,quotation,"; % problems with above line over 255 chars. LaTeX_environments += "abstract,center,titlepage,verse"; % Load LaTeX-math-mode as required autoload("latex_toggle_math_mode", "ltx-math"); autoload("latex_math_mode", "ltx-math"); $1 = "LaTeX-Mode"; !if (keymap_p($1)) make_keymap ($1); % from tex.sl definekey ("tex_insert_quote", "\"", $1); definekey ("tex_insert_quote", "'", $1); definekey ("tex_blink_dollar", "$", $1); definekey ("tex_ldots", ".", $1); % AUC-TeX bindings definekey_reserved ("tex_insert_braces", "{", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_font", "^F", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_environment", "^E", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_section", "^S", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_close_environment", "]", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_insert_item", "^J", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_comment_region", ";", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_uncomment_region", ":", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_comment_paragraph", "%", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_mark_environment", ".", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_mark_section", "*", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_toggle_math_mode", "~", $1); definekey_reserved ("tex_insert_macro", "^M", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_help", "i", $1); definekey ("tex_complete_symbol", "^[^I", $1); % indentation definekey ("latex_indent_next_line", "^J", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_indent_region", "^Q^R", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_indent_section", "^Q^S", $1); definekey_reserved ("latex_indent_environment", "^Q^E", $1); % Font Selection - LaTeX2e define tex_embrace (pre, post) { if (markp()) { % if region is set check_region (1); pop_mark_1 (); insert(pre); pop_spot(); insert(post); return; } % if not mid (or end of) word just insert normally go_left_1 (); if (looking_at_char(' ') or looking_at_char('\t') or looking_at_char('\n')) { go_right_1 (); insert(pre); push_spot(); } else { % surround word, including any initial '\' go_right_1 (); push_spot(); bskip_word(); go_left_1 (); !if (looking_at_char('\\')) go_right_1 (); insert(pre); skip_word(); } insert(post); pop_spot(); } define tex_insert_font (pre, post, arg) { if (arg == -1) { tex_embrace(pre, post); return; } % if prefix argument push_spot(); () = bsearch("\\"); if (looking_at ("\\text") or looking_at ("\\emph")) { delete_word(); del (); insert (pre); } pop_spot (); } define tex_delete_font () { push_spot(); () = bsearch("\\"); if (looking_at ("\\text") or looking_at ("\\emph")) { delete_word(); del (); () = fsearch_char ('}'); del (); } pop_spot (); } define tex_font () { variable arg = prefix_argument(-1); variable brace = "}"; variable ch; flush ("\\text??: b(bf) c(sc) e(em) f(sf) i(it) m(md) n r(rm) s(sl) t(tt) u(up)"); ch = getkey (); if (ch > ' ') ch = (ch | 0x20) - 96; switch (ch) { case 2 : "\\textbf{";} % C-b { case 3 : "\\textsc{";} % C-c { case 5 : "\\emph{";} % C-e { case 6 : "\\textsf{";} % C-f { case 9 : "\\textit{";} % C-i { case 13 : "\\textmd{";} % C-m { case 14 : "\\textnormal{";} % C-n { case 18 : "\\textrm{";} % C-r { case 19 : "\\textsl{";} % C-s { case 20 : "\\texttt{";} % C-t { case 21 : "\\textup{";} % C-u { case 4 : tex_delete_font (); return; } % C-d { beep (); return;} tex_insert_font ( (), brace, arg); message (Null_String); } % Command Insertion % environments: % find previous unmatched \begin statement define tex_current_env () { variable env = Null_String, count; push_mark(); bob(); narrow(); eob (); while (bsearch("\\begin{")) { count = 1; push_spot(); go_right(7); push_mark(); () = ffind_char ('}'); env = bufsubstr(); push_spot(); while (fsearch(sprintf("\\begin{%s}", env)) and down_1 ()) count++; pop_spot(); while (fsearch(sprintf("\\end{%s}", env)) and down_1 ()) count--; pop_spot(); if (count > 0) break; } widen(); return env; } define latex_embrace_env(pre, post) { if (markp()) { check_region (0); exchange_point_and_mark (); insert (pre); pop_mark_1 (); insert (post); %% This was: % check_region(1); % pop_mark_1 (); insert(pre); % pop_spot(); insert(post); return; } insert(pre); indent_line (); eol(); push_spot(); newline(); insert(post); pop_spot(); } define latex_insert_simple_env (env) { latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}\n", env), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_item_env (env) { variable braces = " "; !if (strcmp(env, "description")) braces = "[]"; latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}\n\\item%s", env, braces), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); () = bfind_char (']'); } define latex_insert_array_env (env) { variable position = read_mini ("Enter Position:", Null_String, "[htbp]"); variable format = read_mini ("Enter Format:", Null_String, Null_String); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n", env, position, format), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_label_env (env) { variable label = read_mini ("Enter Label:", Null_String, Null_String); if (strcmp(label, Null_String)) label = sprintf("\\label{%s}\n", label); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}\n%s", env, label), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_figure_env (env) { variable label_prefix = Null_String; switch (env) { case "figure" : label_prefix = LaTeX_default_figure_label; } { case "figure*" : label_prefix = LaTeX_default_figure_label; } { case "table" : label_prefix = LaTeX_default_table_label; } { case "table*" : label_prefix = LaTeX_default_table_label; } variable position = read_mini ("Enter Position:", Null_String, "[htbp]"); variable caption = read_mini ("Enter Caption:", Null_String, Null_String); if (strcmp(caption, Null_String)) caption = sprintf("\\caption{%s}\n", caption); variable label = read_mini ("Enter Label:", Null_String, label_prefix); if (strcmp(label, label_prefix)) label = sprintf("\\label{%s}\n", label); else label = Null_String; latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}%s\n", env, position), sprintf("%s%s\\end{%s}\n", caption, label, env)); push_spot(); !if (strcmp(env, "figure") and strcmp(env, "figure*")) { if (get_y_or_n ("Center Figure")) { newline(); latex_insert_simple_env ("center"); pop_spot(); go_down(2); push_spot(); } } pop_spot(); } define latex_insert_list_env (env) { variable label = read_mini ("Enter Default Label:", Null_String, Null_String); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}{%s}{}\n\\item ", env, label), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_minipage_env (env) { variable position = read_mini ("Enter Position:", Null_String, "[htbp]"); variable width = read_mini ("Enter Width:", "4cm", Null_String); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n", env, position, width), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_picture_env (env) { variable width = read_mini ("Enter Width:", Null_String, Null_String); variable height = read_mini ("Enter Height:", Null_String, Null_String); variable x_offset = read_mini ("Enter X Offset:", "0", Null_String); variable y_offset = read_mini ("Enter Y Offset:", "0", Null_String); variable offset = Null_String; if (strcmp(x_offset, "0") or strcmp(y_offset, "0")) offset = sprintf("(%s,%s)", x_offset, y_offset); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}(%s,%s)%s\n", env, width, height, offset), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_bib_env (env) { variable label = read_mini ("Enter Label for Bibitem:", Null_String, "99"); variable blabel = read_mini ("Enter (Optional) Bibitem Label:", Null_String, Null_String); if (strlen(blabel)) blabel = sprintf("[%s]", blabel); variable key = read_mini ("Enter Key:", Null_String, Null_String); latex_embrace_env(sprintf("\\begin{%s}{%s}\n\\bibitem%s{%s}", env, label, blabel, key), sprintf("\\end{%s}\n", env)); } define latex_insert_letter_args () { push_spot (); insert ("\\address{}\n\\signature{}\n\\begin{letter}{}\n\\opening{}\n\n\n\n\\closing{}\n\\end{letter}"); pop_spot (); () = ffind_char ('}'); } define latex_insert_document_env () { variable class = read_with_completion(LaTeX_classes, "Enter Document Class:", LaTeX_default_documentclass, Null_String, 's'); variable options = read_mini ("Enter Class Options:", LaTeX_default_options, Null_String); if (strlen (options)) options = sprintf("[%s]", options); bob (); vinsert ("\\documentclass%s{%s}\n\n", options, class); insert ("\\begin{document}\n\n\n\n\\end{document}\n"); go_up(3); !if (strcmp(class, "letter")) latex_insert_letter_args(); } define latex_change_env (env) { push_spot(); variable oldenv = tex_current_env(); if (strlen(oldenv)) { () = ffind_char ('{'); go_right_1 (); push_mark(); () = ffind_char ('}'); del_region(); insert(env); goto_spot (); if (fsearch(sprintf("\\end{%s}", oldenv))) { () = ffind_char ('{'); go_right_1 (); push_mark(); () = ffind_char ('}'); del_region(); insert(env); } } pop_spot(); } % This function takes a single argument which will ride on the stack define latex_insert_env () { dup (); % 2 copies, 1 for switch and for function switch () { case "document" : pop (); latex_insert_document_env ();} { case "enumerate" : latex_insert_item_env ( () );} { case "itemize" : latex_insert_item_env ( () );} { case "list" : latex_insert_list_env ( () );} { case "trivlist" : latex_insert_item_env ( () );} { case "picture" : latex_insert_picture_env ( () );} { case "tabular" : latex_insert_array_env ( () );} { case "tabular*" : latex_insert_array_env ( () );} { case "array" : latex_insert_array_env ( () );} { case "eqnarray" : latex_insert_label_env ( () );} { case "eqnarray*" : latex_insert_label_env ( () );} { case "equation" : latex_insert_label_env ( () );} { case "minipage" : latex_insert_minipage_env ( () );} { case "description" : latex_insert_item_env ( () );} { case "figure" : latex_insert_figure_env ( () );} { case "figure*" : latex_insert_figure_env ( () );} { case "table" : latex_insert_figure_env ( () );} { case "table*" : latex_insert_figure_env ( () );} { case "thebibliography" : latex_insert_bib_env ( () );} { case "theindex" : latex_insert_item_env ( () );} { latex_insert_simple_env ( () );} } define latex_environment () { variable arg = prefix_argument(-1); variable env = LaTeX_default_environment; if (bobp) env = "document"; env = read_with_completion(LaTeX_environments, "Enter Environment Name:", env, Null_String, 's'); if (strcmp(env, "document")) LaTeX_default_environment = env; if (arg == -1) latex_insert_env (env); else latex_change_env (env); } define latex_close_environment () { push_spot (); variable env = tex_current_env(); pop_spot(); if (strlen (env)) { vinsert ("\\end{%s}\n", env); } } % sectioning define latex_section () { LaTeX_default_section = read_with_completion (LaTeX_sections, "Enter Section Level:", LaTeX_default_section, Null_String, 's'); variable name = read_mini ("Enter Section Name:", Null_String, Null_String); variable label = read_mini ("Enter Label Name:", Null_String, LaTeX_default_section_label); eol (); newline (); vinsert ("\\%s{%s}\n", LaTeX_default_section, name); if (strcmp(label, LaTeX_default_section_label)) vinsert ("\\label{%s}\n", label); newline (); } % commenting define tex_insert_comment () { variable c = "% "; insert(c); % Although this appears to be a bizarre way of coding this, I cannot % think of a more compact method. while (2 == down(2)) { go_up_1 (); bol(); insert(c); } } define tex_uncomment_region () { narrow (); push_spot_bob (); go_down_1 (); do { go_up_1 (); bol(); if (looking_at("% ")) deln(2); } while (down(2) == 2); pop_spot (); widen (); } define tex_comment_region () { if (-1 == prefix_argument (-1)) { narrow (); push_spot_bob (); tex_insert_comment (); pop_spot (); widen (); return; } tex_uncomment_region(); } define tex_comment_paragraph () { push_spot (); if (-1 == prefix_argument (-1)) { forward_paragraph (); tex_isolate_paragraph (); % pushes spot pop_spot (); bob (); go_down_1 (); tex_insert_comment (); widen (); } else { push_spot (); go_up_1 (); bol(); while (looking_at("% ")) { deln(2); go_up_1 (); bol(); } pop_spot (); while (looking_at("% ")) { deln(2); go_down_1 (); } } pop_spot (); } % marking define tex_mark_environment () { push_spot(); variable env = tex_current_env(); if (strlen (env)) { set_mark_cmd (); pop_spot(); if (fsearch(sprintf("\\end{%s}", env))) go_down_1 (); else eob(); } else pop_spot(); } define tex_mark_section () { if (re_bsearch ("\\\\[sub]*section")) { bol(); set_mark_cmd (); go_down_1 (); if (re_fsearch ("\\\\[sub]*section")) { go_up_1 ();} else eob(); } else if (bsearch ("\\chapter")) { bol(); set_mark_cmd (); go_down_1 (); if (fsearch ("\\chapter")) { go_up_1 ();} else eob(); } } % indentation variable LaTeX_indent_level = 2; variable LaTeX_item_indent = 2; variable TeX_brace_indent_level = 2; % This is a useful function that should be made either an intrinsic or % more available to other packages. define current_indentation () { % return column of first non-whitespace character push_spot(); bol_skip_white(); what_column(); % left on stack pop_spot(); () - 1; } define tex_brace_count_line () { % this will count braces even inside comments variable count = 0; push_spot_bol (); while (ffind_char ('{')) { count += TeX_brace_indent_level; go_right_1 (); } bol(); while (ffind_char ('}')) { count -= TeX_brace_indent_level; go_right_1 (); } pop_spot(); count; } define latex_indent_calculate_last () {} % need dummy to allow recursive defn. define latex_indent_calculate_last () { % return the indentation of the previous normal text bol(); if (bobp()) return 0; % ignore comments do { go_up_1 (); bol_skip_white(); } while (looking_at_char ('%') and not(bobp())); if (looking_at("\\begin{document}")) return current_indentation(); if (looking_at("\\end{verbatim")) { % skip to before start of verbatim environment if (bsearch("\\begin{verbatim")) return latex_indent_calculate_last(); else return 0; } if (looking_at("\\begin{") or looking_at("\\left") or looking_at ("\\[")) LaTeX_indent_level + LaTeX_item_indent; else if (looking_at("\\item") or looking_at("\\bibitem")) LaTeX_item_indent; else 0; () + tex_brace_count_line() + current_indentation(); } define latex_indent_calculate () { % return the indentation of the current text bol_skip_white(); % keep verbatim environments flush left if (looking_at("\\begin{verbatim") or looking_at("\\end{verbatim")) return 0; if (looking_at("\\end{") or looking_at("\\right") or looking_at ("\\]")) return latex_indent_calculate_last() - LaTeX_item_indent - LaTeX_indent_level; if (looking_at("\\item") or looking_at("\\bibitem")) return latex_indent_calculate_last() - LaTeX_item_indent; latex_indent_calculate_last(); } define latex_indent_line () { push_spot(); latex_indent_calculate(); % on stack goto_spot (); bol_trim(); whitespace( () ); pop_spot(); } define latex_newline_indent_line () { if (bolp ()) { newline (); return; } newline(); latex_indent_line(); bol_skip_white(); %eol(); } define latex_indent_next_line () { push_spot(); go_down_1 (); latex_indent_line(); pop_spot(); } define latex_indent_region () { check_region(1); pop_mark_1 (); push_mark(); latex_indent_line(); % set initial line indentation before narrowing pop_spot(); push_spot(); go_up_1 (); narrow(); bob(); while (down_1 ()) % indent line by line (ie slowly) latex_indent_line(); % a good latex_format_paragraph would be nice... widen(); pop_spot(); } define latex_indent_section () { tex_mark_section(); latex_indent_region(); } define latex_indent_environment () { tex_mark_environment(); go_down_1 (); latex_indent_region(); } % misc define tex_insert_braces () { insert ("{}"); go_left_1 (); } define latex_insert_item () { eol (); insert ("\n\\item "); latex_indent_line(); } % symbol completion define tex_complete_symbol () { variable symbol, completion; variable insertbuf = whatbuf(), searchbuf = "*ltx-comp*"; !if (bufferp(searchbuf)) { sw2buf(searchbuf); insert_file( expand_jedlib_file("ltx-comp.dat") ); bob(); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); sw2buf(insertbuf); bury_buffer(searchbuf); } push_spot(); push_mark(); bskip_word(); symbol = bufsubstr(); setbuf(searchbuf); !if (bol_fsearch(sprintf("\\%s", symbol))) bob(); % wrap to start if (bol_fsearch(sprintf("\\%s", symbol))) { go_right_1 (); go_right(strlen(symbol)); push_mark_eol(); completion = bufsubstr(); } else { setbuf(insertbuf); pop_mark_0 (); pop_spot(); error("No completion found"); } setbuf(insertbuf); goto_spot (); push_mark(); !if (ffind_char (' ')) eol(); del_region(); insert(completion); pop_spot(); } variable LaTeX_macros = Null_String; define tex_insert_macro () { variable insertbuf = whatbuf(), searchbuf = "*ltx-comp*"; !if (strcmp(LaTeX_macros, Null_String)) { !if (bufferp(searchbuf)) { sw2buf(searchbuf); insert_file( expand_jedlib_file("ltx-comp.dat") ); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); sw2buf(insertbuf); bury_buffer(searchbuf); } sw2buf(searchbuf); bob(); while (bol_fsearch("\\")) { go_right_1 (); push_mark_eol (); LaTeX_macros += bufsubstr() + ","; } sw2buf(insertbuf); } variable macro = read_with_completion (LaTeX_macros, "Enter Macro Name:", Null_String, Null_String, 's'); vinsert ("\\%s", macro); go_left_1 (); !if (looking_at_char('}')) go_right_1 (); } % info file interface variable LaTeX_help = Null_String; define latex_help () { variable info_file = "(latex)"; variable latex_buf = whatbuf(), info_buf = "*Info*"; push_spot(); variable guess = tex_current_env(); pop_spot(); !if (strcmp(guess, "document")) guess = Null_String; ERROR_BLOCK { sw2buf(latex_buf); } !if (strcmp(LaTeX_help, Null_String)) { #iffalse info_find_node(sprintf("%sList of Commands", info_file)); #else info_find_node(sprintf("%sCommands", info_file)); #endif sw2buf(info_buf); if (fsearch("* Menu:")) go_down_1 (); while (bol_fsearch("* ")) { go_right(2); push_mark_eol (); go_left(2); LaTeX_help += bufsubstr() + ","; } } sw2buf(latex_buf); push_spot(); !if (looking_at_char('\\')) { go_left_1 (); !if (looking_at_char('\\')) { goto_spot (); bskip_word(); go_left_1 (); } } if (looking_at_char('\\')) { push_mark(); skip_word(); guess = bufsubstr(); } pop_spot(); guess = read_with_completion(LaTeX_help, "Describe LaTeX command:", guess, Null_String, 's'); info_find_node(sprintf("%s%s", info_file, guess)); pop2buf(info_buf); } static define init_menu (menu) { menu_append_item (menu, "Font", "tex_font"); menu_append_item (menu, "Environment", "latex_environment"); menu_append_item (menu, "Section", "latex_section"); menu_append_item (menu, "Comment Region", "tex_comment_region"); menu_append_item (menu, "Uncomment Region", "tex_ucomment_region"); menu_append_item (menu, "Comment Paragraph", "tex_comment_paragraph"); menu_append_item (menu, "Mark Environment", "tex_mark_environment"); menu_append_item (menu, "Mark Section", "tex_mark_section"); menu_append_item (menu, "Indent Region", "latex_indent_region"); menu_append_item (menu, "Indent Section", "latex_indent_section"); menu_append_item (menu, "Indent Environment", "latex_indent_environment"); } %!%+ %\function{latex_mode} %\synopsis{latex_mode} %\usage{Void latex_mode ();} %\description % This mode is designed to facilitate the task of editing latex files. % It calls the function \var{latex_mode_hook} if it is defined. In addition, % if the abbreviation table \var{"TeX"} is defined, that table is used. % % The default key-bindings for this mode include: %#v+ % "tex_insert_braces" "^C{" % "tex_font" "^C^F" % "latex_environment" "^C^E" % "latex_section" "^C^S" % "latex_close_environment" "^C]" % "latex_insert_item" "^C^J" % "tex_comment_region" "^C;" % "tex_uncomment_region" "^C:" % "tex_comment_paragraph" "^C%" % "tex_mark_environment" "^C." % "tex_mark_section" "^C*" % "latex_toggle_math_mode" "^C~" % "tex_insert_macro" "^C^M" % "tex_complete_symbol" "^[^I" % "latex_help" "^Ci" % "latex_indent_next_line" "^J" % "latex_indent_region" "^C^Q^R" % "latex_indent_section" "^C^Q^S" % "latex_indent_environment" "^C^Q^E" %#v- %!%- define latex_mode () { variable tex = "TeX"; variable quote = "`"; use_keymap ("LaTeX-Mode"); set_mode ("LaTeX", 0x1 | 0x20); set_buffer_hook ("par_sep", "tex_paragraph_separator"); set_buffer_hook ("wrap_hook", "tex_wrap_hook"); set_buffer_hook ("indent_hook", "latex_indent_line"); set_buffer_hook ("newline_indent_hook", "latex_newline_indent_line"); % latex math mode will map this to something else. %local_unsetkey (quote); %local_setkey ("quoted_insert", quote); mode_set_mode_info ("LaTeX", "init_mode_menu", &init_menu); mode_set_mode_info ("LaTeX", "fold_info", "%{{{\r%}}}\r\r"); use_syntax_table ("TeX-Mode"); run_mode_hooks("latex_mode_hook"); } % overload alternative function definitions for LaTeX 2.09 if required if (strcmp(LaTeX_default_documentstyle, "")) () = evalfile("latex209"); provide ("latex");