% sendmail.sl -*- mode: slang; mode: fold -*- % % (Thanks to olesen@weber.me.queensu.ca (mj olesen) for this) % % Sendmail interface for Unix. % % Functions: % mail_send : send message % mail : initiate mail mode % mail_insert_signature : append contents of Mail_Signature_File % mail_kill_buffer : Delete mail buffer % % Variables: % Mail_Reply_To : Set this to appropriate Reply-To value % Mail_Signature_File : Filename of signature (~/.signature is default) % SendMail_Cmd : Name of sendmail program including switches % Mail_Extra_Headers : Misc headers to insert % % You might want something like the following in mail_hook % % define mail_hook () % { % local_setkey ("mail_send", "^C^C"); % local_setkey ("mailalias_expand", "^C^E"); % local_setkey ("mail_kill_buffer", "^Xk"); % } autoload ("mailalias_expand", "mailalias"); % the mail-alias package % Create a dummy function if set_line_readonly is not defined. !if (is_defined ("set_line_readonly")) eval (".(pop) set_line_readonly"); %{{{ Public Variables $1 = "~/.signature"; !if (is_defined ("Mail_Signature_File")) { variable Mail_Signature_File = expand_filename ($1); } !if (is_defined ("Mail_Header_Separator_String")) variable Mail_Header_Separator_String = "--- Do not modify this line. Enter your message below ---"; !if (is_defined ("Mail_Extra_Headers")) { variable Mail_Extra_Headers = NULL; } % The sendmail program $1 = _stkdepth (); NULL; "/usr/bin/sendmail"; % places to look "/usr/lib/sendmail"; "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; !if (is_defined ("SendMail_Cmd")) { variable SendMail_Cmd; while (SendMail_Cmd = (), SendMail_Cmd != NULL) { if (1 == file_status (SendMail_Cmd)) { SendMail_Cmd = strcat (SendMail_Cmd, " -t -oem -oi -odb"); break; } } } _pop_n (_stkdepth () - $1); !if (strlen (SendMail_Cmd)) error ("`sendmail' program not found!"); %!% always Reply-To: here instead. !if (is_defined ("Mail_Reply_To")) { variable Mail_Reply_To = Null_String; } %}}} %{{{ Private Variables static variable Mail_Previous_Buffer = Null_String; static variable Mail_Previous_Windows = 1; static variable Mail_This_Buffer = Null_String; static variable Mail_Filename = dircat (getenv ("HOME"), ".__jed_mail__"); %}}} %{{{ Private Functions define mail_sw2_prev_buf () { if (bufferp (Mail_Previous_Buffer)) sw2buf (Mail_Previous_Buffer); if (1 == Mail_Previous_Windows) onewindow (); if (bufferp (Mail_This_Buffer) and strcmp (Mail_This_Buffer, Mail_Previous_Buffer)) pop2buf (Mail_This_Buffer); } %}}} define mail_send () %{{{ { variable dir, file, sent, buf = "*mail*"; variable sep_mark, fcc_mark, fcc_file; if (buf != whatbuf ()) error ("not *mail* buffer"); flush ("Sending..."); push_spot (); bob (); !if (bol_fsearch (Mail_Header_Separator_String)) { !if (bol_fsearch ("\n")) { pop_spot (); verror ("Cannot find %s\n", Mail_Header_Separator_String); } } set_line_readonly (0); del_eol (); sep_mark = create_user_mark (); bob (); fcc_mark = NULL; if (bol_fsearch ("Fcc: ")) { push_mark_eol (); go_right_1 (); fcc_file = strtrim (substr (bufsubstr_delete (), 6, -1)); fcc_mark = create_user_mark (); } mark_buffer (); sent = not (pipe_region (SendMail_Cmd)); if (fcc_mark != NULL) { if (sent and strlen (fcc_file)) { variable user = getenv ("USER"); if (user == NULL) { user = getenv ("LOGNAME"); if (user == NULL) user = "user"; } () = append_string_to_file (sprintf ("From %s %s\n", user, time ()), fcc_file); % Make sure the buffer ends with two newline characters eob (); push_mark (); bskip_chars (" \t\n"); del_region (); newline (); newline (); mark_buffer (); () = append_region_to_file (fcc_file); } goto_user_mark (fcc_mark); vinsert ("Fcc: %s\n", fcc_file); % If the marks are on top of one another, make sure sep_mark gets % updated. I added the binary operations on User Marks just for % this purpose. if (fcc_mark == sep_mark) move_user_mark (sep_mark); } goto_user_mark (sep_mark); insert (Mail_Header_Separator_String); pop_spot (); if (sent) { set_buffer_modified_flag (0); flush ("Sending...done"); (file, dir,,) = getbuf_info (); () = delete_file (make_autosave_filename (dir, file)); file = dircat (dir, file); !if (strcmp (Mail_Filename, file)) () = delete_file (Mail_Filename); mail_sw2_prev_buf (); bury_buffer (buf); return; } flush ("Error sending message"); beep (); } add_completion ("mail_send"); %}}} define mail_format_buffer (erase) %{{{ { variable km = "mail_map"; text_mode (); setbuf_info (getbuf_info () & ~(0x40)); % turn off buried buffer flag !if (keymap_p(km)) make_keymap(km); use_keymap(km); if (erase) { erase_buffer (); insert ("To: \nCc: \nBcc: \nSubject: \n"); if (strlen (Mail_Reply_To)) vinsert ("Reply-To: %s\n", Mail_Reply_To); if (Mail_Extra_Headers != NULL) { insert (Mail_Extra_Headers); newline (); } insert (Mail_Header_Separator_String); newline (); go_up_1 (); set_line_readonly (1); bob (); eol (); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); } push_spot (); run_mode_hooks("mail_hook"); pop_spot (); set_buffer_undo(1); } %}}} define mail_kill_buffer () %{{{ { call ("kill_buffer"); mail_sw2_prev_buf (); } %}}} define mail () %{{{ { variable status, dir, file, buf = "*mail*"; variable do_format = 1; status = bufferp (buf); Mail_Previous_Windows = nwindows (); Mail_This_Buffer = whatbuf (); if (BATCH) { % Mail_Previous_Buffer = whatbuf (); sw2buf (buf); } else { Mail_Previous_Buffer = pop2buf_whatbuf (buf); } % if buffer is not old, turn autosave on if (status) { (,,,status) = getbuf_info (); if (status & 1) return; } else { (dir, file) = parse_filename (Mail_Filename); setbuf_info (file, dir, buf, 2); % autosave file = make_autosave_filename(dir, file); if (1 == file_status (file)) { if (get_yes_no ("An autosave file exists. Use it")) { erase_buffer (); () = insert_file (file); do_format = 0; } } } () = set_buffer_umask (0077); mail_format_buffer (do_format); } %}}} define mail_insert_signature () %{{{ { !if (strlen (Mail_Signature_File)) return; push_spot (); eob (); insert ("\n-- \n"); () = insert_file (Mail_Signature_File); pop_spot (); } %}}}