% matlab.sl -*- SLang -*- % % This file provides a mode for editing Matlab/Octave files. % % Written by Guido Gonzato % Very simple, but it works. % Last updated: 19 May 1999 $1 = "matlab"; !if (keymap_p ($1)) make_keymap ($1); % very few facilities at the moment: simple syntax highlighting, % indent, and comment/uncomment. definekey ("matlab_comment", "\e;", $1); definekey ("matlab_uncomment", "\e:", $1); % Now create and initialize a simple syntax table. create_syntax_table ($1); define_syntax ("%", "", '%', $1); % comments (doesn't work) define_syntax ("#", "", '%', $1); % comments -- Octave define_syntax ("([{", ")]}", '(', $1); % parentheses define_syntax ('"', '"', $1); % strings define_syntax ('\\', '\\', $1); % escape character define_syntax ("0-9a-zA-Z_", 'w', $1); % identifiers define_syntax ("0-9a-fA-F.xXL", '0', $1); % numbers define_syntax (",;", ',', $1); % delimiters define_syntax ("!&+-.*^;<>\|~='/:", '+', $1); % operators set_syntax_flags ($1, 4); % Matalb/Octave reserved words. Are there more? () = define_keywords_n ($1, "cdifls", 2, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "direndforsettrywho", 3, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "caseechoelsegsethdirhelpholdloadmoresaveshowtypewhos", 4, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "breakcatchcleardiaryendifgplotgshowwhichwhile", 5, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "elseifendforformatglobalgsplotreturnswitch", 6, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "casesenhistory", 7, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "continueendwhilefunction", 8, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "endswitch", 9, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "all_va_argsendfunctionrun_history", 11, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "edit_history", 12, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "end_try_catch", 13, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "unwind_protect", 14, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "end_unwind_protect", 18, 0); () = define_keywords_n ($1, "unwind_protect_cleanup", 22, 0); variable Matlab_Continue_Char = "\\"; variable Matlab_Indent = 2; % Matlab indent routine. define matlab_indent () { variable goal = 1; variable cs = CASE_SEARCH; variable ch; % goto beginning of line and skip past continuation char USER_BLOCK0 { bol (); skip_chars (" \t"); if (looking_at(Matlab_Continue_Char)) go_right_1 (); skip_white (); } push_spot (); push_spot (); CASE_SEARCH = 1; % Octave is case sensitive while (up_1 ()) { bol_skip_white(); if (eolp() or looking_at(Matlab_Continue_Char)) continue; X_USER_BLOCK0 (); goal = what_column (); if (looking_at("switch")) goal += 2 * Matlab_Indent; % to account for 'case' if (looking_at ("if ") or looking_at ("if(") or looking_at ("case") or looking_at ("otherwise") or looking_at ("while") or looking_at ("for ") or looking_at ("else") or looking_at ("elseif") or looking_at ("unwind_protect_cleanup") or looking_at ("unwind_protect") or looking_at ("try") or looking_at ("catch") or looking_at ("function") ) goal += Matlab_Indent; break; } % now check the current line pop_spot (); push_spot (); X_USER_BLOCK0 (); if (looking_at ("endswitch")) goal -= 2 * Matlab_Indent; if (looking_at ("end") or looking_at ("endif") or looking_at ("case") or looking_at ("endwhile") or looking_at ("endfor") or looking_at ("end_try_catch") or looking_at ("unwind_protect_cleanup") or looking_at ("end_unwind_protect") or looking_at ("else") or looking_at ("endfunction") ) goal -= Matlab_Indent; CASE_SEARCH = cs; % done getting indent if (goal < 1) goal = 1; pop_spot (); bol_skip_white (); ch = char(what_char()); bol_trim (); insert_spaces (goal--, goal); pop_spot (); skip_white (); } % matlab_indent define matlab_newline () { if (bolp ()) { newline (); return; } matlab_indent (); newline (); matlab_indent (); } % Matlab comment routines. define matlab_is_comment () { bol (); skip_chars (" \t0-9"); bolp () and not (eolp()); } define matlab_uncomment () { push_spot (); if (matlab_is_comment ()) { bol (); if (looking_at ("%") | looking_at("#")) deln (1); else del (); } matlab_indent (); pop_spot (); go_down_1 (); } define matlab_comment () { !if (matlab_is_comment ()) { push_spot_bol (); insert ("%"); } pop_spot (); go_down_1 (); } %!%+ %\function{matlab_mode} %\synopsis{matlab_mode} %\description % Protoytype: Void matlab_mode (); % This is a mode that is dedicated to facilitate the editing of % Matlab/Octave language files. % Functions that affect this mode include: %#v+ % function: default binding: % matlab_indent RETURN %#v- % Variables affecting indentation include: % Hooks: \var{matlab_mode_hook} %!%- define matlab_mode () { variable kmap = "matlab"; set_mode(kmap, 2); use_keymap(kmap); use_syntax_table (kmap); set_buffer_hook ("indent_hook", "matlab_indent"); set_buffer_hook ("newline_indent_hook", "matlab_newline"); run_mode_hooks("matlab_mode_hook"); } % --- End of file matlab.sl ---