e _vߋtVAXNOTES025 is not a system disk   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B _  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B c  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B g  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B k  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B o  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B s  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B w   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B {   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B    +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B à  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B Ǡ  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B ˠ  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B Ϡ  +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B Ӡ   +1A  ȭ VAXNOTES025 DECFILE11B נ ALPHA.DIR  FREEWARE_README.TXTIA64.DIRNOTES_API_DOCS.DIR"NOTES_LICENSE_PAK.COMVAX.DIR WINDOWS.DIR! .HTACCESS  ALPHA_NOTES_CSC025.A"ALPHA_NOTES_ECO1025.ADDIF$VIEWSHR.EXE, NOTES_FT26_FOR_OPENVMS_ALPHA.TXT SP4719PF.PDFOptions +Indexes&IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort"AddType application/octet-stream a-AddDescription "OpenVMS VMSINSTAL Saveset" .aǐY$ NOTES025.AVP NOTES025.ABACKUP/NOASSIST/COMMENT=VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure/INTER/LOG/VERIFY NNP$:[NOTES.TEMPKIT]*.* A$:[NOTES.OBJ]NOTES025.A/LABEL=(NOTES)/SAVE/BLOCK=9000/GROUP=25VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure NOTES_BUILD HٰyV1.5 _NOTAI::  _NOTAI$DKA200: V1.5 $*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1+,G,.Z/H 4ZY(-i0123KPWOZ56EZ7k'=y89GHHJ $ ! DEC NOTES Installation Procedure $ ! $ ! K I T I N S T A L . C O M $ ! $ ! Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1985, 1993. All Rights Reserved. $ ! $ ! THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED $ ! ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION $ ! OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES $ ! THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER $ ! PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. $ ! $ ! THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND $ ! SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. $ ! $ ! DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS $ ! SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. $ ! $ !*************************************************************************** $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN VMI$CALLBACK CONTROL_Y ! setup to handle ^Y $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO error_exit ! setup to handle errors $ ! $ NOTES$VERIFY = F$VERIFY (P2) ! set verify if debugging $ NOTES$ASK_CONTINUE = 0 $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 0 $ ! $ ! $ ! setup values used in the installation $ ! $ NOTES$VERSION = "2.5" ! NOTES Version Number (vv.uu) $ NOTES$DATE = "14-DEC-1993" ! NOTES Release Date $ NOTES$REQ_PRIVS = "CMKRNL,WORLD,SYSPRV,OPER" $ NOTES$NUM_REQ_PRIVS = 4 $ ! $ ! make sure status codes exist $ ! $ IF F$TYPE(VMI$_FAILURE) .EQS. "" THEN VMI$_FAILURE = %X10F50000 $ IF F$TYPE(VMI$_SUCCESS) .EQS. "" THEN VMI$_SUCCESS = %X10F50001 $ IF F$TYPE(VMI$_UNSUPPORTED) .EQS. "" THEN VMI$_UNSUPPORTED = %X10F50008 $ ! $ ! dispatch based on the command passed in P1 $ ! $ IF P1 .EQS. "VMI$_INSTALL" THEN GOTO install $ IF P1 .EQS. "VMI$_IVP" THEN GOTO ivp $ IF P1 .EQS. "HELP_LIBRARY_DIR" THEN GOTO help_library_dir $ IF P1 .EQS. "HELP_CAPABILITY" THEN GOTO help_capability $ IF P1 .EQS. "HELP_SERVER_UIC" THEN GOTO help_server_uic $ IF P1 .EQS. "VMI$_REMOVE" THEN GOTO remove ! (not from VMSINSTAL) $ ! $ NOTES$STATUS = VMI$_UNSUPPORTED ! error - unknown command $ GOTO notes_exit $ ! $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! Install DEC NOTES $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! $ install: $ ! $ ! Expected VMS version(s). $ ! $ NOTES$ALPHA_SYS = FALSE ! Default to OpenVMS VAX system $ IF ("''VMI$SYS_ARCHITECTURE'" .EQS. "ALPHA") THEN NOTES$ALPHA_SYS = TRUE $ IF NOTES$ALPHA_SYS $ THEN $ NOTES$VMS_REL_VER = "V1.0" ! earliest supported OpenVMS AXP version $ NOTES$UCX_VERSION = "V3.0" $ NOTES$NET_SIZE = 7000 ! Free blocks required on system disk $ NOTES$AWD_NET_SIZE= 5700 ! Free blocks required during install $ NOTES$TRG_NET_SIZE= 4500 ! Free blocks for completed install $ NOTES$GBL_PAGE = 820 ! Global pages required $ NOTES$GBL_SECT = 3 ! Global sections required $ NOTES$OPT_GBL_PAGE= 890 ! For optional images $ NOTES$OPT_GBL_SECT= 3 $ NOTES$OPT_SECF_GPG= 1600 $ ELSE $ NOTES$VMS_REL_VER = "V5.4" ! earliest supported OpenVMS VAX Version $ NOTES$UCX_VERSION = "V2.0" $ NOTES$NET_SIZE = 6000 ! Free blocks required on system disk $ NOTES$AWD_NET_SIZE= 5700 ! Free blocks required during install $ NOTES$TRG_NET_SIZE= 4500 ! Free blocks for completed install $ NOTES$GBL_PAGE = 300 ! Global pages required $ NOTES$GBL_SECT = 2 ! Global sections required $ NOTES$OPT_GBL_PAGE= 350 ! For optional images $ NOTES$OPT_GBL_SECT= 2 $ NOTES$OPT_SECF_GPG= 1530 $ ENDIF $ NOTES$MOTIF_VERSION = "V1.0" $ NOTES$MOTIF_FOUND = 0 $ NOTES$TCP_FOUND = 0 $ NOTES$UCX_FOUND = 0 $ ! $ ! Check versions for software on which Notes might depend. $ ! $ TYPE SYS$INPUT *********************************************************** DEC Notes Installation Procedure Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. DEC Notes V2.5 DEC Notes can be installed on any system running $ IF NOTES$ALPHA_SYS $ THEN write sys$output - " OpenVMS AXP ''NOTES$VMS_REL_VER' (or later)." $ ELSE write sys$output - " OpenVMS VAX ''NOTES$VMS_REL_VER' (or later)." $ ENDIF $ TYPE SYS$INPUT This installation will fail if this system is running an older version of OpenVMS. DEC Notes provides both a character-cell and a DECwindows/Motif user interface. Use of the DECwindows/Motif interface requires $ write sys$output - " that DECwindows/Motif ''NOTES$MOTIF_VERSION' (or later) be installed." $ TYPE SYS$INPUT This installation can continue and the character-cell interface can be used if the required version of DECwindows/Motif is not installed. DEC Notes supports both DECnet and TCP/IP transports. Use of the TCP/IP transport requires prior installation of $ write sys$output - " ''NOTES$UCX_VERSION' (or later) of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS." $ TYPE SYS$INPUT Installation can continue and only the DECnet transport will be used if the required version of DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS is not installed on this system. An appropriate software license is required to run DEC Notes. The license should be installed before attempting to install DEC Notes. If you have not yet installed a DEC Notes license, you can continue with this installation, but you will be unable to run either DEC Notes or the DEC Notes Installation Verification Procedure until an appropriate license has been installed. *********************************************************** $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$CONTINUE_INSTALL - "Do you want to continue with this installation" "YES" BD $ IF .NOT. NOTES$CONTINUE_INSTALL THEN GOTO error_exit $ write sys$output "" $ VMI$CALLBACK SET PURGE ASK ! ask if files should be purged $ VMI$CALLBACK SET IVP ASK ! ask if IVP should be run $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "" $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I CHKPRDVER "Checking installation requirements" $ TYPE SYS$INPUT All installation and product dependencies will now be checked. If problems are discovered, it may still be possible to complete this installation, depending upon the nature of the problems. $ ! $ !*********************** CHECK PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES ***************** $ ! $ ! Check VMS version $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I VMSVER "Checking OpenVMS version..." $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_VMS_VERSION VMS_VERSION_OK 'NOTES$VMS_REL_VER' $ ! $ ! Indicate wrong version and exit $ ! $ IF .NOT. VMS_VERSION_OK $ THEN $ IF NOTES$ALPHA_SYS $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E VERSION - "This kit must be installed on an existing OpenVMS AXP ''NOTES$VMS_REL_VER' system." $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E VERSION - "This kit must be installed on an existing OpenVMS VAX ''NOTES$VMS_REL_VER' system." $ ENDIF $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 1 $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I CHECK "Checking other installation requirements" $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! Check for Motif installed, and version. $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I MOTIFVER "Checking DECwindows/Motif version..." $ VMI$CALLBACK FIND_FILE NOTES$MOTIF_DWM_FILE - VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB]DECW$DXMLIBSHR.EXE "" S $ IF $STATUS .EQ. VMI$_SUCCESS $ THEN $ NOTES$MOTIF_FOUND = 1 $ ELSE $ NOTES$MOTIF_FOUND = 0 $ ENDIF $ IF NOTES$MOTIF_FOUND $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_PRODUCT_VERSION NOTES$MOTIF_VERSION_OK - NOTES$MOTIF_DWM_FILE 'NOTES$MOTIF_VERSION' - "DECwindows/Motif" $ IF .NOT. NOTES$MOTIF_VERSION_OK $ THEN $ NOTES$MOTIF_FOUND = 0 $ NOTES$ASK_CONTINUE = 1 $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! Check for UCX installed, version. $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I UCXVER "Checking DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS version..." $ VMI$CALLBACK FIND_FILE NOTES$UCX_FILE - VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE]UCX$UCP.EXE "" S $ IF $STATUS .EQ. VMI$_SUCCESS $ THEN $ NOTES$UCX_FOUND = 1 $ ELSE $ NOTES$UCX_FOUND = 0 $ ENDIF $ IF NOTES$UCX_FOUND $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_PRm-$ NOTES025.AG,i[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1Z"ODUCT_VERSION NOTES$UCX_VERSION_OK - NOTES$UCX_FILE 'NOTES$UCX_VERSION' - "DEC UCX" $ IF .NOT. NOTES$UCX_VERSION_OK $ THEN $ NOTES$UCX_FOUND = 0 $ NOTES$ASK_CONTINUE = 1 $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_LICENSE NOTES$UCX_LICENSE UCX DEC 2.0 17-NOV-1858 $ IF .NOT. NOTES$UCX_LICENSE $ then $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE W UCXNOTLICD - "DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS is not licensed on this system." - "''vmi$product' uses some of these services." $ NOTES$UCX_FOUND = 0 $ NOTES$ASK_CONTINUE = 1 $ ELSE $ NOTES$TCP_FOUND = 1 $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ! $ !*********************** END CHECK PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES ***************** $ ! $ ! $ ! $ !*********************** CHECK INSTALLATION DEPENDENCIES ***************** $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I SYSRES "Checking system resources..." $ ! $ ! We'll be updating DCLTABLES.EXE, so make sure that both free disk space $ ! and free global pages will accommodate a new version of DCLTABLES.EXE. $ ! $ NOTES$TEMP = F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES("SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE","ALQ") $ NOTES$GBL_PAGE = NOTES$GBL_PAGE + NOTES$TEMP $ NOTES$NET_SIZE = NOTES$NET_SIZE + NOTES$TEMP $ ! $ ! Make sure there are at least 'NOTES$NET_SIZE' free blocks on system disk. $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_NET_UTILIZATION NOTES$ - NOTES$NET_SIZE - ! Total free space required during install NOTES$TRG_NET_SIZE - ! Free space for completed install NOTES$AWD_NET_SIZE ! Free space on work device during install $ IF .NOT. NOTES$ $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOSPACE - "Aborting the installation due to lack of disk space." $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " DEC Notes requires a total of ''NOTES$NET_SIZE' free disk blocks." $ ENDIF $ IF NOTES$ THEN GOTO space_ok $ $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 1 $ $ space_ok: $ ! $ ! Make sure that the minimum values required for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS $ ! exist. $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK GET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER NOTES$PAGES FREE_GBLPAGES $ IF (NOTES$PAGES .GE. NOTES$GBL_PAGE) THEN GOTO gblpages_ok $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOPAGES - ! error - not enough global pages "DEC NOTES needs a minimum of ''NOTES$GBL_PAGE' global pages." $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NOPAGES - "Aborting the installation due to lack of global pages." $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 1 $ $ gblpages_ok: $ VMI$CALLBACK GET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER NOTES$SECTIONS FREE_GBLSECTS $ IF (NOTES$SECTIONS .GE. NOTES$GBL_SECT) THEN GOTO gblsect_ok $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOSECT - ! error - not enough global sections "DEC NOTES needs a minimum of ''NOTES$GBL_SECT' global sections." $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NOSECT - "Aborting the installation due to lack of global sections." $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 1 $ $ gblsect_ok: $ ! $ ! Check process privileges $ ! $ NOTES$AUTH_PRIVS = F$GETJPI("","AUTHPRIV") $ NOTES$SETPRV=F$LOCATE("SETPRV",NOTES$AUTH_PRIVS) $ NOTES$PRIV_LEN = F$LENGTH(NOTES$AUTH_PRIVS) $ IF NOTES$SETPRV .LT. NOTES$PRIV_LEN THEN GOTO ALLOW_EXIT $ NOTES$REQ_COUNTER = 0 $ check_privs: $ NOTES$CUR_PRIV = F$ELEMENT(NOTES$REQ_COUNTER,",",NOTES$REQ_PRIVS) $ NOTES$TEMP = F$LOCATE(NOTES$CUR_PRIV,NOTES$AUTH_PRIVS) $ IF NOTES$TEMP .GE. NOTES$PRIV_LEN $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E INSUFPRIV - "Insufficient privileges to run this installation" $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I REQPRIV - "Required privileges: ''NOTES$REQ_PRIVS" $ NOTES$ERROR_EXIT = 1 $ ELSE $ NOTES$REQ_COUNTER = NOTES$REQ_COUNT + 1 $ IF NOTES$REQ_COUNTER .LT. NOTES$NUM_REQ_PRIVS THEN GOTO check_privs $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! Check process quotas here (there are no requirements imposed by Notes $ ! beyond those checked by VMSINSTAL). $ ! $ ! $ ! $ !********************** END CHECK INSTALLATION DEPENDENCIES ***************** $ ! $ ! Exit or whatever, if problem detected above. $ ! $ ALLOW_EXIT: $ IF NOTES$ERROR_EXIT THEN GOTO ERROR_EXIT $ IF NOTES$ASK_CONTINUE $ THEN $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I OKTOCONT "Installation can continue" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$CONTINUE_INSTALL - "Do you want to continue with this installation" "Yes" BD $ IF .NOT. NOTES$CONTINUE_INSTALL THEN GOTO error_exit $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! Check for full-server or client-only license $ ! $ get_capability: $ NOTES$CLUSTER = F$GETSYI ("CLUSTER_MEMBER") $ IF .NOT. NOTES$CLUSTER THEN GOTO not_cluster $ TYPE SYS$INPUT NOTE for VMS cluster installations: Only one Notes installation needs to be done on a cluster even if different licenses will be loaded on different nodes. If more than one license type will be loaded on the cluster, choose the lowest number below for which you have a license. $ not_cluster: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT Please indicate the level of capability that you want to install: 1. Full capability (NOTES or NOTES-USER) 2. TeamLinks DEC Notes server (NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK) 3. Full capability except no remote user access (NOTES-LOCAL) 4. Reduced capability, client-only (NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER) $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$CAPABILITY - "Enter the number of the level of capability to install" - "1" I "@VMI$KWD:KITINSTAL help_capability" $ ! $ IF (NOTES$CAPABILITY .LT. 1) .OR. (NOTES$CAPABILITY .GT. 4) THEN - GOTO get_capability $ ! Confirm the NOTES license $ ! $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO license_err ! don't quit if license not installed $ NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER == TRUE ! Default to server capability $ NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB == TRUE ! provide notes$library $! $ IF (NOTES$CAPABILITY .EQ. 1) ! NOTES or NOTES-USER license $ THEN ! PROVIDE_SERVER = TRUE, PROVIDE_LIB = TRUE $ VMI$CALLBACK CONFIRM_LICENSE NOTES$LICENSE - "NOTES or NOTES-USER" DEC 'NOTES$VERSION' 'NOTES$DATE' $ ELSE IF (NOTES$CAPABILITY .EQ. 2) ! NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license $ THEN ! PROVIDE_SERVER = TRUE, PROVIDE_LIB = TRUE $ VMI$CALLBACK SET IVP NO ! don't run IVP $ VMI$CALLBACK CONFIRM_LICENSE NOTES$LICENSE - "NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK" DEC 'NOTES$VERSION' 'NOTES$DATE' $ TYPE SYS$INPUT ! let the user know The NOTES IVP will NOT be run as part of this installation. It is recommended that NOTES be tested using a PC and Digital Equipment Corporation's TeamLinks software. $ ELSE IF (NOTES$CAPABILITY .EQ. 3) ! NOTES-LOCAL license $ THEN ! PROVIDE_SERVER = FALSE, PROVIDE_LIB = TRUE $ NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER == FALSE ! No server capability $ VMI$CALLBACK CONFIRM_LICENSE NOTES$LICENSE - "NOTES-LOCAL" DEC 'NOTES$VERSION' 'NOTES$DATE' $ ELSE IF (NOTES$CAPABILITY .EQ. 4) ! NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER license $ THEN ! PROVIDE_SERVER = FALSE, PROVIDE_LIB = FALSE $ NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER == FALSE ! No server capability $ NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB == FALSE ! No notes$library $ VMI$CALLBACK CONFIRM_LICENSE NOTES$LICENSE - "NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER" DEC 'NOTES$VERSION' 'NOTES$DATE' $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! $ ! $ IF NOTES$LICENSE THEN GOTO license_ok ! if license is installed $ ! $ license_err: ! license registration failed $ VMI$CALLBACK SET IVP NO ! don't run IVP $ TYPE SYS$INPUT ! let the user know An authorization key for NOTES has not been registered and loaded. The NOTES IVP will NOT be run as part of this installation. It is recommended that the IVP be run after the NOTES license has been registered and loaded. $ ! $ license_ok: ! continue with installation $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO error_exit $ ! $ ! $ ! Determine what needs to be installed $ ! $ NOTES$LNM = "SYS$LOGIN:" ! default to no NOTES$LIBRARY $ NOTES$NCP == 0 ! default to no DECNET $ ! $ NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW == 0 $ NOTES$SET_NCP_PSW == 0 $ IF .NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER THEN GOTO create_dir $ ! $ ! Create the NOTES$SERVER account $ ! $ pwd1 = F$CVTIME(F$TIME(),,"TIME")-":"-":"-"." $ NOTES$ACC = FALSE ! assume no NOTES$SERVER acc't $ NOTES$UIC == "" ! assume no NOTES$SERVER uic $ NOTES$MAXSYSGROUP == 0 $ NOTES$ID = 0 ! assume no RIGHTSLIST id $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK FIND_FILE RIGHTSLIST RIGHTSLIST VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE].DAT S NOTES$RIGHTSLIST_FILE $ IF (NOTES$RIGHTSLIST_FILE .EQS. "S") THEN - NOTES$ID = F$IDENTIFIER("NOTES$SERVER","NAME_TO_NUMBER") $ ! $ ! See if the NOTES$SERVER account already exists $ ! (Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist) $ ! $ SET NOON $ AUTHORIZE = "$AUTHORIZE" $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT VMI$KWD:UIC1.TMP $ IF (F$TRNLNM("SYSUAF") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER SYSUAF 'F$PARSE("SYSUAF","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ IF (F$TRNLNM("NETPROXY") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER NETPROXY 'F$PARSE("NETPROXY","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ AUTl$ NOTES025.AG,i[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1Z, ""HORIZE SHOW/BRIEF NOTES$SERVER $ SET ON $ OPEN/READ/ERROR=acc10 F1 VMI$KWD:UIC1.TMP $ READ/END=acc10 F1 LINE $ READ/END=acc10 F1 LINE $ READ/END=acc10 F1 LINE $ NOTES$UIC == F$EDIT(F$EXTRACT(37,13,LINE),"COLLAPSE") $ NOTES$ACC = TRUE ! We have NOTES$SERVER account $ ! $ acc10: $ CLOSE/NOLOG F1 $ VMI$CALLBACK DELETE_FILE VMI$KWD:UIC1.TMP $ pwd2 = F$CVTIME(F$TIME(),,"TIME")-":"-":"-"." $ NOTES$PWD = "''pwd2'" + "''F$GETJ("","CPUTIM")'"+ "''pwd1'" $ IF (NOTES$ID .NE. 0) THEN NOTES$UIC == "NOTES$SERVER" $ IF (NOTES$UIC .NES. "") THEN GOTO getuser10 $ ! $ ! Get a UIC for the server account $ ! $ getuic: $ IF NOTES$MAXSYSGROUP .EQ. 0 $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK GET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER NOTES$MAXSYSGROUP MAXSYSGROUP $ ENDIF $ TYPE SYS$INPUT In order to ensure that the DEC Notes server runs with the proper quotas, this installation procedure will create an account for the server. This account, NOTES$SERVER, has no special privileges and is set up for only network operation. You must specify a unique UIC for this account in order to ensure proper security of your conferences. You may want to change the password on this account after the installation has completed. If you do, you must also change the password with NCP SET/DEF OBJECT NOTES commands. $ ! $ getuic2: $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$UIC - "Enter UIC for NOTES server account (include brackets)" - "[376,377]" S "@VMI$KWD:KITINSTAL help_server_uic" $ ! $ ! (Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist) $ ! $ NOTES$TMP = F$EXTRACT(0,1,NOTES$UIC) $ IF NOTES$TMP .NES. "[" THEN NOTES$UIC :== "[''NOTES$UIC']" $ SET NOON $ AUTHORIZE = "$AUTHORIZE" $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT VMI$KWD:UIC.TMP $ IF (F$TRNLNM("SYSUAF") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER SYSUAF 'F$PARSE("SYSUAF","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ IF (F$TRNLNM("NETPROXY") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER NETPROXY 'F$PARSE("NETPROXY","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ AUTHORIZE SHOW/BRIEF 'NOTES$UIC' $ SET ON $ OPEN/READ/ERROR=UIC10 F1 VMI$KWD:UIC.TMP $ READ/END=UIC10 F1 LINE $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The UIC you have specified is already in use. Please enter a unique UIC. $ NOTES$UIC :== "" $ ! $ uic10: $ CLOSE/NOLOG F1 $! DELETE/NOLOG VMI$KWD:UIC.TMP;* $ VMI$CALLBACK DELETE_FILE VMI$KWD:UIC.TMP $ IF (NOTES$UIC .EQS. "") THEN GOTO getuic $ NOTES$TMP1 = F$LOCATE(",",NOTES$UIC) $ NOTES$TMP2 = F$EXTRACT(1,NOTES$TMP1-1,NOTES$UIC) $ IF NOTES$TMP2 .GES. "0" .AND. NOTES$TMP2 .LES. "7" $ THEN $ NOTES$GROUPNUM = F$INTEGER(NOTES$TMP2) $ IF NOTES$GROUPNUM .GT. NOTES$MAXSYSGROUP THEN GOTO getuser10 $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE W BADVAL "Invalid UIC" $ GOTO getuic2 $ ENDIF $ $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The UIC you have specified falls within the range of SYSTEM UIC'S. $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$TMP - "Do you want to specify a non-SYSTEM UIC" "Y" B $ IF NOTES$TMP THEN GOTO getuic2 $ $ ! $ getuser10: $ IF NOTES$ACC THEN GOTO getuser11 $ ! $ ! Find a value of WSEXTENT that is appropriate just in case DEFAULT isn't $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK GET_SYSTEM_PARAMETER NOTES$WSMAX WSMAX $ NOTES$WSEXTENT = (NOTES$WSMAX * 62)/100 $ IF (NOTES$WSEXTENT .LT. 512) THEN NOTES$WSEXTENT = 512 $ IF (NOTES$WSEXTENT .GT. 2048) THEN NOTES$WSEXTENT = 2048 $ NOTES$WSQUOTA = NOTES$WSEXTENT/2 $ NOTES$WSDEFAULT = "/WSQUOTA=''NOTES$WSQUOTA'/WSEXTENT=''NOTES$WSEXTENT'" $ ! $ ! Now create the NOTES$SERVER account $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I CREACC - "Creating account NOTES$SERVER for the DEC Notes server" $ VMI$CALLBACK CREATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/OWN=NOTES_SERVER/PASSWORD=''NOTES$PWD'/UIC=''NOTES$UIC'/ACCOUNT=DECNET" $ NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW == 1 $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I MODACC - "Modifying account NOTES$SERVER quotas..." $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/LGICMD=SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN/DEVICE=SYS$SYSDEVICE:/DIRECTORY=[NOTES$SERVER]" $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/PRIVILEGE=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)/DEFPRIV=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)" $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/FILLM=300/BIOLM=120/DIOLM=120/ASTLM=120/ENQLM=120/BYTLM=32767''NOTES$WSDEFAULT'" $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/FLAG=(RESTRICT,NOCAPTIVE,DISMAIL,NODISUSER)/NETWORK/NOBATCH/NOINTERACTIVE/PRCLM=0/MAXJOB=0/SHRFILLM=0" $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK CREATE_DIRECTORY USER SYS$SYSDEVICE:[NOTES$SERVER] - "/OWNER=''NOTES$UIC'" $ GOTO create_dir $ ! $ getuser11: $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I EXISTS - "NOTES$SERVER account already exists, updating..." $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I MODACC - "Modifying account NOTES$SERVER..." $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/LGICMD=SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN" $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER - "/PRIVILEGE=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)/DEFPRIV=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)" $ ! $ ! $ ! Set up the NOTES$LIBRARY directory $ ! $ create_dir: $ ! $ IF (.NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB) THEN GOTO update_startup $ ! $ NOTES$DIR = "NOTES$LIBRARY" $ NOTES$LNM = F$TRNLNM(NOTES$DIR,"LNM$SYSTEM") $ IF F$LOC("::",NOTES$LNM) .LT. F$LEN(NOTES$LNM) THEN NOTES$LNM = "" $ IF (NOTES$LNM .EQS. "SYS$LOGIN:") THEN NOTES$LNM = "" $ IF (NOTES$LNM .EQS. "") THEN GOTO credir10 $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I EXISTS - "The logical NOTES$LIBRARY exists" $ NOTES$DIR_EXISTS = F$PARSE(NOTES$LNM) $ IF NOTES$DIR_EXISTS .EQS. "" $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOTFOUND "The specified directory was not found" $ GOTO credir10 $ ELSE $ NOTES$TEMP_DEVICE = F$PARSE(NOTES$LNM,,,"DEVICE") $ NOTES$AVAIL = F$GETDVI("''NOTES$TEMP_DEVICE'","EXISTS") $ IF NOTES$AVAIL THEN NOTES$AVAIL = F$GETDVI("''NOTES$TEMP_DEVICE'","AVL") $ IF NOTES$AVAIL $ THEN $ NOTES$DEVICE == F$PARSE(NOTES$LNM,,,"DEVICE","SYNTAX_ONLY") ! exists $ NOTES$DIR = F$PARSE(NOTES$LNM,,,"DIRECTORY","SYNTAX_ONLY") - "[" - "]" $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I ASSUMEOK - "This installation will assume it is properly defined" $ GOTO getd20 $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E UNAVL "The specified device is not available" $ GOTO credir10 $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ! $ credir10: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT DEC NOTES conference files are stored in a directory named [NOTES$LIBRARY]. You must designate the device on which this directory is to be created. Be sure that the device you specify has plenty of free blocks to permit normal conference file expansion. $ ! $ get_device: $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$DEVICE - "Device to be used for storing conferences" "" S - "@VMI$KWD:KITINSTAL help_library_dir" $ NOTES$AVAIL = F$GETDVI("''NOTES$DEVICE'","EXISTS") $ IF NOTES$AVAIL THEN NOTES$AVAIL = F$GETDVI("''NOTES$DEVICE'","AVL") $ IF .NOT. NOTES$AVAIL $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E UNAVL "The specified device is not available" $ GOTO get_device $ ENDIF $ IF F$PARSE(NOTES$DEVICE,"[_Z$Z_]",,"DIRECTORY") .NES. "[_Z$Z_]" THEN GOTO get_device $ NOTES$DEVICE == NOTES$DEVICE - ":" + ":" $ VMI$CALLBACK CREATE_DIRECTORY USER 'NOTES$DEVICE'['NOTES$DIR'] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE 'NOTES$DEVICE'[000000]'NOTES$DIR'.DIR - "[1,4]" "S=RWE,O=RWE,G=RE,W=RE" $ ! $ ! $ ! Disallow any network access except through NOTES$SERVER $ ! $ ! VMI$CALLBACK FIND_FILE SETSHOACL SETSHOACL VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE].EXE S NOTES$SETSHOACL_IMAGE $ ! IF (NOTES$SETSHOACL_IMAGE .EQS. "") THEN GOTO getd20 $ IF (NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER) $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK SET ACL DIRECTORY - "((IDENTIFIER=''NOTES$UIC',ACCESS=READ+EXECUTE), (IDENTIFIER=NETWORK,ACCESS=NONE) )" - 'NOTES$DEVICE'[000000]'NOTES$DIR'.DIR $! SET FILE/ACL=((IDENTIFIER='NOTES$UIC',ACCESS=READ+EXECUTE), (IDENTIFIER=NETWORK,ACCESS=NONE) ) - $! 'NOTES$DEVICE'[000000]'NOTES$DIR'.DIR $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK SET ACL DIRECTORY - "((IDENTIFIER=NETWORK,ACCESS=NONE) )" - 'NOTES$DEVICE'[000000]'NOTES$DIR'.DIR $! SET FILE/ACL=( (IDENTIFIER=NETWORK,ACCESS=NONE) ) - $! 'NOTES$DEVICE'[000000]'NOTES$DIR'.DIR $ ENDIF $ ! $ getd20: $ NOTES$LNM = NOTES$DEVICE + "[" + NOTES$DIR + "]" $ DEFINE NOTES$LIBRARY 'NOTES$LNM' ! to insure NOTES$LIBRARY: is local logical $ ! $ IF (.NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER) THEN GOTO update_startup $ ! $!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $! DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT - determine whether the user is running DECnet $! phase iv or phase v, and dispatch to $! appropriate routine $!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT: $ VMI$CALLBACK FIND_FILE NETOBJECT NETOBJECT SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT S NOTES$NETOBJECT_FILE $ IF (NOTES$NETOBJECT_FILE .EQS. "") THEN GOTO update_startup $ SET NOON $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ !+ $ ! Check to see which DECnet version is running. Dispatch $ !E$ NOTES025.AG,i[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1Z"3 to appropriate object-definition subroutine. $ !- $ DECnetPhase = F$GETSYI ("DECNET_VERSION") $ DECnetPhase = F$EXTRACT (2,2, DECnetPhase) $ $ IF DECnetPhase .EQS. "04" $ THEN $ GOSUB DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_IV $ ELSE $ IF DECnetPhase .EQS. "05" $ THEN $ GOSUB DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_V $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NODECNET - $ "Cannot find DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Phase V" $ EXIT VMI$_FAILURE $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ! $ ! Register with TCP/IP $ ! $ IF NOTES$UCX_FOUND $ THEN $ UCX SET SERVICE NOTES - /USER=NOTES$SERVER- /PROCESS=NOTESRVR- /PORT=3333- /FILE=SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER.COM- /LIMIT=255- /FLAGS=(LISTEN,MULTITHREAD) $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The TCP/IP service NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:UCX and issue the command UCX> SHOW SERVICE/FULL NOTES $ ENDIF $! $ goto update_startup $! $!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $! DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_IV - Define the NOTES Object in the network $!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_IV: $ ! $ ! Define the NOTES Object $ ! $ set_object: $ NCP = "$NCP" $ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT VMI$KWD:NCP.TMP $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ MCR NCP LIST OBJECT NOTES $ NOTES$SAVE_STATUS = $status $ SET ON $ IF NOTES$SAVE_STATUS then NOTES$NCP == 1 $ VMI$CALLBACK DELETE_FILE VMI$KWD:NCP.TMP $ MCR NCP DEFINE OBJECT NOTES NUMBER 33 - FILE NOTES$SERVER.EXE USER NOTES$SERVER PROXY OUTGOING $ IF (NOTES$NCP .EQ. 0) $ THEN $ MCR NCP DEFINE OBJECT NOTES PASSWORD 'NOTES$PWD' $ NOTES$SET_NCP_PSW == 1 $ ENDIF $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The DECnet object NOTES has been defined. If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the command NCP> LIST OBJECT NOTES CHAR $ ! $ ! $ ! See if DECNET is running $ ! $ NOTES$NCP == 0 $ IF .NOT. F$GETDVI("NET0","EXISTS") THEN GOTO update_startup $ IF .NOT. F$GETDVI("NET0","MNT") THEN GOTO update_startup $ NOTES$NCP == 1 $ SET NOON $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT $ MCR NCP CLEAR OBJECT NOTES ALL $ SET ON $ RETURN $!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $! DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_V - Define the NOTES$SERVER Object in the $! network database. $! Parameters for SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE are: $! p1 "APPLICATION_ADD" $! p2 the application name $! p3 the username for the application (null if not used) and $! the UIC for that Username. (Seperated by the '|') $! p4 the parameters for the application (see below) $! p5 (optional) Boolean value - NCL invocation after script $! creation $! p4 breakdown - each item should be separated by the '|' $! character, a placeholder of a null for unused $! parameters. $! $! x0 destination address (name = "NAME" or number = 10) $! x1 client $! x2 image name $! x3 incoming alias (boolean) $! x4 incoming proxy (boolean) $! x5 outgoing alias (boolean) $! x6 outgoing proxy (boolean) $! x7 required synonym (boolean) $! x8 tsap $! x9 X25 filter $! x10 X25 type $! example: $! parameters = "Number=10||SYS$SYSTEM:TEST.EXE|||||TRUE|||" $!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ DEFINE_SERVER_OBJECT_PHASE_V: $ !+ $ ! determine whether the server object is already there $ !- $ NCL = "$NCL" $ NOTES$SET_NCP_PSW == NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ NCL SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION NOTES $ !+ $ ! if it's not there, declare the object $ !- $ IF .NOT. $STATUS $ THEN $ !+ $ ! add the server object $ !- $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ @VMI$ROOT:[SYSMGR]NET$CONFIGURE "APPLICATION_ADD" - "NOTES" - "NOTES$SERVER|''NOTES$UIC'" - "{NAME=NOTES,NUMB=33}||SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER.EXE|true|false|true|true|true||NET$EXAMINE%NET$DECLAREOBJECT%NET$DECNETACCESS" - 1 $ ENDIF $ $ RETURN $ $ ! $ ! $ ! Update NOTES$STARTUP.COM $ ! $ update_startup: $ NOTES$PASSWORD_ERROR == 0 $ IF NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER $ THEN $ IF NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW .NE. NOTES$SET_NCP_PSW $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE W PSWD "Probable DEC Notes server password mis-match" $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The password defined via AUTHORIZE for your NOTES$SERVER account and the password defined via NCP for your DECnet NOTES object must be identical to allow the DEC Notes server to function correctly. At this point, they may be different. $ VMI$CALLBACK ASK NOTES$SET_PASSWORD - "Would you like the two passwords set equivalent now" "Y" BS $ IF NOTES$SET_PASSWORD $ THEN $ IF .NOT. NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I MODACC "Modifying account NOTES$SERVER..." $ VMI$CALLBACK UPDATE_ACCOUNT NOTES$SERVER "/PASS=''NOTES$PWD'" $ NOTES$SET_SERVER_PSW == 1 $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I MODACC "Modifying DECnet NOTES object..." $ MCR NCP DEFINE OBJECT NOTES PASSWORD 'NOTES$PWD' $ NOTES$SET_NCP_PSW == 1 $ ENDIF $ ELSE $ VMI$CALLBACK SET IVP NO $ NOTES$PASSWORD_ERROR == 1 $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ TYPE SYS$INPUT No further questions will be asked during this installation. Completion of the installation should take another 5-10 minutes. $ OPEN/WRITE F1 VMI$KWD:NOTESLIB.TMP $ IF .NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER $ THEN $ WRITE F1 "$ IF F$TRNLNM (""NOTES$LIBRARY"",""LNM$SYSTEM"") .EQS. """" THEN -" $ ENDIF $ WRITE F1 "$ DEFINE/NOLOG/SYSTEM/EXEC NOTES$LIBRARY ''NOTES$LNM'" $ WRITE F1 "$ EXIT NOTES$EXIT_STATUS" $ CLOSE/NOLOG F1 $ SET NOON $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT $ APPEND VMI$KWD:NOTESLIB.TMP VMI$KWD:NOTES$STARTUP_END.COM $ VMI$CALLBACK DELETE_FILE VMI$KWD:NOTESLIB.TMP $ OPEN/APPEND F1 VMI$KWD:NOTES$STARTUP.COM $ WRITE F1 "$ NOTES$GBL_PAGE = ''NOTES$OPT_GBL_PAGE'" $ WRITE F1 "$ NOTES$GBL_SECT = ''NOTES$OPT_GBL_SECT'" $ WRITE F1 "$ NOTES$SECT_FILE_GBLPAG = ''NOTES$OPT_SECF_GPG'" $ CLOSE/NOLOG F1 $ VMI$NO_ERROR $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT $ APPEND VMI$KWD:NOTES$STARTUP_END.COM VMI$KWD:NOTES$STARTUP.COM $ SET ON $ ! $ ! $ ! Put the correct IVPs into the test directory $ ! $ IF NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$IVP NOTES$IVP.COM VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$IVP "" "W" $ ENDIF $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$IVP_CLIENT NOTES$IVP_CLIENT.COM VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$IVP_CLIENT "" "W" $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$IVP_LOCAL NOTES$IVP_LOCAL.COM VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$IVP_LOCAL "" "W" $ ! $ ! $ ! Move the files $ ! $ TYPE SYS$INPUT This installation will add the following files: [SYSLIB]NOTES$SHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$SECTION.TPU$SECTION [SYSEXE]NOTES$MAIN.EXE $ ! $ IF .NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER THEN GOTO no_server $ ! $ TYPE SYS$INPUT [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER.EXE [SYSEXE]NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP.COM $ no_server: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT [SYSMGR]NOTES$REMOVE.COM $ IF .NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB THEN GOTO no_lib $ TYPE SYS$INPUT [SYSMGR]NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE.COM NOTES$LIBRARY:NOTES$SAMPLE.NOTE $ ! $ no_lib: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_CLIENT.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_LOCAL.COM [SYSHLP]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES [SYSHLP]NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM [SYSHLP]NOTES$HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWSHARE.EXE [SYSLIB]NOTES$DWNOTES.UID [SYSLIB]NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT [SYS$STARTUP]NOTES$STARTUP.COM $ IF F$TRNLNM("DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS") .NES. "" $ THEN $ TYPE SYS$INPUT [DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM]LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID $ ENDIF $ ! $ IF .NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER THEN GOTO common_files $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_IMAGE NOTES$SERVER NOTES$SERVER.EXE - VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE] $ VMI$CALLBACK SET ACL FILE - "((IDENTIFIER=''NOTES$UIC',ACCESS=READ+EXECUTE), (IDENTIFIER=*,ACCESS=NONE))" - NOTES$SERVER $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN.COM - VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$SERVER_LOGIN "" "S=RWED,O=RWE,G=RE,W=RE" $ ! $ common_files: $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$REMOVE - NOTES$REMOVE.COM VMI$ROOT:[SYSMGR] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$REMOVE "" "W" $ IF (.NOT. NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB) THEN GOTO no_common_lib $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE - NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE.COM VMI$ROOT:[SYSMGR] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE w$ NOTES025.AG,i[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1Zg"D NOTES$MOVE_CONFERENCE "" "W" $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$SAMPLE_NOTE NOTES$SAMPLE.NOTE - 'NOTES$LNM' $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$SAMPLE_NOTE "" "W=RWE" $ ! $ no_common_lib: $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$STARTUP_FILE NOTES$STARTUP.COM - VMI$ROOT:[SYS$STARTUP] $ VMI$CALLBACK SECURE_FILE NOTES$STARTUP_FILE "" "W" $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_IMAGE NOTES$ NOTES$SHARE.EXE VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_IMAGE NOTES$ NOTES$MAIN.EXE VMI$ROOT:[SYSEXE] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES$SECTION.TPU$SECTION VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES$HELP.HLB VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP] $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES$DWHELP.HLB VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_IMAGE NOTES$ NOTES$DWSHARE.EXE VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES$DWNOTES.UID VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB] $ IF F$TRNLNM("DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS") .NES. "" THEN - VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID VMI$ROOT:[DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM] $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_FILE NOTES$ NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT VMI$ROOT:[SYSLIB] $ ! $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_DCL_HELP NOTESDCL.HLP $ VMI$CALLBACK PROVIDE_DCL_COMMAND NOTESDCL.CLD $ VMI$CALLBACK SET STARTUP VMI$ROOT:[SYS$STARTUP]NOTES$STARTUP.COM $ ! $ TYPE SYS$INPUT *********************************************************** REMINDERS: 1. SYSTEM STARTUP -------------- After the installation has completed, you should execute SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. You should also edit your system startup procedure to run SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system on which this copy of DEC Notes will be run. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: Installation instructions for previous versions of VAX Notes suggested that NOTES$STARTUP.COM be run prior to network startup during the system startup process. It is now recommended that NOTES$STARTUP run AFTER network startup has COMPLETED, particularly if TCP/IP will be used as the network transport for DEC Notes connections. 2. DEC NOTES SHUTDOWN OR DEINSTALLATION ------------------------------------ A new utility, SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE.COM, can be used to deinstall DEC Notes or to prevent new servers from executing. Type: $ @SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE for further details. $ NOTES$ITEM_COUNT = 2 $ IF NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER $ THEN $ NOTES$ITEM_COUNT = NOTES$ITEM_COUNT + 1 WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " ''NOTES$ITEM_COUNT'. VMSCLUSTER ENVIRONMENTS" TYPE SYS$INPUT ! let the user know ----------------------- If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:NETOBJECT.DAT in use, NCP must be used to define the NOTES DECnet object in each copy of NETOBJECT.DAT. The password used when defining the NOTES object must always match the password for account NOTES$SERVER in the system authorization file. If DEC Notes is run in a VMScluster environment with multiple copies of SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$SERVICE.DAT in use, it is similarly required that UCX be used to define the NOTES service in each copy of UCX$SERVICE.DAT. This can normally be accomplished by running NOTES$STARTUP.COM on each system. NOTES$STARTUP.COM will attempt to properly define and enable the NOTES service each time it is executed. $ IF NOTES$PASSWORD_ERROR $ THEN $ NOTES$ITEM_COUNT = NOTES$ITEM_COUNT + 1 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " ''NOTES$ITEM_COUNT'. DEC NOTES IVP" $ TYPE SYS$INPUT ! let the user know ------------- The NOTES IVP will NOT be run as part of this installation: it would fail due to a probable non-match between the passwords defined for the NOTES$SERVER account and the NOTES DECnet object. It is recommended that the IVP be run after you manually set the passwords for the NOTES$SERVER account (via AUTHORIZE) and for the DECnet NOTES object (via NCP) to the same value. *********************************************************** $ ENDIF ! password_error $ ENDIF ! provide_server $ ! $ ! $ ! cleanup and done $ ! $ IF NOTES$NCP THEN NCP SET OBJECT NOTES ALL $ IF F$TRNLNM("NETOBJECT","LNM$PROCESS") .NES. "" THEN DEASSIGN NETOBJECT $ IF F$TRNLNM("NOTES$LIBRARY","LNM$PROCESS") .NES. "" THEN DEASSIGN NOTES$LIBRARY $ IF F$TRNLNM("RIGHTSLIST","LNM$PROCESS") .NES. "" THEN DEASSIGN RIGHTSLIST $ ! IF F$TRNLNM("SETSHOACL","LNM$PROCESS") .NES. "" THEN DEASSIGN SETSHOACL $ ! $ GOTO success_exit ! installation successful $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! End of DEC NOTES installation $ ! $ ! $ success_exit: ! installation was successful $ NOTES$STATUS = VMI$_SUCCESS ! set success status $ GOTO notes_exit $ ! $ ! $ error_exit: ! installation error occurred $ NOTES$STATUS = VMI$_FAILURE ! set error status $ GOTO notes_exit $ ! $ ! $ notes_exit: ! installation done $ NOTES$VERIFY = F$VERIFY (NOTES$VERIFY) ! restore verify state $ EXIT NOTES$STATUS ! exit with status $ ! $ ! End of DEC NOTES installation $ ! $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! Help $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! $ ! $ help_library_dir: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT Enter the device to be used for storing the conference notefiles. This device should have sufficient free disk space to allow for growth in the size and numbers of conference files. The following are the presently available disk devices on your system: $ ! $ SHOW DEVICE/BRIEF/MOUNTED D $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ EXIT VMI$_SUCCESS $ ! $ ! $ help_capability: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT Full capability means that all DEC Notes capability is available to Notes users, including creating and accessing local conferences. Full capability is provided by the NOTES and NOTES-USER licenses. Reduced capability means that Notes users may access only remote conferences; they cannot create or access local conferences. Reduced capability is provided by the NOTES-CLIENT or NOTES-CLIENT-USER licenses. Access to DEC Notes from personal computers using the TeamLinks environment is provided by a NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license $ EXIT VMI$_SUCCESS $ ! $ ! $ help_server_uic: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT The UIC is the user identification code for the NOTES$SERVER account. The UIC value, specified in octal, is a group and member number separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets. The group number must be in the range 1-37776 (octal), the member number in the range 0-1777776 (octal). DIGITAL recommends you use the default UIC of [376,377]. If you do not use the default, you must ensure that you use a unique UIC. You should NOT specify a group number in the system range (normally 1-10 octal). The following UICs are presently in use on your system: $ SET NOON $ AUTHORIZE = "$AUTHORIZE" $ IF (F$TRNLNM("NETPROXY") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER NETPROXY 'F$PARSE("NETPROXY","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ IF (F$TRNLNM("SYSUAF") .EQS. "") THEN - DEFINE/USER SYSUAF 'F$PARSE("SYSUAF","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")' $ AUTHORIZE SHOW/BRIEF [*,*] $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ SET ON $ EXIT VMI$_SUCCESS $ ! $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! DEC NOTES IVP $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! $ ! $ ivp: $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO ivp_exit ! setup to handle ^Y $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO ivp_exit ! setup to handle errors $ ivp_status = 0 $ ! $ IF NOTES$PROVIDE_SERVER $ THEN $ @VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP $ ELSE IF (NOTES$PROVIDE_LIB) $ THEN $ @VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_LOCAL $ ELSE $ @VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST]NOTES$IVP_CLIENT $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ ivp_status = $STATUS ! save status $ ! $ ivp_exit: $ NOTES$VERIFY = F$VERIFY (NOTES$VERIFY) ! restore verify state $ EXIT ivp_status ! exit with IVP status $ ! $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! Remove VAX NOTES from system $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ! $ ! Remove any traces of DEC Notes from the system $ ! $ ! Be sure to kill the notes server process (looks something like $ ! NOTES$001A_0*) if neccesary, for example $ ! $ STOP/ID=000000A2 $ ! $ remove: $ IF (F$TYPE(VMI$PRODUCT) .NES. "") THEN GOTO CLEAR_FILES $ ! $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO remove_done ! setup to handle ^Y $ ON ERRW$ NOTES025.AG,i[NOTES.TEMPKIT]KITINSTAL.COM;1Zs UOR THEN GOTO remove_done ! setup to handle errors $ !------------------------- $ VMI$PRODUCT = "NOTES025" $ !------------------------- $ ! $ ! Remove any traces of VAX Notes V1.n from the system $ ! $ VMI$F_SIGNAL = "FALSE" $ VMI$VERSION = F$GETSYI("VERSION") $ VMI$SAVED_DIR = F$ENVIRONMENT("DEFAULT") $ DELETE = "DELETE/CONFIRM/NOLOG" $ PURGE = "PURGE/NOCONFIRM/NOLOG" $ SAY = "WRITE SYS$OUTPUT" $ VMI$SAY = "WRITE SYS$OUTPUT" ! OpenVMS AXP $ VMI$SAVED_MSG = F$ENVIRONMENT("MESSAGE") $ SET MESSAGE/FACILITY/SEVERITY/IDENTIFICATION/TEXT $ VMI$SAVED_PRIVS = F$SETPRV("ALL,NOBYPASS") $ VMI$SAVED_UIC = F$USER() $ VMI$SAVED_PROT = F$ENVIRONMENT("PROTECTION") $ DEFINE = "DEFINE/NOLOG" $ DEASSIGN = "DEASSIGN" $ FALSE = 0 $ TRUE = 1 $ VMI$CALLBACK = "@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL" $ VMI$_FAILURE = %X10F50000 $ !VMI$FIND = VMI$CALLBACK + " FIND_FILE" $ VMI$INSTALLING = TRUE $ VMI$MSG = VMI$CALLBACK + " MESSAGE VMSINSTAL" $ VMI$NO_ERROR = "DEFINE/USER/NOLOG SYS$ERROR _NL:" $ VMI$NO_OUTPUT = "DEFINE/USER/NOLOG SYS$OUTPUT _NL:" $ VMI$QA = FALSE $ VMI$QA_FAIL == FALSE $ VMI$_SUCCESS = %X10F50001 $ VMI$INSTALLATION_STATUS = VMI$_SUCCESS $ VMI$TAILOR = "@SYS$UPDATE:VMSTAILOR" $ VMI$_UNSUPPORTED = %X10f50008 $ VMI$PID = F$GETJPI("","PID") $ VMIMARKER = "VMIMARKER" + VMI$PID + ".DAT" $ VMI$UPDATE_MARKER = "OPEN/READ/WRITE VMI$MARKER_FILE SYS$UPDATE:''VMIMARKER'" $ $ VMI$ALTERNATE_ROOT = FALSE $ VMI$ROOT = F$TRNLNM("SYS$SPECIFIC") $ VMI$SPECIFIC = VMI$ROOT $ ! Requires F$SEARCH because VMSINSTAL environment isn't ready yet $ VMI$COMMON_ROOT = F$SEARCH("''VMI$ROOT'[000000]SYSCOMMON.DIR") .NES. "" $ IF VMI$COMMON_ROOT THEN VMI$ROOT = VMI$ROOT - "]" + "SYSCOMMON.]" $ VMI$ROOT_FLAG == "0" $ DEFINE/TRANSLATION=(TERMINAL,CONCEALED) VMI$ROOT 'VMI$ROOT' $ DEFINE/TRANSLATION=(TERMINAL,CONCEALED) VMI$SPECIFIC 'VMI$SPECIFIC' $ DEFINE VMI$KWD VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD] $ VMI$BOOTING = FALSE $ VMI$CONTINUE == TRUE $ VMI$DEBUG = FALSE $ VMI$IVP == FALSE $ VMI$PURGE == TRUE $ VMI$REBOOT == FALSE $ VMI$SAFETY == FALSE $ VMI$TAILORING = FALSE $ VMI$STARTUP == "!" $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NEWREMOVE "Use SYS$MANAGER:NOTES$REMOVE.COM to deinstall DEC Notes" $ EXIT VMI$_SUCCESS $ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- &*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID;1+,,./H 4-i0123KPWO56ciy7z^By89GHHJro|URM 1.1Motif Uil CompilerV1.1-00017-NOV-1994 17:47:07.30lwk_reg_notesV1.0   Tx H XH /y+ ISO8859-1Note in a ConferenceH \$8v  ) @ !AA! @H $hΏH 8v  )  !A@  @@  @A! H 8v 22 )  @ !A@  @@  @@  @@  @A!  @H -@y ISO8859-1ViewH h@ViewH @NOTESH @notesH  ZsubMenuIdH  Zro| T  Mghh{$5#&$ NOTES025.A,i&[NOTES.TEMPKIT]LWK_REG_NOTESNOTE.UID;1  >ClassTable>ResourceTableLWK_ULTRIX_INVOKE_COMMANDSLWK_VMS_INVOKE_COMMANDSLWK_OPERATION_IDENTIFIERSLWK_OPERATION_NAMESLWK_SURROGATE_ICON_50X50LWK_SURROGATE_ICON_32X32LWK_SURROGATE_ICON_17X17LWK_SURROGATE_SUB_TYPE_NAMElwk_reg_notes(*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1+,,).Q/H 4bQQ?-i0123KPWOR56y7Fy89GHHJ C DEC_Notes_____________________________________) Release Notes T2.5-1" November 1993J This document summarizes known problems, workarounds,D restrictions, and documentation updates for DEC) Notes Version 2.5-1.E Operating System: OpenVMS VAX Version? 5.4 or higherE OpenVMS AXP Version? 1.0 or higherC Software Version: DEC Notes Version7 2.5-12 Digital Equipment Corporation+ Maynard, Massachusetts  H __________________________________________________________ November 1993D Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representationsE that the use of its products in the manner described inF this publication will not infringe on existing or futureF patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in thisF publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use,B or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description.C Possession, use, or copying of the software describedB in this publication is authorized only pursuant to aA valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor.H Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved.E The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of thisD document request your critical evaluation to assist in- preparing future documentation.? The following are trademarks of Digital EquipmentI Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, DECnet, DEC Notes, DECwindows,F Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, VAX, VAX Notes, VAXcluster,- VMS, XUI, and the DIGITAL logo.7 The following are third-party trademarks:A Motif and OSF/Motif are trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc.D PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.J UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc.D All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the3 property of their respective holders.2 This document is available on CDROM.H This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1.  E ________________________________________________________________E ContentsE Preface.................................................. v2 1 Important Installation-Related InformationE 1.1 General Installation Information............. 1-1E 1.2 Network Transport Information................ 1-3E 1.2.1 DECnet Information....................... 1-3E 1.2.2 TCP/IP Information....................... 1-4E 1.3 Important ALL-IN-1 Information............... 1-4: 1.3.1 Installing DEC Notes V2.5 on a SystemE Running ALL-IN-1 V3.0.................... 1-4: 1.3.2 Installing DEC Notes V2.5 on a SystemE Running ALL-IN-1 V2.4.................... 1-5= 1.3.3 Before Installing ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.0 on aE System Running DEC Notes V2.5............ 1-6E 1.4 License Information.......................... 1-7 2 New FunctionalityE 2.1 New Features................................. 2-1E 2.2 OpenVMS AXP Compatibility.................... 2-3 3 Known ProblemsE iii   4 Problems Fixed= 5 Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP NetworkA 5.1 What does TCP/IP Support Mean for DECnet-onlyH Users?....................................... 5-1A 5.2 What does TCP/IP Support Mean for TCP/IP-onlyH Users?....................................... 5-1H 5.3 Using a Mixed DECnet-TCP/IP Network.......... 5-2H 5.3.1 Specifying Remote Conferences............ 5-2H 5.3.2 What if a Connection Error Occurs?....... 5-39 5.3.3 What about the VMS Character CellH Interface?............................... 5-3 ExamplesH 5-1 ........................................ 5-2H 5-2 ........................................ 5-2H 5-3 ........................................ 5-2H 5-4 ........................................ 5-3H 5-5 ........................................ 5-3H 5-6 ........................................ 5-3H 5-7 ........................................ 5-4H 5$ NOTES025.A,)i([NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1b?Qr" 5-8 ........................................ 5-4 iv  H ________________________________________________________________H Preface Purpose of This Document< These release notes contain information about: o Installation" o New functionality> o Known problems, restrictions, and workarounds o Problems fixed4 o Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP network$ Who Should Use This DocumentB This document is intended for people responsible forE installing DEC Notes, managing the use of DEC Notes, or using DEC Notes. For More InformationG Refer to the following documentation for more information about DEC Notes.- o DEC Notes Installation Guide# o Guide to DEC Notes- o DEC Notes Command DictionaryH v  H 1H ________________________________________________________________H Important Installation-Related InformationD DEC Notes is the new name for VAX Notes. DEC Notes now) runs on multiple platforms.? This chapter contains information relating to the( installation of DEC Notes., 1.1 General Installation InformationF o To use DEC Notes with the DECwindows Motif interface,H you must install VMS V5.4 or higher, and VMS DECwindowsF Motif V1.0 or higher. Any other version may result inF incorrect operation of the DECwindows Motif interface of DEC Notes.B The character-cell interface requires VMS V5.4 orC higher, and no longer requires the installation of Motif.C o The DEC Notes installation procedure will generateC a random password for the NOTES$SERVER account andD the NOTES object. We recommend that you change thisF password after completing the installation. Note thatG the NOTES$SERVER account password and the NOTES objectC password must be identical for proper Notes server operation.D o The NOTES$SERVER account password can be changed byG issuing the following commands (supply the appropriate4 password for "pwd" in the command):- $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM$ $ RUN AUTHORIZE; UAF> MODIFY NOTES$SERVER /PASSWORD=pwd UAF> EXITH Important Installation-Related Information 1-1  2 Important Installation-Related Information, 1.1 General Installation InformationB In a VAXcluster in which any nodes have a privateC authorization file, the NOTES$SERVER password must> be changed separately on each of these nodes.D The NOTES object password can be changed by issuingH the following commands (in which "pwd" must be the same= password used for the NOTES$SERVER account):) $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP4 NCP> DEF OBJ NOTES PASSWORD pwd4 NCP> SET OBJ NOTES PASSWORD pwd NCP> EXITB In a VAXcluster in which any nodes have a privateD network database, the NOTES object password must be; changed separately on each of these nodes.B o If this installation is an upgrade from DEC NotesD V2.4 or an earlier version of VAX Notes, and if theH NOTES$SERVER account or the NOTES object (but not both)G has been deleted, then the installation will re-createD the deleted account or object, and will give you anH opportunity to set them equal. If you choose not to setF them equal at this time, you must manually change theF password on the NOTES$SERVER account and the passwordB for the NOTES object to be identical or the NotesE server will not execute. This can be accomplished byF typing the following commands (supply the appropriate5 password for "pwd" in the commands):- $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM$ $ RUN AUTHORIZE; UAF> MODIFY NOTES$SERVER /PASSWORD=pwd UAF> EXIT) $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP4 NCP> DEF OBJ NOTES PASSWORD pwd4 NCP> SET OBJ NOTES PASSWORD pwd NCP> EXITH o A two-page document describing basic DEC Notes commandsE is available in the file NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM. AfterA installing DEC Notes, this file is placed in theA SYS$HELP directory. To print this file, type the' following DCL command:: $ PRINT SYS$HELP:NOTES_SHORTGUIDE.MEM6 1-2 Important Installation-Related Information  H Important Installation-Related InformationH 1.1 General Installation InformationA o You can safely delete the following files, whichF were created as a result of installations of previous' versions of VAX Notes:- [SYSLIB]NOTES$MAILSHR.EXE. [SYSLIB]NOTES$MAILSHRP.EXE* [SYSLIB]NPU$CCTSHR.EXE& [SYSLIB]NPUSHR.EXE& [SYSMSG]NPUMSG.EXEG o These are the minimum VMS Tailoring classes, and files6 from each class, that DEC Notes uses.3 Network Support [SYSEXE]NCP.EXE@ Secure User's Environment [SYSEXE]PRTSMB.EXEC Utilities [SYSEXE]MAIL.EXE, [SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB) 1.2 Network Transport Information> This section describes how Notes selects network tranports.H If TCP/IP for OpenVMS is installed, it must be started forG proper installation of DEC Notes, but it is not necessaryC to have both the DECnet and TCP/IP network transportsE running during normal operations. If one of the networkF transports is not running, the Notes server will use the other transport.B If you install a new version of one of the supportedA network transports after the Notes server is up andD running, NOTES$STARTUP.COM must be run again to enable4 the new transport in the Notes server. 1.2.1 DECnet InformationF A password is defined for the Notes object in the DECnetD object database. This password must match the password@ assigned to the NOTES$SERVER account in the system9 authorization file (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT).> SYS$STARTUP:NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to enableA the Notes object (object 33) in the DECnet databaseH (SYS$SYSTEM:NETOBJECT.DAT). If you plan on using DECnet asF one of your network transports, DECnet configuration and@ startup must complete before NOTES$STARTUP is run.H Important Installation-Related Information 1-3  2 Important Installation-Related Information) 1.2 Network Transport InformationH If DECnet is not running when NOTES$SERVER.COM is invoked,@ the Notes server will not be able to accept DECnet connections. 1.2.2 TCP/IP Information@ NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to determine if DEC TCP@ /IP Services for VMS is available. If it is avail-B able, NOTES$STARTUP.COM attempts to enable the Notes@ service (port 3333) in the TCP/IP Service database+  Lh$ NOTES025.A,)i([NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1b?Q" (SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$SERVICE.DAT).@ If you plan on using TCP/IP as one of your networkH transports, TCP/IP configuration and startup must completeG before NOTES$STARTUP.COM is run. If TCP/IP is not runningF when NOTES$STARTUP.COM is invoked, the Notes server will7 not be able to accept TCP/IP connections.D If the Notes service is successfully enabled, the fileB SYS$SYSTEM:NOTES$SERVER.COM is created by DEC TCP/IPE Services for VMS (if it doesn't already exist), and theE Notes server will be able to accept TCP/IP connections.* 1.3 Important ALL-IN-1 InformationF ALL-IN-1 IOS fails to link properly after DEC Notes V2.5G is installed. The errors generated include a large numberE of duplicate symbol errors for symbols in VAXCRTL. ThisE problem exists for ALL-IN-1 V3.0 and ALL-IN-1 V2.4 withB the optional Group Conferencing subsystem installed.E The problem is fixed for ALL-IN-1 V3.0 by the MandatoryG Update Patch A (A1_MUPA030), therefore for ALL-IN-1 V3.0A$ no action is required.D 1.3.1 Installing DEC Notes V2.5 on a System Running ALL-IN-1 V3.0G After installing DEC Notes Version 2.5 you need to do one of two things:H 1. Install the Mandatory Update Patch A for ALL-IN-1 V3.0.G As part of the postinstallation tasks ALL-IN-1 will be relinked.6 1-4 Important Installation-Related Information  H Important Installation-Related InformationH 1.3 Important ALL-IN-1 Information@ 2. Perform the following edit to the ALL-IN-1 link procedure( OA$BUILD_LLV:A1LINK.COMD a. Find the label "END_DEFER:" Insert the following# line before it: A $ if a1$notes then wo "a1$work:oanotes$share"  $END_DEFER:F b. Find the line where NOTES$SHARE is included in the- link, it looks like this: 9 $ WO "sys$share:NOTES$SHARE /SHARE"C/ Change it to the following:P $ if .not. a1$defer then WO "sys$share:NOTES$SHARE /SHARE"% c. Find these lines: b $ if a1$cda then a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|CDA$ACCESS|DDIF$VIEWSHR"9 $ oashrbld == "$a1$build:oashrbld" @ Insert the following line between those two:b $ if a1$cda then a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|CDA$ACCESS|DDIF$VIEWSHR"V $ if a1$notes then a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|NOTES$SHARE"9 $ oashrbld == "$a1$build:oashrbld"_8 d. Relink ALL-IN-1 to test the changes.D 1.3.2 Installing DEC Notes V2.5 on a System Running ALL-IN-1 V2.4@ This section applies to ALL-IN-1 V2.4 that has theD optional Group Conferencing (GPC) subsystem installed.H 1. After installing DEC Notes V2.5 you need to perform theH following edit to the ALL-IN-1 link procedure OA$BUILD_! SHARE:A1LINK.COM D a. Find the label "END_DEFER:" Insert the following# line before it: O $ if f$search("A1$BUILD:OAN$LIBRARY.OLB") .NES. "" then -i6 wo "a1$work:oanotes$share"! $END_DEFER: H Important Installation-Related Information 1-5 R e2 Important Installation-Related Information* 1.3 Important ALL-IN-1 InformationF b. Find the line where NOTES$SHARE is included in the- link, it looks like this:9 $ WO "sys$share:NOTES$SHARE /SHARE"s/ Change it to the following:HP $ if .not. a1$defer then WO "sys$share:NOTES$SHARE /SHARE"% c. Find these lines:a4 $ if link_ddif$viewshr then -J a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|DDIF$VIEWSHR"9 $ oashrbld == "$a1$build:oashrbld" @ Insert the following line between those two:4 $ if link_ddif$viewshr then -J a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|DDIF$VIEWSHR"P $ if f$search("A1$BUILD:OAN$LIBRARY.OLB") .NES. "" then -I a1$imagelist = a1$imagelist + "|NOTES$SHARE"s9 $ oashrbld == "$a1$build:oashrbld"_5 2. Relink ALL-IN-1 to test the changes.E 1.3.3 Before Installing ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.0 on a System Running DEC Notes V2.5C If you have installed DEC Notes V2.5 and then want tolB install ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.0 you must do the following,F otherwise the ALL-IN-1 installation will fail during the link:.5 $INSTALL/REMOVE SYS$SYSHARE:NOTES$SHARE.4 $RENAME NOTES$SHARE.EXE TEMP_NOTES.EXEC After the installation has completed successfully (atAH this point the GPC subsystem will not be available) do the following:> 1. Rename the TEMP_NOTES.EXE back to NOTES$SHARE$ 2. Install NOTES$SHAREO $ INSTALL ADD/OPEN/HEADER_RES/SHARE SYS$SYSHARE:NOTES$SHARE.G 3. Follow either of the steps described in Section 1.3.1.o9 4. The GPC subsystem will now be available..6 1-6 Important Installation-Related Information . .H Important Installation-Related InformationH 1.4 License Information 1.4 License Information E o The NOTES-CLIENT-USER license is a concurrent client E only license which provides client-only capabilities C to a fixed number of invocations of Notes. See theeF DEC Notes Software Product Description (SPD) for more information. F o The NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license provides server-onlyH capabilites. It does not allow Notes to be invoked fromF the command line (i.e. no client capability). BecauseE it is a personal use license, users must be added to C the license reserve list before they are permitted E to use the server. The format of the reserve list is H different from most other applications however since itC includes the nodename as well as the username. ThelB default username from PATHWORKS Conferencing (SPDB 38.65.xx) clients is Conferencing-User but can be% changed by the user. H o To add a user to the reserve list for the NOTES-SERVER-H LANLINK license, be sure to include their nodename. ForE example, if the user on node MYPC has set a username E of Johnson, then the command to add that user to the E reserve list for a PAK with an authorization of XXXX  would be:9 $ license modify NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK -C _$ /authorization=XXXX/reserve=(MYPC::Johnson)/add_@ o All personal use licenses require that LMF V1.1A be installed. LMF V1.1 comes with VMS 5.5 and is 3 separately installable on VMS 5.4. H Important Installation-Related Information 1-7 f tH 2H ________________________________________________________________H New FunctionalityC This chapter contains information on new features andaH functionality that have been added in T2.5-1 of DEC Notes. 2.1 New FeaturesH The following new features have been implemented in T2.5-1 of DEC Notes: G o DEC Notes now supports TCP/IP a s$ NOTES025.A,)i([NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1b?Q,".s a network protocol inE$ addition to DECnet.E To choose TCP/IP as the transport instead of DECnet, G the conference file specification must precede the TCP H /IP nodename, and be separated by an at-sign ('@'). TheF syntax for choosing DECnet is unchanged, that is, theE conference file specification must follow the DECnet 9 nodename and be separated by two colons.nC For example, to open the conference YOGA on TCP/IPaG nodename PALOMA with the character cell interface, you  would enter:a7 Notes> open/nonotebook YOGA@PALOMAoC To open the conference YOGA on DECnet nodename KIMtH with the character-cell interface, as before, you would enter:n5 Notes> open/nonotebook KIM::YOGAhC TCP/IP conference node and file specifications can F also be added to your notebook and opened without theF /nonotebook qualifer, but see the next section if you) use the gateway feature.sH New Functionality 2-1 t N New Functionality  2.1 New FeaturesG o Notes Gateway Feature. In large heterogeneous networksiB that use both DECnet and TCP/IP, you will need toC switch transports if your client node and the nodebF hosting the conference do not have the same transportG software installed. In that case you can route through G an intermediate node running the DEC Notes V2.5 server F if both DECnet and TCP/IP are installed on that node.- See Section 5.3 for details.$C The following new features were added in recent prior=$ versions of DEC Notes:& Character-cell InterfaceD o A new keypad key function for KP6 has been added toE the character-cell (CC) interface. Pressing Keypad 6nD toggles between viewing the last directory that wasC displayed and viewing the last note that was read.F o The CC interface is now layered on Version 2.6 of TPUF and EVE on OpenVMS VAX, and on Version 3.1 on OpenVMS AXP.c5 o Search text now appears highlighted. F o A new Notes protocol version (2/6) was introduced forF DEC Notes V2.4, that is backwards compatible with theE previous protocol version (2/4). When users access a E node that is running a different protocol version ofa9 Notes, an informational message appears.o" DECwindows InterfaceH o The DECwindows interface now reads one screen page at aG time. This is the way the character-cell interface haslE always worked. This feature eliminates the wait thatoE users have experienced when reading very long notes.eE o In the DECwindows interface, there is a new look andcE font for the Read and Conference windows, which makeeC them similar to the character-cell (CC) interface.tF If you have an old NOTES$DEFAULT.DAT file and wish toF change the fonts, be sure to specify .fontList rather6 than .Fontlist on the font resources.G o In the DECwindows interface to DEC Notes, word wrap inn; the Edit window is now enabled by default.  2-2 New Functionalitym d H New FunctionalityH 2.1 New FeaturesC o The default width for the four main windows (MAIN,F CONF, READ, and EDIT) is now set automatically for 75F or 100 dpi monitors, if the user has not modified theE default widths for these windows. This can avoid thesC need to manually edit the NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT file.eA o Any of the four main windows may be dismissed byC selecting the Close menu item from the window menuH (the menu that appears when you click MB1 on the button? in the upper-left corner of the window frame).n: o There is a new accelerator for cut/paste.5 o Search text now appears highlighted. G o In the DECwindows interface, the message window is now D dismissed automatically when you double click on anC entry in the main window to open a new conference. B Additionally, it does not always appear at screen# coordinates [0,0].SE o In the DECwindows interface, the Read and Conference E windows are now created at offsets from the previousE3 windows instead of on top of them.iD o In the DECwindows interface, Help buttons have been+ added to all dialog boxes. G o In the DECwindows interface, the Read window now grabsSC input focus ("pops to the top") when a new note isI presented. F o A new Notes protocol version (2/6) was introduced forF DEC Notes V2.4, that is backwards compatible with theE previous protocol version (2/4). When users access aaE node that is running a different protocol version ofo9 Notes, an informational message appears. % 2.2 OpenVMS AXP CompatibilityoD This version of DEC Notes installs and runs on OpenVMSG Alpha AXP systems running OpenVMS AXP V1.0 or higher. ThesG functionality and features are the same as those found inr( DEC Notes for OpenVMS VAX.H New Functionality 2-3  H 3H ________________________________________________________________H Known ProblemsB This chapter contains information on known problems,D restrictions, and workarounds for T2.5-1 of DEC Notes.C o A few extra Notes server processes may be created.ED If excessive server processes become a problem, youF may wish to decrease the amount of time an idle NotesF server waits before exiting. The default is one hour.H You can decrease this to ten minutes with the following command:F $ define/system NOTES$SERVER_TIMEOUT "0 00:10:00"E o In V2.4 of DEC Notes, some DECwindows resource namesEE changed from their earlier counterparts, and the DEClG Notes prefix on the resource names changed. Therefore,fC if you have user defaults defined, you must changeD@ them. You can see the changed resource names in0 SYS$LIBRARY:NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT.D o In the DECwindows interface, the keypad keys becomeF inoperative while the shift lock key is on. Make sureG that the shift lock key is not depressed when you want 1 to use the keypad key functions. F o In the character-cell interface, the use of Control-CE to terminate time consuming DEC Notes functions doesrD not work correctly. This problem will be fixed in a0 future release of the software.B o When using PATHWORKS Conferencing to connect to aC server using the NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license, anddG the user is not on the LMF reserve list, several error/G windows appear on the user's PC after the message "You H are not registered to use the DEC Notes server on node:H FOO". They are harmless and should simply be dismissed.H Known Problems 3-1 b  Known ProblemsD o If a V2.3 or earl E,$ NOTES025.A,)i([NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1b?Q?ier VAX Notes client connects to aG server running under the NOTES-SERVER-LANLINK license,hC and they are not registered, they will not get therE error message "You are not registered to use the DEC F Notes server on node: FOO". Instead they will get the0 error: Message Number 03FBC402.F o If you press any accelerator or mnemonic when certainC windows are empty, Notes will ACCVIO. Windows that A exhibit this behavior are the Conference window, H Markers Dialog Box, Keywords Dialog Box, Members DialogF Box, Directory of Conferences Dialog Box, and ObjectsF Dialog Box. This is a DECwindows Motif V1.0 bug which3 is fixed in DECwindows Motif V1.1.mG o While the watch cursor is up, if you hold down MB3 and H single-click MB1, Notes will hang your workstation, and+ you must kill the process.  3-2 Known Problems s aH 4H ________________________________________________________________H Problems FixedE This chapter contains information on problems that have 0 been fixed since the last release.G o Notes server processes now release both DECnet and TCP1* /IP connections properly.E o Notes server processes now have the correct count ofD links and exit properly when the link count reaches: zero and the idle timeout period expires.A o Use of a DNS object to reference a conference onnG OpenVMS AXP no longer ACCVIOs. However, DNS on OpenVMS C AXP is only available when you install DECnet/OSI.kA o The problem with the NEXT UNSEEN command showingVE previously seen notes, when accessing conferences onh- OpenVMS AXP, has been fixed.eF o In previous releases, if too many keywords were addedA to a topic note (approximately 800 characters ofmE keywords) before any replies had been added, a reply$D could not be entered to that topic. The problem hasB been fixed for newly created topics. For existingD topics, to which a large number of keywords need toB be added, and which currently have no replies, weC recommend a reply be added first (and then deleted H if desired) before adding a large number of keywords to the topic.nF o The dialog box, associated with the Edit window, thatE asks if you wish to save changes when trying to open D a new conference before saving your note, no longer hangs.SH Problems Fixed 4-1  H 5H ________________________________________________________________H Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network@ DEC Notes V2.5 adds support for the TCP/IP network@ protocol. With this new capability, you can accessA conferences over a TCP/IP network from your OpenVMSaB DECwindows, OpenVMS character-cell, Conferencing for> Windows, and Conferencing for Macintosh clients.@ 5.1 What does TCP/IP Support Mean for DECnet-only Users?F If your only network protocol is DECnet, the addition ofF TCP/IP support does not change how you use DEC Notes. AsG before, use OpenVMS conventions for specifying conference G names as file specifications (default file type .NOTE andtD default device and directory NOTES$LIBRARY) and DECnetF conventions for specifying remote conferences or members? with the form NODE::CONF_NAME or NODE::USER_NAME.R@ 5.2 What does TCP/IP Support Mean for TCP/IP-only Users?F If you are connected to a TCP/IP network, you may be newE to using DEC Notes. Even if you have been a user of DECeC Notes, which previously required a DECnet network forEC distributed conferencing, you need to be aware of how G DEC Notes expects you to specify members and conferences.RH Users of a TCP/IP-only network may input the path or routeF to a remote conference using standard TCP/IP syntax, for example: bugs@swregof# reqts@projx@nyofic F However, conference paths and author names are displayedD in the DECnet format (for example, SWREGOF::BUGS). TheB entry of member names in a conference still uses the7 traditional DECnet NODE::USERNAME format.vH Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network 5-1 n f: Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network/ 5.3 Using a Mixed DECnet-TCP/IP Networki/ 5.3 Using a Mixed DECnet-TCP/IP NetworkiH The section describes how to specify conferences and users/ in a mixed DECnet-TCP/IP network.m+ 5.3.1 Specifying Remote ConferencesB In addition to running in a DECnet-only or a TCP/IP-C only network, DEC Notes can run in a mixed DECnet and F TCP/IP network. DEC Notes V2.5 accepts either the DECnetG "NODE::" or the TCP/IP "@host" syntax. Using a "fallback"tH capability, DEC Notes tries the transport that is entered,A and if it can't connect to the next node using that 6 transport, it tries the other transport.C Users have a choice of four ways to specify a path to A a conference, as shown in the examples below. These B examples can be entered from the Motif client as is.E See Section 5.3.3 for examples using the character-cell C interface. These examples assume that a connection is H first made to the node GATEWY, then to the node NUTMEG, Lto/ access the conference named FOOD.m Example 5-1" GATEWY::NUTMEG::FOOD Example 5-2d food@nutmeg@gatewy Example 5-3 # "NUTMEG::FOOD"@gatewyF> 5-2 Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network  H Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP NetworkH 5.3 Using a Mixed DECnet-TCP/IP Network Example 5-4 # GATEWY::"food@nutmeg"_E The only reason to use a mixed (i.e. quoted) syntax (as F in Example 5-3 and Example 5-4) would be in the unlikelyG case that two different machines exist with the same name D (one in the DECnet network and the other in the TCP/IP network).o0 5.3.2 What if a Connection Error Occurs?E DEC Notes first tries the transport you specify (DECnet @ if you use "::" or TCP/IP if you use "@"). If thatD transport does not exist on that node, DEC Notes triesG the other transport. If a node cannot be accessed through G either transport, then the error encountered on the first'% transport is displayed.h: 5.3.3 What about the VMS Character Cell Interface?B The quotation convention for delimiting a conferenceE node with quotation marks is slightly different for theeB character-cell interface. The rule in DCL is: if theH string contains quotation marks, then double the quotationE marks and enclose the entire string in quotation marks. F For example, the previous four examples would be entered/ in a character-cell interface as:b Example 5-5 " GATEWY::NUTMEG::FOOD Example 5-6G food@nutmeg@gatewyH  %w$ NOTES025.A,)i([NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES;1b?QgP Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network 5-3 n w: Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network/ 5.3 Using a Mixed DECnet-TCP/IP Networky Example 5-7 & """NUTMEG::FOOD""@gatewy Example 5-8' "GATEWY::""food@nutmeg""" H Note that Example 5-5 and Example 5-6 are exactly the sameH as Example 5-1 and Example 5-2 respectively. No change wasF required in the character-cell syntax because there were no quotes.> 5-4 Guidelines for Using DEC Notes on a TCP/IP Network#*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT;1+,,%. /H 4f ^-i0123KPWO 56cdY7&OKy89GHHJ! ! NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT - DECwindows DEC Notes 2.5 defaults ! ! Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1989, 1993. All Rights Reserved. ! ! ! Users with 100-dpi monitors will probably want to change the width ! defaults in this file (which are now set for 75-dpi monitors) for ! a wider viewing area. There are four width defaults as follows: ! ! o NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_WINDOW.width ! o NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_WINDOW.width ! o NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WINDOW.width ! o NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WINDOW.width ! ! For each default, a new suggested value is given in a preceeding comment line. ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*DXmliveScrolling: 0 NOTES$DEFAULTS*DXmfontListLevel0: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*DXmfontListLevel1: -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*DwtText.DXmfontListDefault: -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*ISO8859-1 ! ! Notes Main window ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_SHELL.x: 100 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_SHELL.y: 100 ! ! Change the following false value to true to start up iconified (no trailing blanks!) ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_SHELL.iconic: false ! ! Increase the following .width value for 100 dpi monitors (676 suggested) ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_WINDOW.width: 650 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_WINDOW.height: 390 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_FILE_DIRECTORY_DB.width: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_FILE_DIRECTORY_DB.height: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_OBJECT_DISPLY_DB.width: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*MAIN_OBJECT_DISPLY_DB.height: 300 ! ! Notes Conference window ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_SHELL.x: 130 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_SHELL.y: 130 ! ! Increase the following .width value for 100 dpi monitors (786 suggested) ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_WINDOW.width: 650 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_WINDOW.height: 390 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_KEYWORD_DISPLY_DB.width: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_KEYWORD_DISPLY_DB.height: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_MARKER_DISPLY_DB.width: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_MARKER_DISPLY_DB.height: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_MEMBER_DISPLY_DB.width: 450 NOTES$DEFAULTS*CONF_MEMBER_DISPLY_DB.height: 450 ! ! Notes Read Note window ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_SHELL.x: 160 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_SHELL.y: 160 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS.displayPostScript: off NOTES$DEFAULTS.allowReadAhead: false NOTES$DEFAULTS.inhibitReadPopToTop: false ! ! Increase the following .width value for 100 dpi monitors (846 suggested) ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WINDOW.width: 606 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WINDOW.height: 507 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_NOTEID_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_NOTEID_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_TITLE_T.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_NOFN_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_NOFN_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_AUTHOR_T.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_DATE_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_DATE_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_ATTRIB_T.rows: 2 NOTES$DEFAULTS*READ_WORK_TEXT.fontList: -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1 ! ! Notes Create Note window ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_SHELL.x: 190 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_SHELL.y: 190 ! ! Increase the following .width value for 100 dpi monitors (846 suggested) ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WINDOW.width: 606 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WINDOW.height: 507 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_AUTHOR_T.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_DATE_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_DATE_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TITLE_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TITLE_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TITLE_T.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_KEYWORD_L.marginTop: 56 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_KEYWORD_L.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_KEYWORD_T.fontList: -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TEXT.fontList: -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1 NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TEXT.wordWrap: on NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TEXT.scrollVertical: on NOTES$DEFAULTS*EDIT_WORK_TEXT.scrollHorizontal: off ! ! ! End of NOTES$DEFAULTS.DAT !*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1+,,6.,/H 4,--i0123 KPWO-56B̑y7|Oy89GHHJ% Librarian A09-10ܑy]y+R- ,,J5 baboutH cancel_pb8classes conferencesx conf_menu_bar conf_popupr conf_window edit_menu_bar&l edit_popup  edit_window entry_namesvFkeywordsmain_caution_boxF main_menu_barp main_popup main_window main_work_boxwmarkerswmembersObjectsdOK_pb overview read_menu_bar read_popup read_windowureplies\ scroll_barsttopics 5$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,B"  Iy 1 overview=TITLE overview=TITLE Overview of DEC Notes=INCLUDE main_window=INCLUDE conf_window=INCLUDE read_window=INCLUDE edit_window( Welcome to DECwindows DEC Notes V2.5-1.5 DEC Notes is a computer conferencing system. Through5 a Notes conference, many people in various locations3 can communicate easily and conveniently. Usually a2 conference has a single subject, theme, or issue.4 For example, a private meeting to discuss marketing3 strategy, an electr onic bulletin board to announce5 course offerings, or a public forum on environmental% issues can all be Notes conferences.5 A conference is organized into any number of topics,6 each of which can have any number of replies. A topic4 and its associated replies are called a discussion.2 Topics are identified as n.0, where n is a number8 assigned sequentially by the system. Replies to a topic3 note are also sequentially numbered, starting with7 .1. If topic 4 has 3 replies, the replies are numbered6 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Topics and replies are referred to collectively as notes.3 The first time you invoke DEC Notes, a Notebook is5 automatically created for you. In your Notebook, you2 store the names of conferences that interest you. 2 using_help=TITLE using help=TITLE Using DEC Notes Help=INCLUDE Overview7 To get help on screen objects such as menu names, menu5 items, dialog boxes, and buttons, press the HELP key3 while you press and hold MB1 on the screen object.6 Alternatively, move the pointer to the screen object,# click MB1, and press the HELP key.) For example, to get help on a menu item: 1. Press and hold the HELP key.& 2. Press and hold MB1 on a menu name.8 3. Drag the pointer to the menu item for which you want help. 4. Release MB1. 5. Release the HELP key.8 Additional topics, if any, are listed. You can get help5 on an additional topic by double clicking MB1 on it. 2 decw_basics=TITLE decw basics=TITLE DECwindows Basics5 Basic information about using DECwindows such as how7 to manage windows, how to use dialog boxes, and how to8 use scroll bars is available from Session Manager help,+ which also explains many DECwindows terms.7 To get Session Manager help, double click (press mouse5 button 1 (MB1) twice quickly) on the Session Manager6 icon. The Session Manager window is displayed on your screen.4 Press and hold MB1 to pull down the Help menu. Move7 the pointer to the Overview menu item and release MB1.4 The Overview menu item provides details about using DECwindows. 2 glossary=TITLE glossary=TITLE DEC Notes Glossary=INCLUDE5 Class: A group of entries (conferences) related3 in some way that you keep together for) convenience in your Notebook, Conference: An online meeting that improves3 communication by computer among people6 separated geographically or in other ways4 Discussion: A topic note (numbered n.0) and all the2 replies (numbered n.1... n.n) to that topic note3 Entry: A conference in your Notebook; you add7 conferences of interest as entries in your3 Notebook in order to track them easily4 Keyword: A word or phrase used to group together3 notes on a particular subject; usually0 created by the conference moderator/ Marker: A word or phrase that you use as a7  placeholder in an entry in order to return4 quickly to a note of interest; unlike a6 keyword, a marker is for the individual's5 use only and is associated with only one note1 Moderator: The person(s) managing a conference,. possessing certain privileges and3 responsible for generating interest in7 the conference and keeping the discussions on track, Note: An individu al contribution to a6 conference, either a topic (numbered n.0)- or a reply (numbered n.1... n.n)7 Notebook: A file containing your individual profile,5 your collection of entries (conferences)3 categorized by class, and your markers4 Profile: That part of your Notebook that tailors/ your individual DEC Notes sessions7 Reply: A note (numbered n.1... n.n) that responds0 to a topic or to another reply in a conference0 Topic: A note (numbered n.0) that begins a' discussion in a conference 2 invoking_notes=TITLE invoking notes=TITLE Invoking DEC Notes0 You can invoke DEC Notes in the following ways:3 o Enter the NOTES (or NOTES/INTERFACE=DECWINDOWS)5 command at the DCL prompt ($), then press RETURN.* This invokes the DECwindows interface.7 o Enter the NOTES/INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL command at7 the DCL prompt ($), then press RETURN. This invokes4 the character-cell interface to DEC Notes within8 the terminal emulator (DECterm) window. You can then5 enter Notes commands, parameters, and qualifiers. 2 exiting_notes=TITLE exiting notes=TITLE Exiting from DEC Notes6 To exit from DEC Notes when you are in the DECwindows environment, choose in order:% o The File menu in the Notes window o The Exit menu item2 Alternatively, choose Exit from the pop-up window within the Notes window.$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,g"8 When you exit from the Notes window, any other open DEC- Notes windows are also automatically closed.3 Within the character-cell interface, type the EXIT5 command or press CTRL/Z (repeatedly if necessary) to7 close an open conference and then exit from DEC Notes. 2 entering_commands=TITLE entering commands=TITLE Entering Commands3 With the DECwindows interface you access DEC Notes8 functions by choosing menu items and clicking on screen$ objects instead of typing commands.6 With the character-cell interface, you enter commands( by typing them or pressing keypad keys. 2 rel_notes=TITLE rel notes=TITLE Release Notes8 You can print the release notes for this version of DEC8 Notes by typing the following command at the DCL prompt ($):1 $ PRINT SYS$HELP:NOTES$025.RELEASE_NOTES wwCy1 about =TITLE about=TITLE About DEC Notes=INCLUDE overview! DEC Notes4 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993.' All Rights Reserved.7 Software Version: DECwindows DEC Notes Version V2.5-1 ww4y1 main_work_box=TITLE main work box=TITLE Work-in-Progress Box3 The Work-in-Progress box gives information about a6 task in progress. It appears when there is a delay in5 completing the task. The information should be self-) explanatory. No user action is required. ww~y1 main_caution_box=TITLE main caution box=TITLE Info Box6 The Info box supplies an informational message, which7 should be self-explanatory. Click on OK to dismiss the box. wwy1 main_window=TITLE main window=TITLE Notes Window=INCLUDE main_menu_bar6 The Notes window is the main window for DEC Notes. It7 is the starting point for user interaction with Notes.. The Notes window displays your classes, which4 categorize the conferences you have entered in your4 Notebook, and the conferences themselves, listed by8 entry name. The conferences in your Notebook are called "entries."3 When the Notes window appears, all the classes are8 displayed but only the entries under your default class7 (usually MAIN) are displayed. You can expand any other7 class to display its entries by double clicking MB1 on it. wwuy1 scroll_bars=TITLE scroll bars=TITLE Scroll Bars5 Scroll bars indicate whether there is more text than3 can be displayed in the current window, and if so,5 allow you to scroll over the additional text to read it. ww@ y1 OK_pb =TITLE OK pb=TITLE OK Push Button2 Click on the OK push button to cause DEC Notes to4 apply the information in the dialog box and to make* the dialog box disappear from the screen. wwe y 1 cancel_pb=TITLE cancel pb=TITLE Cancel Push Button5 Click on the Cancel push button to remove the dialog7 box from the screen, without any action being taken or any settings being changed. ww. y 1 classes=TITLE classes=TITLE Classes=INCLUDE main_window=INCLUDE entry_names5 A class consists of one or more entries (conferences2 in your Notebook) that are related in some way. A5 class works like a tabbed divider to keep the set of7 conferences together. A conference can be in more than one class.3 You can create as many classes as you want in your Notebook. wwz y1 entry_names=TITLE entry names=TITLE Entry Names=INCLUDE main_window=INCLUDE classes1 Conferences in your Notebook are called entries.2 An entry name is either a name you specify or the conference name. ww y1 conferences=TITLE conferences=TITLE Conferences7 A conference is an online meeting in which many people5 can communicate with each other at their convenience6 on a particular subject. Their communications, called6 notes, are recorded and organized for easy reference.5 A conference is organized into topics, each of which3 can have any number of replies. A note is either a7 topic or a reply. A topic and its replies are called a discussion. wwh y 1 Objects=TITLE Objects=TITLE Objects=INCLUDE6 In DEC Notes, an "object" is a conference that has an4 object name in a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) database.3 If DNS is installed on your system, and if someone3 with write privilege on the DNS database has ad ded1 a conference as an object, the conference's file6 specification can be kept up to date in the database.8 Users who have added or modified the entry as an object4 do not have to change the file specification if the8 conference moves; DEC Notes checks the DNS database for the file specification. wwF y1 main_menu_bar=TITLE main menu bar =TITLE Menus in the Notes Window=INCLUDE Overview4 You use menus to perform DEC Notes operations, such4 as creating and o!pening conferences, modifying your profile, and so on.6 The menu names appear in the menu bar of a window. To8 use a menu, position the pointer on the menu name, such5 as File, then press and hold MB1. The pull-down menu8 appears. Hold MB1 down and move the pointer to the menu4 item you want, and release MB1 to select that item.5 The Notes window contains the following menus: File,( Edit, View, Options, Entries, and Help. 2 main_file_pde=TITLE main file pde=TITLE File Menu8"=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_marker_pb/ Use the File menu to perform these operations:7 o Open a conference that you selected by clicking MB1 on a conference name+ o Open another conference in a new window5 o Open a conference from a dialog box, with certain options3 o Get marker information and access notes through markers o Create a new conference& o Display a directory of conferences o Use mail5 o Display, add, delete, or m#odify a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) object o Exit from DEC Notes 3 main_file_open1_pb=TITLE main file open1 pb=TITLE Open Menu Item5 Choose the Open menu item to open the conference you have selected. 3 main_file_open3_pb=TITLE main file open3 pb#=TITLE Open in New Window Menu Item3 Choose the Open in New Window menu item to open an7 additional conference (a conference you have selected)3 in a new window. Any current windows remain on the s$creen. 3 main_file_open2_pb=TITLE main file open2 pb=TITLE Open... Menu Item5 Choose the Open... menu item to display a dialog box5 in which you can specify the entry you want to open,7 the class, and other information to apply to the entry8 you open. You can also open a conference that is not an entry in your Notebook. 4 main_file_open_db=TITLE main file open db=TITLE Open Dialog Box=INCLUDE OK_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb8 You can use the Open dialog box to specify th%e entry to2 be opened and to specify how it should be opened. 5 file_open_entry_l=TITLE file open entry l=TITLE Entry Field/ In the Entry field, type the entry name of the2 conference you want to open. If it is an entry in6 your Notebook, it is not necessary to supply any more8 information. If you selected an entry in the Conference6 window, the name of that entry already appears in the Entry field. 5 file_open_class_tb=TITLE file open class tb$=TITLE Class Toggle Bu&tton and Field8 If you want to specify the class in which the entry you8 open is found, first click on the toggle button to turn! it on. Then type the class name.7 Ordinarily you do not need to specify the class. It is5 useful to do so when you want to type a short entry-6 name abbreviation that is also an abbreviation for an entry in another class.8 If you specify the class, DEC Notes looks for the entry only in that class. 5 file_open_in_notebook_tb=TITLE file open in no'tebook tb&=TITLE Entry in Notebook Toggle Button1 If the conference you are opening is not in your3 Notebook, turn the Entry in Notebook toggle button off by clicking on it. 5 file_open_filespec_l=TITLE file open filespec l=TITLE Filename Field6 Type the file name if the conference you want to open8 is not an entry in your Notebook. Include the node name, if the file is not on your node or cluster. 5 file_open_automatic_l=TITLE file open automatic l=TITLE Show Op4|$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,{"'(tions5 Click on the First UNSEEN Note button if you want to5 see the first unseen note immediately after you open5 the conference, and if the button is not already on.6 Click on the Directory of Notes button if you want to6 see a directory instead of the first unseen note, and! if the button is not already on.6 When one button goes on, the other automatically goes off. 5 file_open_show_rb=TITLE file open show rb=TITLE Show Options5 Click on the First UNSEEN Note button) if you want to5 see the first unseen note immediately after you open5 the conference, and if the button is not already on.6 Click on the Directory of Notes button if you want to4 see a directory instead of reading the first unseen+ note, and if the button is not already on.6 When one button goes on, the other automatically goes6 off. Turn both buttons off if you want a blank window when you open a conference. 5 file_open_unseen_tb=TITLE file open unseen tb=TITLE First UNS*EEN Note Button5 Click on the First UNSEEN Note button if you want to5 see the first unseen note immediately after you open5 the conference, and if the button is not already on.6 Click on the Directory of Notes button if you want to4 see a directory instead of reading the first unseen+ note, and if the button is not already on.6 When one button goes on, the other automatically goes off. 5 file_open_directory_tb=TITLE file open directory tb =TITLE Directory of Notes Butt+on5 Click on the First UNSEEN Note button if you want to5 see the first unseen note immediately after you open5 the conference, and if the button is not already on.6 Click on the Directory of Notes button if you want to4 see a directory instead of reading the first unseen+ note, and if the button is not already on.6 When one button goes on, the other automatically goes off. 5 file_open_in_new_tb=TITLE file open in new tb'=TITLE Open in New Window Toggle Button5 Click on ,the Open in New Window toggle button if you1 already have a conference open in one window and3 you want to open a second (or third, and so forth)5 conference in a new window, instead of replacing the" current conference in its window. 3 main_file_create_pb=TITLE main file create pb%=TITLE Create Conference... Menu Item4 When you choose the Create Conference... menu item,6 a dialog box appears in which you specify information' about the conference you are creating. 4 mai-n_file_create_db=TITLE main file create db#=TITLE Create Conference Dialog Box=INCLUDE OK_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 In the Create Conference dialog box you can specify6 the name of the conference you are creating and other information. 5 file_create_notefile_l=TITLE file create notefile l =TITLE Conference Filename Field7 In the Conference Filename field, type the name of the conference you are creating.- If the conference is to be on a remote node,5 include the node na.me. The default device, directory4 (NOTES$LIBRARY), and file type (.NOTE) are assumed.6 If the conference is to be in your private directory,' include the device and directory name.6 The file name you type becomes the default entry name1 for any user who does not specify an entry name.7 Do not press RETURN after typing a file name. Instead,1 click on the Title toggle button so that you can continue typing. 5 file_create_title_tb=TITLE file create title tb$=TITLE Title/ Toggle Button and Field. Click on the Title toggle button. Then type a7 descriptive title for the conference you are creating. 5 file_create_notice_tb=TITLE file create notice tb%=TITLE Notice Toggle Button and Field4 If you want a notice to appear, click on the Notice% toggle button. Then type the notice. 5 file_create_attribute_l=TITLE file create attribute l=TITLE Conference Attributes1 Specify the attributes for the new conference by, clicking on the appropriate t0oggle buttons. 5 file_create_write_all_tb=TITLE file create write all tb!=TITLE Allow Writes Toggle Button2 By default, notes can be written to a conference,5 and so the Allow Writes toggle button is already on.7 Click on it to turn it off if you want to restrict the6 writing privilege to moderators and selected members. 5 file_create_restr_mem_tb=TITLE file create restr mem tb%=TITLE Restrict Members Toggle Button4 If you want to restrict access to the conference to13 members only, click on the Restrict Members toggle button to turn it on. 5 file_create_restr_key_tb=TITLE file create restr key tb.=TITLE Restrict Keyword Creation Toggle Button6 By default, only moderators and selected members with7 the create-keywords privilege can create new keywords,6 and so the Restrict Keyword Creation toggle button is4 already on. If you want anyone to be able to create4 keywords, click on it to turn this restriction off. 5 file_create_reply_onl2y_tb =TITLE file create reply only tb,=TITLE Restrict Topic Creation Toggle Button4 If you want to restrict topic creation so that only2 moderators and privileged members can write topic3 notes, click on the Restrict Topic Creation toggle5 button. The writing of replies remains unrestricted. 3 main_file_directory_pb=TITLE main file directory pb,=TITLE Directory of Conferences... Menu Item4 Choose the Directory of Conferences... menu item to6 display a dialog box in which you can3 get a directory4 of conferences on your node or on a specified node. 4 main_file_directory_db=TITLE main file directory db*=TITLE Directory of Conferences Dialog Box4 You can use the Directory of Conferences dialog box4 to get a directory of conferences on your node or a specified node. 5 file_directory_location_l =TITLE file directory location l=TITLE Location Field2 To specify a location, type the node, device, and directory.4 If you use a logical name instead o4f the device and- directory, be sure to type a colon after it. 5 file_directory_conf_l=TITLE file directory conf l=TITLE Conference Information8 A directory of conferences appears below the Conference4 Information heading for the location you specified. 5 file_directory_conf_ud=TITLE file directory conf ud!=TITLE Conference Directory Field5 A directory of conferences appears in the Conference Directory field.8 Double click MB1 on the conference name icon to displ5ay8 the information associated with that conference (title,0 notice, moderator, date created, and location).4 Double click MB1 on the conference name to open the conference. 5 file_directory_apply_pb=TITLE file directory apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button6 Click on the Apply push button to cause the indicated* settings in the dialog box to be applied.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 file_directory_add_pb=TITLE file directory 6add pb=TITLE Add... Push Button8 Click on the Add... push button to display a dialog box3 that enables you to add an entry to your Notebook. 3 main_file_mail_pb=TITLE main file mail pb=TITLE Mail... Menu Item1 The Mail... menu item displays a dialog box that5 enables you to send a mail message or forward a note by mail from within DEC Notes. 4 main_file_mail_db=TITLE main file mail db=TITLE Mail Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 This dialog box enabl7es you to send a mail message or) to forward a note from within DEC Notes. 5 note_mail_operation_l=TITLE note mail operation l=TITLE Operation4 The two possible mail operations are to send a mail message and to forward a note. 5 note_mail_operation_rb=TITLE note mail operation rb=TITLE Available Operations4 The two possible mail operations are to send a mail message and to forward a note. 5 note_mail_send_tb=TITLE note mail send tb=TITLE Send Toggle But8ton0 Click on this button if you want to send a mail message. 5 note_mail_forward_tb=TITLE note mail forward tb=TITLE Forward Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want to forward a note you are reading by mail. 5 note_mail_to_l=TITLE note mail to l=TITLE Addressee Options4 Your choices are to mail the message or note to the7 specified addressee, to all conference members, to all5 conference moderators, or to the author of the note. 5 note_mail_t(I^$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,'"89o_rb=TITLE note mail to rb"=TITLE Available Addressee Options4 Your choices are to mail the message or note to the7 specified addressee, to all conference members, to all5 conference moderators, or to the author of the note. 5 note_mail_username_tb=TITLE note mail username tb(=TITLE Addressee Toggle Button and Field5 Click on the button and type the user name(s) of the4 person(s) to whom you are sending mail. Include the& node if the user is not on your node. 5 note_mail :_members_tb=TITLE note mail members tb=TITLE Members Toggle Button8 Click on this button to send mail to all members of the conference.4 Note that only those members for whom the moderator6 has specifically given a mail address (using the MAIL4 field, or, in the character-cell interface, the ADD2 or SET MEMBER/MAIL command) can receive mail sent5 to all members from within Notes with the Conference8 Moderators button (or, in the character-cell interface,. the SEND/MEMBERS or FORWARD;/MEMBERS command). 5 note_mail_moderators_tb=TITLE note mail moderators tb=TITLE Moderators Toggle Button8 Click on this button to send mail to all the moderators4 of the conference. Note that only those members for1 whom the moderator has specifically given a mail5 address (using the MAIL field, or, in the character-8 cell interface, the ADD or SET MEMBER/MAIL command) can. receive mail sent to all members in this way. 5 note_mail_author_tb=TITLE note mail author tb=T<ITLE Author Toggle Button7 Click on this button to send mail to the author of the note. 5 note_mail_subject_tb=TITLE note mail subject tb&=TITLE Subject Toggle Button and Field3 Click on the button and type a subject if you want5 to supply a mail subject for the mail message or the forwarded note. 3 main_file_object_pb=TITLE main file object pb=TITLE Objects... Menu Item=INCLUDE8 Choose the Objects... menu item to bring up the Display8 Objects dialog box if you= want to display, add, delete,7 or modify a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) object.1 In DEC Notes, an object is a conference, and its' attribute is a notefile specification.3 To add, delete, or modify an object, you must have5 write privilege on the DNS database, and DNS must be installed on your system. 4 main_object_disply_db=TITLE main object disply db!=TITLE Display Objects Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb1 In this dialog box, you can display the notefile5 specificati>on associated with a VAX Distributed Name3 Service (DNS) object (conference), or (if you have5 write privilege on the DNS database) add, delete, or modify an object. 5 object_disply_object_l=TITLE object disply object l=TITLE Object Name Field=INCLUDE4 The object name is the VAX Distributed Name Service5 (DNS) object name associated with a conference. Type the object name here in full. 5 object_disply_info_l=TITLE object disply info l=TITLE Object Information?=INCLUDE7 Information about a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS)- object or objects is displayed in the field. 5 object_disply_info_ud=TITLE object disply info ud=TITLE Object Information Field=INCLUDE7 Information about a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS)4 object or objects is displayed in the field. Double4 click MB1 on an object name to display the notefile5 specification (if any) associated with the object in the DNS database. 5 object_disply_apply_pb=TITLE@ object disply apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button=INCLUDE7 Click on Apply to display information about the object name. 5 file_object_add_pb=TITLE file object add pb=TITLE Add... Push Button=INCLUDE4 Click on the Add... push button to bring up the Add2 Object dialog box, in which you can add an object7 (conference) to the VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS)3 database, provided you have write privilege on the database. 6 file_object_add_db=TITLE file object addA db=TITLE Add Object Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb7 In this dialog box, you can add an object (conference)4 to the VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) database,3 provided you have write privilege on the database. 7 object_add_object_l=TITLE object add object l=TITLE Object Name Field=INCLUDE. Type the DNS object name in the field. Do not abbreviate it. 7 object_add_file_l=TITLE object add file l=TITLE Filespec Field=INCLUDE7 Type the notefile sBpecification of the conference that8 you are adding as a DNS object if you want to associate* a notefile specification with the object. 7 object_add_apply_pb=TITLE object add apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button=INCLUDE6 Click on Apply to add the object to the DNS database. 5 file_object_delete_pb=TITLE file object delete pb=TITLE Delete... Push Button=INCLUDE8 Choose the Delete... push button to bring up the Delete2 Object dialog box if you want to delete an object3 (coCnference) from the VAX Distributed Name Service5 (DNS) database. You must have write privilege on the database to do so. 6 file_object_delete_db=TITLE file object delete db=TITLE Delete Object Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb0 You can use this dialog box to delete an object3 (conference) from the VAX Distributed Name Service5 (DNS) database. You must have write privilege on the database to do so. 7 object_delete_object_l=TITLE object delete object lD=TITLE Object Name Field=INCLUDE" Type the DNS object name in full. 7 object_delete_apply_pb=TITLE object delete apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button=INCLUDE1 Click on Apply to delete the object from the DNS database. 5 file_object_modify_pb=TITLE file object modify pb=TITLE Modify... Push Button=INCLUDE8 Choose the Modify... push button to bring up the Modify6 Object dialog box if you want to modify the attribute7 of a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) object. IEn DEC6 Notes, the attribute is a notefile specification, and the object is a conference.5 You must have write privilege to the DNS database to modify an object. 6 file_object_modify_db=TITLE file object modify db=TITLE Modify Object Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb/ Use the Modify Object dialog box to modify the2 attribute of a VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS)2 object. In DEC Notes, the attribute is a notefile/ specification, and the object is a conference.F5 You must have write privilege to the DNS database to modify an object. 7 object_modify_object_l=TITLE object modify object l=TITLE Object Name Field=INCLUDE" Type the DNS object name in full. 7 object_modify_file_l=TITLE object modify file l=TITLE Filespec Field=INCLUDE7 Type the new notefile specification of the conference. 7 object_modify_apply_pb=TITLE object modify apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button=INCLUDE/ Click on Apply to modify the obGject in the DNS database. 7 object_modify_show_pb=TITLE object modify show pb=TITLE Show Push Button=INCLUDE. Click on Show to display the current notefile& specification, if any, of the object. 3 main_file_exit_pb=TITLE main file exit pb=TITLE Exit Menu Item5 Choose the Exit menu item to exit from DEC Notes and+ return to DCL level in the DECterm window.7 However many windows you have open in DEC Notes at the7 time, this action closes them all. It is not neceHssary) to close the other windows individually. 2 main_edit_pde=TITLE main edit pde=TITLE Edit Menu/ Use the Edit menu to perform these operations:5 o Copy text that you selected by clicking MB1 on it, o Select the entire contents of the window 3 main_edit_copy_pb=TITLE main edit copy pb =TITLE Copy4 The Copy menu item copies the selected text without deleting it.2 The text is copied to the "clipboard," which is a6 buffer (storage area) for the most recentIly copied or6 cut text. The text can be "pasted" from the clipboard5 to (for example) the text area of an Edit window; in4 the Edit window, you can choose the Paste menu item6 from the Edit menu, and the contents of the clipboard* are copied to the location of the cursor.5 Pasting does not delete the text from the clipboard;7 it remains there and can be pasted again and again, as8 you choose, until you replace it with some newly cut or copied text. 3 main_edit_select_pb=TITLE/pS$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,"IJ main edit select pb=TITLE Select All8 The Select All menu item selects the entire contents of the window. 2 main_view_pde=TITLE main view pde=TITLE View Menu4 Use the View menu to display classes and entries in5 a tree or textual-outline structure, or to expand or& collapse classes in the Notes window.2 The default display is in a textual-outline form,6 and you can change it to a tree structure by choosing+ Display Tree from the View pull-down menu.2 An expanded class iKs a class with its conferences0 displayed under it. Select a class to expand by6 clicking MB1 on it. Choose Expand from the View pull-( down menu to expand the selected class.' Choose Expand All to expand all items.4 Collapse and Collapse All are similar in operation. 3 main_outline_pb=TITLE main outline pb%=TITLE Display Tree/Textual Menu Item4 By default, the Notes window shows your classes and6 entries in a textual-outline form. You can choose the3 Display Tree menu item to L have them displayed in a4 tree structure. If you do so, the Display Tree menu4 item changes to the Display Textual menu item. When5 the Notes window is showing your classes and entries8 in a tree-structure display, you can choose the Display7 Textual menu item to have them displayed in a textual- outline form.5 Similarly, the Conference window shows the directory4 of notes in a textual-outline form, by default. You3 can choose the Display Tree menu item to have them3 displayed in a Mtree structure. When they are being2 displayed in a tree structure, you can choose the4 Display Textual menu item to have them displayed in a textual-outline form. 3 main_expand_pb=TITLE main expand pb =TITLE Expand0 The Expand menu item expands the selected item:/ a class in the Notes window, or a topic in the1 Conference window. "Expand" means to display the5 entries (conferences) under a selected class, or the% replies under a selected topic note.3 Before choosing ExpNand, you must select an item to expand by clicking on it. 3 main_expand_all_pb=TITLE main expand all pb=TITLE Expand All7 The Expand All menu item expands all items, displaying8 the entries (conferences) under each class in the Notes6 window, or displaying all replies under each topic in the Conference window. 3 main_collapse_pb=TITLE main collapse pb=TITLE Collapse6 The Collapse menu item collapses the selected item: a8 class in the Notes window, or a topic iOn the Conference6 window. It causes the entries (conferences) displayed8 under the class, or the replies listed under the topic, to disappear from the screen. 3 main_collapse_all_pb=TITLE main collapse all pb=TITLE Collapse All7 The Collapse All menu item collapses all your expanded2 items. In the Notes window, it causes the entries6 (conferences) displayed under each class to disappear5 from the screen. In the Conference window, it causes7 the replies listed under topic notePs to disappear from the screen. 2 main_customize_pde=TITLE main customize pde=TITLE Options Menu2 Use the Options menu to modify your profile or to modify your print options. 3 main_customize_profile_pb =TITLE main customize profile pb'=TITLE Show/Modify Profile... Menu Item5 The Show/Modify Profile... menu item causes a dialog1 box to appear, in which you can see your current6 profile settings and enter information to change your( profile. You can specify the foQllowing:2 o Your default class, which is the class that is& expanded when you invoke DEC Notes7 o Your personal name, which appears on notes that you( enter or mail messages that you send6 o Whether a conference you open immediately displays3 the first unseen note, a directory of notes, or neither6 You can also specify that the changed settings should/ be temporary, applying only to the current DEC5 Notes session, if you do not want them to be applied permanentRly. 4 main_customize_profile_db =TITLE main customize profile db%=TITLE Show/Modify Profile Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb8 This dialog box displays your current profile settings.6 You can enter information to change your profile. You can specify the following:2 o Your default class, which is the class that is& expanded when you invoke DEC Notes7 o Your personal name, which appears on notes that you( enter or mail messages that you send6 o Whether Sa conference you open immediately displays3 the first unseen note, a directory of notes, or neither6 You can also specify that the changed settings should/ be temporary, applying only to the current DEC5 Notes session, if you do not want them to be applied permanently. 5 customize_profile_temp_tb =TITLE customize profile temp tb'=TITLE Temporary Settings Toggle Button3 Click on this button to turn it on if you want the3 settings you specify to apply only to your currTent Notes session.5 If you have already set up temporary settings, those6 settings are displayed when you click on this button. 5 customize_profile_class_l =TITLE customize profile class l=TITLE Class Field3 To change your default class, type the name of the8 class that you want as your default class, that is, the5 class that is expanded when you invoke DEC Notes. By default, this class is MAIN. 5 customize_profile_pen_l=TITLE customize profile pen l=TITLE PersoUnal Name Field6 A "personal name" is a string that appears along with5 your node and user name in the heading of notes that. you enter, as well as mail messages you send.6 A personal name must begin with a letter. Its maximum length is 63 characters.7 The personal name is optional, and you do not have one until you set it. 5 customize_profile_auto_l=TITLE customize profile auto l=TITLE Show Options5 Click on the First UNSEEN Note button if you want to8 see the first uVnseen note immediately when you open the7 conference, and if the button is not already on. Click4 on the Directory of Notes button if you want to see6 a directory instead of reading the first unseen note,5 and if the button is not already on. When one button5 goes on, the other automatically goes off. Turn both7 buttons off if you want a blank window when you open a conference. 5 customize_profile_show_rb =TITLE customize profile show rb=TITLE Options5 You can specify whether, Wwhen you open a conference, you will/ o See the first note you have not seen before. o See a directory of notes in the conference o See neither of the above8 By default, the first UNSEEN note is displayed, so that5 button is probably turned on. Click on it to turn it( off if you want to change this setting.6 Click on the Directory of Notes button to turn it on,4 if you want; or turn both buttons off if you want a) blank window when you open a conference. 5 customiXze_profile_uns_tb=TITLE customize profile uns tb&=TITLE First UNSEEN Note Toggle Button8 By default, the first UNSEEN note is displayed when you5 open a conference, so that button is probably turned5 on. Click on it to turn it off if you want to change this setting. 5 customize_profile_dir_tb=TITLE customize profile dir tb'=TITLE Directory of Notes Toggle Button5 Click on the Directory of Notes button to turn it on8 if you want to see a directory of notes when you open a Y conference. 3 main_customize_print_pb=TITLE main customize print pb-=TITLE Show/Modify Print Options... Menu Item4 The Show/Modify Print Options... menu item causes a7 dialog box to appear, in which you can see the current2 defaults applied to printing jobs, and change the defaults, as follows: o Number of copies o Page range o Print format o Printer o Orientation" o Delay, if any, before printing 2 main_entry_pde=TITLE main entry pde=TITZLE Entries Menu* Use the Entries menu to do the following:! o Add an entry to your Notebook$ o Modify an entry in your Notebook4 o Update a selected entry or class, or all entries0 o Delete a class, or delete an entry from your Notebook or from a class 3 main_entry_add_pb=TITLE main entry add pb=TITLE Add... Menu Item5 The Add... menu item causes the Add Entry dialog box6 to appear, in which you can type information about an3 entry you are adding to your NoteboX $ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,T"Z[ok, as follows:# o The file name of the conference! o The entry name of your choice o The object name0 o The class to which the entry should be added 4 main_entry_add_db=TITLE main entry add db=TITLE Add Entry Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 In this dialog box, you can type information about an3 entry you are adding to your Notebook, as follows:# o The file name of the conference! o The entry name of your choice0 o The class to which t\he entry should be added 5 entry_add_filespec_l=TITLE entry add filespec l =TITLE Conference Filename Field7 Type the file specification of the conference you want0 to add; for example, BOSTON::LOCAL_RESTAURANTS.7 If the conference is on your node, or if it is already2 an entry in a different class, you do not need to specify the node. 5 entry_add_entry_tb=TITLE entry add entry tb$=TITLE Entry Toggle Button and Field4 If you want to give the conference you are addi]ng a7 different entry name from the conference name (perhaps2 one easier to remember or to type), click on this) button and type the name of your choice. 5 entry_add_object_tb=TITLE entry add object tb*=TITLE Object Name Toggle Button and Field=INCLUDE4 If the conference is an object in a VAX Distributed4 Name Service (DNS) database, you can add the object8 name to the entry in your Notebook. Click on the button and type the object name.3 If an entry has a DNS object name, DE^C Notes looks1 first at the DNS database whenever accessing the7 conference. A notefile specification can be associated8 with the conference in that database. If the conference7 moves, that notefile specification can be changed, and1 you will still be able to access the conference. 5 entry_add_class_tb=TITLE entry add class tb$=TITLE Class Toggle Button and Field8 Your default class appears here. If you want to add the5 conference to a different class or classes, click on' t_he button and type the class name(s).6 If you type a class name that does not already exist, the class is created. 3 main_entry_modify_pb=TITLE main entry modify pb=TITLE Show/Modify... Menu Item4 The Show/Modify... menu item causes the Show/Modify5 Entry dialog box to appear, in which you can specify6 a new entry name, class, conference file name, and/or5 object name. You can also display the current values for the entry. 4 main_entry_modify_db=TITLE main entr`y modify db#=TITLE Show/Modify Entry Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 In this dialog box, you can specify a new entry name,5 class, conference file name, and/or object name. You3 can also display the current values for the entry. 5 entry_modify_entry_l=TITLE entry modify entry l=TITLE Entry Field5 Type the current entry name of the entry you want to modify.6 If you want to see the current information about that& entry, click on the Show push button.5 If ayou already selected an entry (by clicking on it)6 in the Notes window, the current information for that entry appears in the box. 5 entry_modify_name_tb=TITLE entry modify name tb-=TITLE New Entry Name Toggle Button and Field4 If you want to change the entry name, click on this button and type the new name.5 If you already selected an entry (by clicking on it)6 in the Notes window, the current information for that entry appears in the box. 5 entry_modify_class_tbb=TITLE entry modify class tb$=TITLE Class Toggle Button and Field7 If you want to change the class or classes to which an7 entry belongs, type the new class name(s). If there is) a list, separate the names with a comma.5 If you already selected an entry (by clicking on it)7 in the Notes window, that entry's class or classes are displayed. 5 entry_modify_filespec_tb=TITLE entry modify filespec tb2=TITLE Conference Filename Toggle Button and Field5 Type the new file specificcation of the conference if you need to change it.4 If the conference is on your node, you need to type only the file name. 5 entry_modify_object_tb=TITLE entry modify object tb*=TITLE Object Name Toggle Button and Field=INCLUDE4 If the conference is an object in a VAX Distributed4 Name Service (DNS) database, you can add the object8 name to the entry in your Notebook. Click on the button8 and type the object name. You can also change or delete the object name for your endtry.3 If an entry has a DNS object name, DEC Notes looks1 first at the DNS database whenever accessing the7 conference. A notefile specification can be associated8 with the conference in that database. If the conference7 moves, that notefile specification can be changed, and1 you will still be able to access the conference. 5 entry_modify_apply_pb=TITLE entry modify apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button/ When you are satisfied with the informtion you2 have supplied, click on Appely to modify the entry accordingly.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 entry_modify_show_pb=TITLE entry modify show pb=TITLE Show Push Button8 To see the current information about an entry, type the6 entry name in the Entry field and then click on Show. 3 main_entry_update1_pb=TITLE main entry update1 pb=TITLE Update Menu Item4 You can update an entry to determine whether it has notes you have not yet seen.8 The Updatfe menu item updates the selected entry, or the7 entries in a selected class. First select the class or8 entry by clicking on it and then choose the Update menu item. 3 main_entry_update2_pb=TITLE main entry update2 pb=TITLE Update... Menu Item4 You can update an entry to determine whether it has notes you have not yet seen.7 The Update... menu item causes the Update Entry dialog8 box to appear, in which you can type the entry name and5 its class, or choose all entries in yougr Notebook or% all entries in a class for updating.6 If you first select an entry name in the Notes window7 (by clicking on it), that entry name is already filled in when the dialog box appears. 4 main_entry_update_db=TITLE main entry update db=TITLE Update Entry Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 You can update an entry to determine whether it has notes you have not yet seen.8 In this dialog box, you can type the entry name and its+ class, or choose all enhtries for updating.6 If you first select an entry name in the Notes window7 (by clicking on it), that entry name is already filled in when the dialog box appears. 5 entry_update_entry_tb=TITLE entry update entry tb$=TITLE Entry Toggle Button and Field6 Type the entry name of your choice to update a single5 entry. If you already selected an entry in the Notes. window, that entry name is already filled in.7 If you want to update all the entries in a class, fill8 in that classi name if necessary in the Class field, and0 leave the asterisk wildcard in the Entry field. 5 entry_update_class_tb=TITLE entry update class tb$=TITLE Class Toggle Button and Field6 Type a class name if you want to specify the class in- which one or more entries should be updated.6 If you already selected an entry in the Notes window,) that entry's class is already filled in.7 If you want to update all the entries in a class, fill5 in that class name in the Class field, and lejave the Entry field blank. 5 entry_update_all_tb=TITLE entry update all tb =TITLE All Entries Toggle Button3 Click this button on if you want to update all the entries in your Notebook. 3 main_entry_delete1_pb=TITLE main entry delete1 pb=TITLE Delete Menu Item7 The Delete menu item deletes the selected class or the6 selected entry (the entry you clicked on in the Notes1 window) from the class under which it is listed.2 If the entry is in more than one class, it kis not" deleted from the other class(es). 3 main_entry_delete2_pb=TITLE main entry delete2 pb=TITLE Delete... Menu Item7 The Delete... menu item causes the Delete Entry dialog8 box to appear, in which you can specify the name of the6 entry you want to delete and the class(es) from which it should be deleted. 4 main_entry_delete_db=TITLE main entry delete db=TITLE Delete Entry Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 In this dialog box, you can specify the name Wo$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,#"klof the6 entry you want to delete and the class(es) from which it should be deleted. 5 entry_delete_entry_l=TITLE entry delete entry l=TITLE Entry Field5 Type the entry name of the entry you want to delete.8 If you selected an entry by clicking on it in the Notes. window, that entry name is already filled in. 5 entry_delete_class_tb=TITLE entry delete class tb$=TITLE Class Toggle Button and Field7 Click on the button to turn it on and type the name of3 the class fromm which you want to delete the entry.8 If you selected an entry by clicking on it in the Notes. window, that class name is already filled in. 2 main_help_pde=TITLE main help pde=TITLE Help Menu7 To get help on screen objects such as menu names, menu5 items, dialog boxes, and buttons, press the HELP key3 while you press and hold MB1 on the screen object.) For example, to get help on a menu item: 1. Press and hold the HELP key.& 2. Press and hold MB1 on a menu name.7n 3. Drag the pointer to the menu item you want help on. 4. Release MB1. 5. Release the HELP key.8 Additional topics, if any, are listed. You can get help5 on an additional topic by double clicking MB1 on it. 3 main_help_overview_pb=TITLE main help overview pb=TITLE Overview of DEC Notes=INCLUDE main_window=INCLUDE conf_window=INCLUDE read_window=INCLUDE edit_window( Welcome to DECwindows DEC Notes V2.5-1.7 DEC Notes is a computer conferencing system. It allows1 o many people to communicate at their convenience,4 usually on a single subject or issue. In DEC Notes,4 a private meeting to discuss marketing strategy, an8 electronic bulletin board to announce course offerings,2 or a public forum on environmental issues are all examples of conferences.5 A conference is organized into any number of topics,6 each of which can have any number of replies. A topic4 and its associated replies are called a discussion.2 Topics are identified as n.0, where n ips a number8 assigned sequentially by the system. Replies to a topic3 note are also sequentially numbered, starting with7 .1. If topic 4 has 3 replies, the replies are numbered6 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Topics and replies are referred to collectively as notes.3 The first time you invoke DEC Notes, a Notebook is5 automatically created for you. In your Notebook, you6 store the names of conferences you are interested in. 3 main_help_about_pb=TITLE main help about pb=TITLE About DECq Notes=INCLUDE overview! DEC Notes4 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993.' All Rights Reserved.7 Software Version: DECwindows DEC Notes Version V2.5-1 ww !y 1 main_popup=TITLE main popup=TITLE Pop-Up Menu8 You invoke the pop-up menu by pressing and holding down0 MB3. The pointer can be anywhere in the window.5 From the pop-up menu, you can quickly open or update1 the selected conference, or exirt from DEC Notes. 2 main_popup_open_pb=TITLE main popup open pb=TITLE Open Push Button5 Release MB3 on Open to open the selected conference. 2 main_popup_open_in_new_pb =TITLE main popup open in new pb%=TITLE Open in New Window Push Button6 Release MB3 on Open in New Window if you want to open6 another conference (which you selected by clicking on8 it) in a new window, with the currently open conference+ or conferences remaining in their windows. 2 main_popup_supdate_pb=TITLE main popup update pb=TITLE Update Push Button6 Release MB3 on Update to update the selected entry or5 entries. You can also select a class and then update all entries in that class.7 By updating an entry, you can determine whether it has notes you have not yet seen. 2 main_popup_exit_pb=TITLE main popup exit pb=TITLE Exit Push Button3 If you want to exit from DEC Notes, release MB3 on Exit. wwZ}!y1 conf_window=TITLE contf window=TITLE Conference Window=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar8 The Conference window appears on the screen if you open5 a conference and you do not go directly to the first UNSEEN note.5 The Conference window either contains a directory of5 notes in the conference or is blank. (It is blank if7 you specified that you want to see neither a directory nor the first UNSEEN note.)6 More than one Conference window can be on your screen at once. 2 conf_svn_window=TITLE conf svn wiundow=TITLE Directory of Notes8 The Conference window appears on the screen if you open5 a conference and you do not go directly to the first UNSEEN note.5 The Conference window either contains a directory of5 notes in the conference or is blank. (It is blank if7 you specified that you want to see neither a directory nor the first UNSEEN note.)6 More than one Conference window can be on your screen at once. ww!y 1 topics =TITLE topics =TITLE Topicvs1 A topic is the first note in a discussion. It is4 numbered n.0 (n is a number assigned by the system,6 sequentially). Its replies are numbered sequentially,8 starting with n.1. Both topics and replies are "notes." ww<"y 1 replies=TITLE replies=TITLE Replies5 A reply is any note in a discussion except the first6 note, which is a topic. A topic is numbered n.0 (n is4 a number assigned by the system, sequentially). Its6 replies are numbered sequentially, startiwng with n.1.% Both topics and replies are "notes." ww]"y 1 keywords=TITLE keywords=TITLE Keywords5 A keyword is a word or phrase that groups notes that5 are concerned with a particular subject but that may7 not have other attributes (for example, title, author, or date) in common.8 By default, the creation of new keywords is restricted;6 a member can create keywords only if authorized to do8 so by the moderator. (The moderator can also remove the6 restrxiction, allowing anyone to create new keywords.)7 You do not need a special privilege to add an existing keyword to a note. wwi&y 1 markers=TITLE markers=TITLE Markers6 A marker enables you to find a note of interest again quickly.6 Unlike keywords, markers are for the individual's use5 only, and do not appear in other conference members' Notebooks. ww'y 1 members=TITLE members=TITLE Members7 The members of a conference ayre the users specified as members by the moderator.6 If access to a conference is restricted, only members can use it. wwL'y1 conf_menu_bar=TITLE conf menu bar%=TITLE Menus in the Conference Window$=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_help_pde7 You use menus to perform DEC Notes operations, such as* creating notes, reading notes, and so on.6 The menu names appear in the menu bar of a window. To8 use a menu, position the pointer on the menu name, such5 as File, thzen press and hold MB1. The pull-down menu8 appears. Hold MB1 down and move the pointer to the menu4 item you want, and release MB1 to select that item.4 The Conference window contains the following menus:/ File, Edit, View, Conference, Notes, and Help. 2 conf_file_pde=TITLE conf file pde=TITLE File Menu6=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_file_pde main_file_mail_pb9=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_file_pde read_file_extract_pb8=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_file_pde read_file_print1_pb8=INCLU{DE read_menu_bar read_file_pde read_file_print2_pb/ Use the File menu to perform these operations: o Use mail# o Extract notes to an output file o Print notes o Close the conference 3 conf_file_close_pb=TITLE conf file close pb!=TITLE Close Conference Menu Item6 The Close Conference menu item closes the conference. 2 conf_edit_pde=TITLE conf edit pde=TITLE Edit Menu6=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_edit_pde main_edit_copy_pb8=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_ed|it_pde main_edit_select_pb/ Use the Edit menu to perform these operations:5 o Copy text that you selected by clicking MB1 on it, o Select the entire contents of the window 2 conf_view_pde=TITLE conf view pde=TITLE View Menu4=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_view_pde main_outline_pb3=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_view_pde main_expand_pb7=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_view_pde main_expand_all_pb5=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_view_pde main_collapse_pb9=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_view_pdeN9$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,"|} main_collapse_all_pb6 Use the View menu to expand or collapse topics in the6 directory. An expanded topic is a topic note with its replies listed under it.4 First select a topic by clicking on it. Then choose% Expand from the View pull-down menu.6 You can expand all the topic notes by choosing Expand All.4 Collapse and Collapse All are similar in operation. 2 conf_conf_pde=TITLE conf conf pde=TITLE Conference Menu# You can use the Conference menu to2 o Display a ~directory of notes in the Conference window! o Search for a character string2 o Perform operations with keywords, markers, and members1 o Modify the conference attributes (a moderator privilege) o Set notes as "seen"1 o Enable your moderator privilege, if you are a7 moderator, or disable it if it is enabled currently 3 conf_conf_directory_pb=TITLE conf conf directory pb&=TITLE Directory of Notes... Menu Item8 This menu item causes the Directory of Notes dialog box7 to appear. In it you can specify selection criteria to7 apply to the directory: note-range, author, dates, and other criteria. 4 conf_conf_directory_db=TITLE conf conf directory db$=TITLE Directory of Notes Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 Use this dialog box to specify selection criteria to7 apply to the directory: note-range, author, dates, and other criteria. 5 dir_note_selection_l=TITLE dir note selection l=TITLE Selection Criteria6 The selection criteria that you specify from the list6 below will be used to limit the directory of notes to those of interest to you. 5 dir_note_noterange_tb=TITLE dir note noterange tb)=TITLE Note-Range Toggle Button and Field8 By default, all topic notes are included in a directory6 of notes. Therefore, LAST-1 appears in the field. You4 can substitute a range of your choice in the field. 5 dir_note_author_tb=TITLE dir note author tb%=TITLE Author Toggle Button and Field3 If you want to see a directory of notes written by3 a certain author, click on the button and type the author's user name.3 If you include a node name with the user name, the3 directory is limited to that specific combination. 5 dir_note_before_tb=TITLE dir note before tb%=TITLE Before Toggle Button and Field4 If you want to limit the directory to notes entered4 before a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.6 Use a valid VMS date-time specification; for example,4 12-NOV-1988 or YESTERDAY+16:15. (The second example7 specifies notes written before yesterday at 4:15 P.M.) 5 dir_note_since_tb=TITLE dir note since tb$=TITLE Since Toggle Button and Field4 If you want to limit the directory to notes entered8 since a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.6 Use a valid VMS date-time specification; for example,0 12-NOV-1988 or TODAY+10:00. (The second example3 specifies notes written since 10:00 this morning.) 5 dir_note_keyword_tb=TITLE dir note keyword tb&=TITLE Keyword Toggle Button and Field3 If you want the directory of notes associated with4 a certain keyword, click on the button and type the keyword. 5 dir_note_title_tb=TITLE dir note title tb$=TITLE Title Toggle Button and Field5 If you want a directory of notes that have a certain8 character string included in their titles, click on the button and type the string. 5 dir_note_search_tb=TITLE dir note search tb#=TITLE Text Toggle Button and Field6 If you want to search through the notes for a certain3 character string, click on the button and type the6 string. The notes containing the string are listed in the directory. 5 dir_note_unseen_note_tb=TITLE dir note unseen note tb!=TITLE Unseen Notes Toggle Button5 If you want to limit the directory to notes you have# not yet seen, click on the button. 5 dir_note_options_l=TITLE dir note options l=TITLE Selection Options4 You can opt to include replies in the directory (by% default, only topics are displayed). 5 dir_note_all_replies_tb=TITLE dir note all replies tb$=TITLE Include Replies Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want replies listed in the6 directory. (By default, only topic notes are listed.) 5 dir_note_apply_pb=TITLE dir note apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button2 The Apply push button applies the criteria in the dialog box to the directory.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 3 read_note_search_pb=TITLE read note search pb=TITLE Search... Menu Item2 The Search... menu item displays the Search Notes8 dialog box, in which you can type a search string and a7 note range. The first note in the range containing the7 string is displayed in a Read window. You can go on to* display subsequent notes with the string. 4 read_note_search_db=TITLE read note search db=TITLE Search Notes Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb7 In this dialog box, you can type a search string and a7 note range. The first note in the range containing the7 string is displayed in a Read window. You can go on to* display subsequent notes with the string. 5 note_search_string_l=TITLE note search string l=TITLE Search String Field. Type the character string to be searched for. 5 note_search_note_tb=TITLE note search note tb)=TITLE Note-Range Toggle Button and Field6 By default, all notes in the conference are searched.6 In a large conference, this operation can take a long5 time. You can limit the note range to be searched by& typing a range, for example, 150-180. 5 note_search_in_new_tb=TITLE note search in new tb'=TITLE Read in New Window Toggle Button0 Click on this button if you want the note to be displayed in a new Read window. 5 note_search_find_pb=TITLE note search find pb=TITLE Find Push Button6 Click on the Find push button to start the search for4 the first note containing the string you specified. 5 note_search_findnext_pb=TITLE note search findnext pb=TITLE Find Next Push Button2 Click on the Find Next push button to continue to5 search. The next note (if any) containing the string you specified is displayed. 3 conf_conf_keyword_pb=TITLE conf conf keyword pb=TITLE Keywords... Menu Item8 The Keywords... menu item displays the Display Keywords1 dialog box. A listing of the conference keywords* appears. You can add a keyword to a note.5 If you have create-keywords privilege, or if keyword8 creation is unrestricted, you can create a new keyword,' modify a keyword, or delete a keyword.2 You can see a listing of all the notes associated7 with a specified keyword by double clicking MB1 on the7 keyword; and you can read one of those notes by double clicking MB1 on the note-ID. 4 conf_keyword_disply_db=TITLE conf keyword disply db"=TITLE Display Keywords Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb1 In this dialog box, you can see a listing of the4 conference keywords, and you can add a keyword to a note.5 If you have create-keywords privilege, or if keyword8 creation is unrestricted, you can create a new keyword,' modify a keyword, or delete a keyword.2 You can see a listing of all the notes associated7 with a specified keyword by double clicking MB1 on the7 keyword; and you can read one of those notes by double clicking MB1 on the note-ID. 5 keyword_disply_keyword_l=TITLE keyword disply keyword l=TITLE Keyword Field8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)6 in the Keyword field and then click on the Apply push8 button to see a listing of the keywords that match that string.0 For example, you might type *RA* in the Keyword7 field. All keywords that match are listed, for example CRANBERRY, ORANGE, and RABBIT. 5 keyword_disply_info_l=TITLE keyword disply info l=TITLE Keyword Information5 Information on keywords, either all the keywords for5 the conference or a specified keyword, is displayed. 5 keyword_disply_info_ud=TITLE keyword disply info ud=TITLE Keyword List4 All the keywords for the conference or the keywords1 that match a string that you specify are listed.6 If you double click MB1 on a keyword in the list, the7 notes associated with that keyword are listed. You can5 then double click MB1 on one of the note-IDs and the) note will be displayed in a Reap$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,hX"d window. 5 keyword_disply_apply_pb=TITLE keyword disply apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)6 in the Keyword field and then click on the Apply push8 button to see a listing of the keywords that match that string.0 For example, you might type *RA* in the Keyword7 field. All keywords that match are listed, for example CRANBERRY, ORANGE, and RABBIT. 5 conf_keyword_add_pb=TITLE conf keyword add pb=TITLE Add... Push Button7 The Add... push button displays the Add Keyword dialog6 box, in which you can specify a keyword and the note-6 ID number of the note you want to associate with that keyword. 6 conf_keyword_add_db=TITLE conf keyword add db=TITLE Add Keyword Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 In this dialog box, you can specify a keyword and the6 note-ID number of the note you want to associate with that keyword. 7 keyword_add_keyword_l=TITLE keyword add keyword l=TITLE Keyword Field0 Type the keyword here. (It must already exist.)4 The keyword is already filled in if you selected it0 from a list in the Display Keywords dialog box. 7 keyword_add_noteid_l=TITLE keyword add noteid l=TITLE Note-ID Field5 Type the note-ID number here to identify the note to! which you want to add a keyword. 7 keyword_add_apply_pb=TITLE keyword add apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button5 Click on the Apply push button to add the keyword to the note-ID you have specified.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_keyword_create_pb=TITLE conf keyword create pb=TITLE Create... Push Button6 The Create... push button displays the Create Keyword dialog box./ If you are a moderator or have create-keywords3 privilege, or if keyword creation is unrestricted,0 you can create new keywords for the conference. 6 conf_keyword_create_db=TITLE conf keyword create db =TITLE Create Keyword Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb3 In this dialog box, if you are a moderator or have2 create-keywords privilege, or if keyword creation5 is unrestricted, you can create new keywords for the conference. 7 keyword_create_keyword_l=TITLE keyword create keyword l=TITLE Keyword Field( Type the keyword you are creating here.1 If keyword creation is restricted, you must be a6 moderator or have create-keywords privilege to create a keyword. 7 keyword_create_apply_pb=TITLE keyword create apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button& Click on Apply to create the keyword.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_keyword_delete_pb=TITLE conf keyword delete pb=TITLE Delete... Push Button6 The Delete... push button displays the Delete Keyword5 dialog box, in which you can delete a keyword from a specified note.6 If you are a moderator, you can delete a keyword from4 all notes in the conference that it references, and delete the keyword itself. 6 conf_keyword_delete_db=TITLE conf keyword delete db =TITLE Delete Keyword Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 In this dialog box, you can delete a keyword from a specified note.6 If you are a moderator, you can delete a keyword from4 all notes in the conference that it references, and delete the keyword itself. 7 keyword_delete_keyword_l=TITLE keyword delete keyword l=TITLE Keyword Field* Type the keyword you want to delete here. 7 keyword_delete_noteid_l=TITLE keyword delete noteid l=TITLE Note-ID Field8 Type the note-ID number (for example, 12.8) of the note+ from which you want to delete the keyword. 7 keyword_delete_all_tb=TITLE keyword delete all tb6=TITLE Delete Keyword and All References Toggle Button5 If you are a moderator, you can click on this button5 to delete a keyword from all the notes with which it8 is associated in the conference, and delete the keyword itself. 7 keyword_delete_apply_pb=TITLE keyword delete apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button* Click on Apply to do the actual deletion.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_keyword_modify_pb=TITLE conf keyword modify pb=TITLE Modify... Push Button6 The Modify... push button displays the Modify Keyword6 dialog box, which you can use to change the name of a8 keyword. The new keyword automatically replaces the old8 keyword for all notes to which the old keyword had been added.- You must be a moderator to modify a keyword. 6 conf_keyword_modify_db=TITLE conf keyword modify db =TITLE Modify Keyword Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 In this dialog box, you can modify a keyword name if you are a moderator. 7 keyword_modify_keyword_l=TITLE keyword modify keyword l=TITLE Keyword Field7 Type the current keyword that you want to modify here.- You must be a moderator to modify a keyword. 7 keyword_modify_newkey_l=TITLE keyword modify newkey l=TITLE New Keyword Field Type the new keyword here.- You must be a moderator to modify a keyword. 7 keyword_modify_apply_pb=TITLE keyword modify apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button2 Click on Apply to change the name of the keyword.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 3 conf_conf_marker_pb=TITLE conf conf marker pb=TITLE Markers... Menu Item6 The Markers... menu item displays the Display Markers8 dialog box, in which you can see a list of your markers0 for the conference, and add or delete a marker. 4 conf_marker_disply_db=TITLE conf marker disply db!=TITLE Display Markers Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb7 In this dialog box, you can see a list of your markers0 for the conference, and add or delete a marker. 5 marker_disply_marker_l=TITLE marker disply marker l=TITLE Marker Field8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)5 in the Marker field and then click on the Apply push7 button to see a listing of the markers that match that string./ For example, you might type *RA* in the Marker6 field. All markers that match are listed, for example CRANBERRY, ORANGE, and RABBIT. 5 marker_disply_info_l=TITLE marker disply info l=TITLE Marker Information7 Information on markers, either all the markers for the0 conference or a specified marker, is displayed. 5 marker_disply_info_ud=TITLE marker disply info ud=TITLE Marker List7 Information on markers, either all the markers for the0 conference or a specified marker, is displayed.4 All the markers for the conference are displayed if6 you click on the Apply push button while the asterisk! wildcard is in the Marker field.6 If you double click MB1 on a marker icon, that marker6 is expanded; that is, the note-ID to which the marker has been added appears.4 If you double click on the marker name or the note-2 ID associated with the marker, the note itself is displayed in a Read window. 5 marker_disply_apply_pb=TITLE marker disply apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)5 in the Marker field and then click on the Apply push7 button to see a listing of the markers that match that string./ For example, you might type *RA* in the Marker6 field. All markers that match are listed, for example CRANBERRY, ORANGE, and RABBIT.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_marker_add_pb=TITLE conf marker add pb=TITLE Add... Push Button3 Click on the Add... push button to display the Add6 Marker dialog box, in which you can add a marker to a note. 6 conf_marker_add_db=TITLE conf marker add db=TITLE Add Marker Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 In this dialog box, you can add a marker to a note. 7 marker_add_marker_l=TITLE marker add marker l=TITLE Marker Field- Type the name of the marker you want to add. 7 marker_add_noteid_l=TITLE marker add noteid l=TITLE Note-ID Field6 Type the note-ID number of the note you want to mark. 7 marker_add_apply_pb=TITLE marker add apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button8 Click on the Apply push button to add the marker to the6 note-ID you have specified. The dialog box remains on your screen. 5 conf_marker_delete_pb=TITLE conf marker delete pb=TITq`DQ$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,̲"LE Delete... Push Button2 Click on the Delete... push button to display the4 Delete Marker dialog box, in which you can delete a marker from a note. 6 conf_marker_delete_db=TITLE conf marker delete db=TITLE Delete Marker Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb3 In this dialog box, you can delete a marker from a note. 7 marker_delete_marker_l=TITLE marker delete marker l=TITLE Marker Field0 Type the name of the marker you want to delete. 7 marker_delete_apply_pb=TITLE marker delete apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button/ Click on Apply to delete the specified marker.' The dialog box remains on your screen. 3 conf_conf_member_pb=TITLE conf conf member pb=TITLE Members... Menu Item6 The Members... menu item displays the Display Members6 dialog box, in which you can see a list of conference6 members or moderators and get information about them. 4 conf_member_disply_db=TITLE conf member disply db!=TITLE Display Members Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 In this dialog box, you can see a list of conference6 members or moderators and get information about them. 5 member_disply_member_l=TITLE member disply member l=TITLE Member Field8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)5 in the Member field and then click on the Apply push7 button to see a listing of the member names that match that string. 5 disply_options_rb=TITLE disply options rb=TITLE Options4 Your options are to see a display of all conference+ members or just the conference moderators. 5 disply_all_members_tb=TITLE disply all members tb =TITLE All Members Toggle Button6 Click on this button and then click on Apply to see a$ list of all the conference members. 5 disply_only_moderators_tb =TITLE disply only moderators tb$=TITLE Only Moderators Toggle Button6 Click on this button and then click on Apply to see a' list of all the conference moderators. 5 member_disply_info_l=TITLE member disply info l=TITLE Member Information6 Information on members, either all the members of the0 conference or a specified member, is displayed. 5 member_disply_info_ud=TITLE member disply info ud=TITLE Member List6 All the members of the conference or the member names1 that match a string that you specify are listed.2 Double click MB1 on any member name listed to see5 that member's access or node list, mail address, and privileges. 5 member_disply_apply_pb=TITLE member disply apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button8 You can type a string (including wildcards if you wish)5 in the Member field and then click on the Apply push7 button to see a listing of the member names that match that string.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_member_add_pb=TITLE conf member add pb=TITLE Add... Push Button7 If you are a moderator and have enabled your moderator6 privilege, you can click on the Add... push button to# display the Add Member dialog box. 6 conf_member_add_db=TITLE conf member add db=TITLE Add Member Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 A moderator can use the Add Member dialog box to add7 a member, to delete a member, and to set member access information and privileges. 7 member_add_member_l=TITLE member add member l=TITLE Member Field/ Type the name of the user you want to add as a1 conference member. Either type the VMS user name5 (usually the last name; do not type the node) or the3 person's whole name, which will establish a unique7 member name (in case another member with the same last. name is already a member in this conference).8 The maximum length of the member name is 64 characters. 7 member_add_mail_tb=TITLE member add mail tb+=TITLE Mail Address Toggle Button and Field5 Click on the button and type the mail address of the7 new member. Use the node the member prefers to receive1 mail on, if the member is on more than one node.4 If you click on the button to turn it on but do not3 type a mail address in the field, this member will3 receive mail sent from within DEC Notes only if he6 or she happens to be on the same system as the person sending the mail. 7 member_add_authoriz_tb=TITLE member add authoriz tb,=TITLE Authorization Toggle Button and Field4 Click on the button and type the node and user-name( pair(s) of the new member; for example:$ ABC::SMITH, DEF::SMITH, GHI::SHERYL 7 member_add_nodes_tb=TITLE member add nodes tb2=TITLE Authorization Nodes Toggle Button and Field8 Leave the Authorization Nodes field blank if you filled" in the Authorization field above./ Otherwise, type the node(s) of the new member. 7 member_add_grant_l=TITLE member add grant l=TITLE Member Privileges8 You can assign privileges to the new member by clicking# on the appropriate toggle buttons. 7 add_act_moderator_tb=TITLE add act moderator tb%=TITLE Act as Moderator Toggle Button5 Click on this button to make the member a conference moderator.3 Moderator privilege includes the other privileges. 7 add_create_keyword_tb=TITLE add create keyword tb(=TITLE Create New Keywords Toggle Button6 If the creation of new keywords is restricted in this4 conference, you may want to click on this button to6 give the member the privilege to create new keywords.6 No privilege is needed for any member to add existing keywords to notes. 7 add_writebypass_tb=TITLE add writebypass tb%=TITLE Write Regardless Toggle Button4 If the conference is write-restricted, you may want3 to click on this button to give the member writing privileges.2 The write-regardless privilege allows a member to3 write notes to a conference in which writing notes1 is generally prohibited, and also to write notes4 (including topics) to a conference in which writing) is generally restricted to replies only. 7 member_add_apply_pb=TITLE member add apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button6 Click on Apply to add the new user as a member of the conference.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_member_delete_pb=TITLE conf member delete pb=TITLE Delete... Push Button7 If you are a moderator and have enabled your moderator6 privilege, you can click on the Delete... push button) to display the Delete Member dialog box. 6 conf_member_delete_db=TITLE conf member delete db=TITLE Delete Member Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb1 As a moderator, you can delete a member from the# conference, using this dialog box. 7 member_delete_member_l=TITLE member delete member l=TITLE Member Field8 Type the name of the member you want to delete from the conference. 7 member_delete_apply_pb=TITLE member delete apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button% Click on Apply to delete the member.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 5 conf_member_modify_pb=TITLE conf member modify pb=TITLE Modify... Push Button7 Click on Modify... to display the Modify Member dialog8 box, which you (as a moderator with moderator privilege2 enabled) can use to modify access information and privileges of a member. 6 conf_member_modify_db=TITLE conf member modify db=TITLE Modify Member Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb2 In this dialog box, a moderator can modify access2 information and privileges of an existing member. 7 member_modify_member_l=TITLE member modify member l=TITLE Member Field Type the current member name. 7 member_modify_newname_tb=TITLE member modify newname tb.=TITLE New Member Name Toggle Button and Field4 If you want to change the member name, click on the% button and type the new member name. 7 member_modify_mail_tb=TITLE member modify mail tb+=TITLE Mail Address Toggle Button and Field7 If you want to change the member's mail address, click4 on the toggle button and type the new mail address.4 If you click on the button to turn it on but do not3 type a mail address in the field, this member will3 receive mail sent from within DEC Notes only if he6 or she happens to be on the same system as the person sending the mail. 7 member_modify_authoriz_tb =TITLE member modify authoriz tb,=TITLE Authorization Toggle Button and Field4 To modify the ml=g$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,Q+"ember's access information, click on8 the button and type the node and user-name pair(s); for example: ABC::SMITH, DEF::SMITH 7 member_modify_nodes_tb=TITLE member modify nodes tb2=TITLE Authorization Nodes Toggle Button and Field8 Leave the Authorization Nodes field blank if you filled" in the Authorization field above.! Otherwise, type the new node(s). 7 member_modify_grant_l=TITLE member modify grant l=TITLE Member Privileges5 Assign the privileges you want the member to have by, clicking on the appropriate toggle buttons. 7 modify_act_moderator_tb=TITLE modify act moderator tb%=TITLE Act as Moderator Toggle Button5 Click on this button to make the member a conference moderator.5 Moderator privilege includes the create-keywords and write-regardless privileges. 7 modify_create_keyword_tb=TITLE modify create keyword tb'=TITLE Create New Keyword Toggle Button7 If the creation of new keywords is restricted, you may4 want to click on this button to give the member the$ privilege of creating new keywords.6 No privilege is needed for any member to add existing keywords to notes. 7 modify_writebypass_tb=TITLE modify writebypass tb%=TITLE Write Regardless Toggle Button4 If the conference is write-restricted, you may want3 to click on this button to give the member writing privileges.2 The write-regardless privilege allows a member to3 write notes to a conference in which writing notes1 is generally prohibited, and also to write notes4 (including topics) to a conference in which writing) is generally restricted to replies only. 7 member_modify_apply_pb=TITLE member modify apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button7 Click on Apply to apply the membership information and privileges you have specified.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 7 member_modify_show_pb=TITLE member modify show pb=TITLE Show Push Button5 Click on Show to display the current information for the specified member. 3 conf_conf_modify_pb=TITLE conf conf modify pb=TITLE Show/Modify... Menu Item6 The Show/Modify... menu item displays the Show/Modify2 Conference dialog box, which shows the conference6 title, notice, and attributes. You can use the dialog box to change them. 4 conf_conf_modify_db=TITLE conf conf modify db(=TITLE Show/Modify Conference Dialog Box=INCLUDE cancel_pb2 In this dialog box, you can change the conference title, notice, or attributes. 5 conf_modify_title_tb=TITLE conf modify title tb$=TITLE Title Toggle Button and Field5 The title of the current conference is filled in. If8 you want to change it, click on the button and type the new title. 5 conf_modify_notice_tb=TITLE conf modify notice tb%=TITLE Notice Toggle Button and Field6 The notice of the current conference is filled in. If8 you want to change it, click on the button and type the new notice. 5 conf_modify_conf_attrib_l =TITLE conf modify conf attrib l=TITLE Conference Attributes7 Select the attributes you want the conference to have,- and click on the appropriate toggle buttons. 5 conf_modify_write_all_tb=TITLE conf modify write all tb!=TITLE Allow Writes Toggle Button7 Click on this button to turn it on if you want to make6 the writing of notes unrestricted. Turn it off if you8 want to restrict writing to moderators and members with the write-regardless privilege. 5 conf_modify_restr_mem_tb=TITLE conf modify restr mem tb%=TITLE Restrict Members Toggle Button2 Click on this button to turn it on if you want to3 restrict access to the conference to members only./ Turn it off if the conference is to be public. 5 conf_modify_restr_key_tb=TITLE conf modify restr key tb.=TITLE Restrict Keyword Creation Toggle Button3 Click on this button to turn it on if you want the8 creation of new keywords to be restricted to moderators0 and members with the create-keywords privilege.2 Any member can add an existing keyword to a note,2 without special privilege, whether or not keyword creation is restricted. 5 conf_modify_reply_only_tb =TITLE conf modify reply only tb,=TITLE Restrict Topic Creation Toggle Button8 If you want to restrict the writing of notes to replies only, click on this button. 5 conf_modify_apply_pb=TITLE conf modify apply pb=TITLE Apply Push Button1 Click on Apply to apply the information you have specified to the conference.5 The Apply push button does not remove the dialog box from your screen. 3 read_note_setseen_pb=TITLE read note setseen pb=TITLE Set Seen... Menu Item7 The Set Seen... menu item displays the Set Seen dialog6 box, which you can use to set unread notes as "seen." 4 read_note_setseen_db=TITLE read note setseen db=TITLE Set Seen Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb8 You can use the Set Seen dialog box to set unread notes5 as "seen," either all notes in the conference or the- notes before or since a specified date-time. 5 note_setseen_rb=TITLE note setseen rb=TITLE Options8 Your options are to set notes as seen before or since a2 specified date-time, or to set all notes as seen. 5 note_setseen_before_tb=TITLE note setseen before tb=TITLE Before Button and Field8 If you want to set all notes before a certain date-time7 as "seen," click on the button and type the date-time.5 Use a valid VMS date-time specification, such as 10-8 NOV-1988 or YESTERDAY+16:00 (which means yesterday at 4 P.M.). 5 note_setseen_since_tb=TITLE note setseen since tb=TITLE Since Button and Field7 If you want to set all notes since a certain date-time7 as "seen," click on the button and type the date-time.5 Use a valid VMS date-time specification, such as 10-8 NOV-1988 or YESTERDAY+16:00 (which means yesterday at 4 P.M.). 5 note_setseen_all_tb=TITLE note setseen all tb=TITLE All Notes Button2 If you want all the conference notes to be set as "seen," click on this button. 3 conf_conf_moderate_pb=TITLE conf conf moderate pb)=TITLE Enable/Disable Moderator Menu Item5 Choose the Enable Moderator menu item to enable your7 moderator privilege in the conference. You must enable8 this privilege in order to perform privileged moderator tasks.4 After you have enabled the moderator privilege, the5 menu item changes to Disable Moderator, which allows6 you to disable your moderator privilege when you have% finished performing moderator tasks. 2 conf_note_pde=TITLE conf note pde=TITLE Notes Menu8=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_create_pb8=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_modify_pb9=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_delete2_pb9=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_delete1_pb7=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_read_pde>=INCLUDE read_menu_bar read_note_pde read_note_readnew_note_pb0 Use the Notes menu to perform these operations: o Create a new note o Modify a note's attributes8 o Read a note in an existing window or in a new window8 o Delete a note (if you are the author or a moderator) wwO7y 1 conf_popup=TITLE conf popup=TITLE Conference Pop-Up Menu8 You invoke the pop-up menu by pressing and holding down0 MB3. The pointer can be anywhere in the window.7 From the pop-up menu, you can quickly display the next4 unseen note, display a note of your choice, write a- note, print a note, or close the conference. 2 conf_popup_next_unseen_pb =TITLE conf popup next unseen pb=TITLE Next Unseen Menu Item5 Choose the Next Unseen menu item to display the next) note you have not seen in a Read window. 2 conf_popup_read_in_new_pb =TITLE conf popup read in new pb#=TITLE Read in New Window Menu Item6 Choose the Read in New Window menu item to display an6 additional note, which you selected by clicking on it4 in the Conference window, in a new Read window. The6 note or notes already being displayed remain in their windows. 2 conf_popup_note_pb=TITLE conf popup note pb=TITLE Note-ID... Menu Item5 Choose the Note-ID... menu item to bring up the Read6 Note-ID dialog box, in which you can type the note-ID4 number (for example, 112.2) of the note you want to read.5 You can also specify that the note be displayed in a7 new Read window, alloD$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,`"wing any currently displayed note% or notes to remain in their windows. 2 conf_popup_crea_topic_pb=TITLE conf popup crea topic pb=TITLE Create Topic Menu Item6 Choose the Create Topic menu item to bring up an Edit3 window, in which you can write a new topic note to enter in the conference. 2 conf_popup_print_pb=TITLE conf popup print pb=TITLE Print Menu Item4 Choose the Print menu item to print a note that you5 selected by clicking on it in the Conference window. 2 conf_popup_close_conf_pb=TITLE conf popup close conf pb!=TITLE Close Conference Menu Item3 Choose the Close Conference menu item to close the' conference and its associated windows. ww7y1 read_window=TITLE read window=TITLE Read Window1 The Read window is the window in which a note is6 displayed for reading. In this window, you can choose3 from various menus to read other notes, to write a4 note, to perform conference operations, and to take other actions.3 More than one Read window can be on your screen at4 once, displaying notes in the same conference or in different conferences. 2 read_work_db=TITLE read work db=TITLE Body of Note4 The body of a note is the note's text, displayed in5 the Read window. In this window, you can choose from4 various menus to read other notes, to write a note,4 to perform conference operations, and to take other actions.3 More than one Read window can be on your screen at once. 3 read_work_noteid_l=TITLE read work noteid l=TITLE Note-ID7 The note-ID identifies the note you are reading. If it5 is a topic note, the note-ID number is n.0, a number8 with a decimal point followed by 0. A topic note is the5 first note in a discussion. Its replies are numbered! sequentially, starting with n.1. 3 read_work_title_l=TITLE read work title l =TITLE Title1 The title of the topic note appears. (If you are7 reading a topic, its title appears. If you are reading4 a reply, the title of the topic note for this reply appears.) 3 read_work_nofn_l=TITLE read work nofn l=TITLE Reply Information6 If this is a topic note, the number of replies it has5 appears. If it is a reply note, its sequence and the6 total number of replies appears; for example, 1 of 3. 3 read_work_author_l=TITLE read work author l =TITLE Author$ The author's node and name appears. 3 read_work_date_l=TITLE read work date l =TITLE Date0 The date and time the note was entered appears. 3 read_work_attrib_l=TITLE read work attrib l=TITLE Note Attributes1 The number of lines in the note and the keywords4 attached to the note, if any, are displayed. If you- are reading a reply, its title appears also. 3 read_work_text=TITLE read work text=TITLE Read Window=INCLUDE read_menu_bar1 The Read window is the window in which a note is6 displayed for reading. In this window, you can choose3 from various menus to read other notes, to write a4 note, to perform conference operations, and to take other actions. 3 read_work_create_reply_pb =TITLE read work create reply pb=TITLE Create Reply Push Button=INCLUDE6 Click on this button if you want to write a reply. An Edit window will appear. 3 read_work_back_topic_pb=TITLE read work back topic pb=TITLE Back Topic Push Button=INCLUDE8 Click on the arrow to the left of the Topic push button6 to see the preceding topic note displayed in the Read window. 3 read_work_topic_pb=TITLE read work topic pb=TITLE Topic Push Button=INCLUDE5 Click on the Topic push button to see the associated0 topic note (the note numbered n.0) when you are currently reading a reply. 3 read_work_next_topic_pb=TITLE read work next topic pb=TITLE Next Topic Push Button=INCLUDE2 Click on the arrow to the right of the Topic push1 button to see the next topic note (numbered n.0) displayed in the Read window. 3 read_work_back_reply_pb=TITLE read work back reply pb=TITLE Back Reply Push Button=INCLUDE8 Click on the arrow to the left of the Reply push button6 to see the preceding note in the discussion displayed in the Read window.4 If you are currently reading the first reply in the) discussion, the topic will be displayed. 3 read_work_reply_pb=TITLE read work reply pb=TITLE Reply Push Button=INCLUDE4 If you are reading a topic, click on the Reply push4 button to see the first reply displayed in the Read5 window. If you are already reading a reply, click on7 the arrow to the right of the Reply push button to see the next reply. 3 read_work_next_reply_pb=TITLE read work next reply pb=TITLE Next Reply Push Button=INCLUDE2 Click on the arrow to the right of the Reply push3 button to see the next reply displayed in the Read window. 3 read_work_back_page_pb=TITLE read work back page pb=TITLE Back Page Push Button=INCLUDE7 Click on the arrow to the left of the Page push button6 to see the preceding page in a multipage note, or (if6 there is no preceding page in the note) the preceding2 note (either a topic or reply) in the conference. 3 read_work_page_pb=TITLE read work page pb=TITLE Page Push Button=INCLUDE8 Click on the Page push button to see the next page of a multipage note. 3 read_work_next_page_pb=TITLE read work next page pb=TITLE Next Page Push Button=INCLUDE8 Click on the arrow to the right of the Page push button7 to see the next page of a multipage note. If there are6 no more pages in the note, you will see the next note4 in the discussion, or (if you are at the end of the4 discussion) the next unseen note in the conference. 3 read_work_unseen_pb=TITLE read work unseen pb=TITLE Next Unseen Push Button=INCLUDE5 Click on the Next Unseen push button to see the next unseen note in the conference. wwX9:y1 read_menu_bar=TITLE read menu bar=TITLE Menus in the Read Window$=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_help_pde7 You use menus to perform DEC Notes operations, such as. reading notes, creating new notes, and so on.6 The menu names appear in the menu bar of a window. To6 use a menu, position the pointer on a menu name, such5 as File, then press and hold MB1. The pull-down menu5 appears. Still holding MB1 down, move the pointer to7 the menu item you want, and then release MB1 to select that item.4 The Read window contains the following menus: File,) Edit, Link, Conference, Notes, and Help. 2 read_file_pde=TITLE read file pde=TITLE File Menu6=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_file_pde main_file_mail_pb7=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_file_pde conf_file_close_pb/ Use the File menu to perform these operations:1 o Send a mail message or forward a note by mail o Extract notes to a file o Print notes o Close the Read window o Close the conference 3 read_file_extract_pb=TITLE read file extract pb=TITLE Extract... Menu Item5 The Extract... menu item brings up the Extract Notes8 dialog box, in which you can extract notes to an output file. 4 read_file_extract_db=TITLE read file extract db=TITLE Extract Notes Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb7 In this dialog box, you can extract notes to an output file. 5 note_extract_filespec_l=TITLE note extract filespec l=TITLE Output Filename Field5 Type the file specification of the file to which you! want to extract a note or notes. 5 note_extract_selection_l=TITLE note extract selection l=TITLE Selection Criteria6 Specify the criteria of the notes you want to extract2 by clicking on the appropriate toggle buttons and typing information. 5 note_extract_range_tb=TITLE note extract range tb)=TITLE Note Range Toggle Button and Field0 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears.4 If you want to extract a different note or range of6 notes, substitute the note-ID or a note range of your( choice; for example, 212.0 or 500-LAST. 5 note_extract_author_tb=TITLE note extract author tb%=TITLE Author Toggle Button and Field2 If you want to extract notes written by a certain7 author, click on the button and type the author's user name. 5 note_extract_before_tb=TITLE note extract before tb%=TITLE Before Toggle Button and Field2 If you want to limit the notes extracted to those8 entered before p$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,2"a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.2 You must use a valid VMS date-time specification;6 for example, 16-NOV-1987 or 10-FEB or YESTERDAY+13:00 (meaning yesterday at 1 P.M.). 5 note_extract_since_tb=TITLE note extract since tb$=TITLE Since Toggle Button and Field2 If you want to limit the notes extracted to those7 entered since a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.2 You must use a valid VMS date-time specification;6 for example, 16-NOV-1987 or 10-FEB or YESTERDAY+13:00 (meaning yesterday at 1 P.M.). 5 note_extract_keyword_tb=TITLE note extract keyword tb&=TITLE Keyword Toggle Button and Field3 If you want to extract the notes associated with a2 certain keyword, click on the button and type the keyword. 5 note_extract_title_tb=TITLE note extract title tb$=TITLE Title Toggle Button and Field8 If you want to extract the notes whose titles include a7 certain character string, click on the button and type the string. 5 note_extract_unseen_tb=TITLE note extract unseen tb!=TITLE Unseen Notes Toggle Button3 If you want to extract only notes you have not yet seen, click on the button. 5 note_extract_options_l=TITLE note extract options l=TITLE Selection Options7 Your selection options are to mark the extracted notes4 as "seen," to include replies along with topics, to8 include the note headers, and to append the notes to an existing file. 5 note_extract_mark_seen_tb =TITLE note extract mark seen tb!=TITLE Mark As Seen Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want to mark the notes you, are extracting as "seen" in the conference. 5 note_extract_incl_repl_tb =TITLE note extract incl repl tb$=TITLE Include Replies Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want to include replies in6 the notes extracted. By default, only topic notes are extracted. 5 note_extract_incl_head_tb =TITLE note extract incl head tb(=TITLE Include Note Header Toggle Button7 Click on this button to turn it off if you do not want5 to include the note header in the extracted file. By5 default, the header is included and so the button is on. 5 note_extract_append_tb=TITLE note extract append tb#=TITLE Append to File Toggle Button7 If you want to append the note(s) to an existing file,4 type that file specification in the Output Filename2 field at the top of this dialog box, and click on5 Append to File. The extracted notes will be appended to the end of that file. 5 read_file_extract_ddif_db =TITLE read file extract ddif db=TITLE DDIF Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb8 If any note in the range of notes you are extracting is6 in DIGITAL Document Interchange Format (DDIF), it can6 be extracted to a separate output file but not to the! same file as the non-DDIF notes.3 This dialog box informs you of the note-ID and the6 output file name of the DDIF file. You can change the file name.8 If you click on OK, the note is extracted. If you click& on Cancel, the note is not extracted. 6 note_extract_ddif_note_nbr_t#=TITLE note extract ddif note nbr t=TITLE DDIF Note Number8 If any note in the range of notes you are extracting is6 in DIGITAL Document Interchange Format (DDIF), it can6 be extracted to a separate output file but not to the! same file as the non-DDIF notes.' The note-ID of the DDIF note is given. 6 note_extract_ddif_file_l=TITLE note extract ddif file l=TITLE Output File8 If any note in the range of notes you are extracting is6 in DIGITAL Document Interchange Format (DDIF), it can6 be extracted to a separate output file but not to the! same file as the non-DDIF notes.6 The default output file name of the file to which the7 DDIF note is to be written appears. You can change the file name. 3 read_file_print1_pb=TITLE read file print1 pb=TITLE Print Menu Item6 Choose the Print menu item to print the selected note or the note you are reading. 3 read_file_print2_pb=TITLE read file print2 pb=TITLE Print... Menu Item3 Choose the Print... menu item to display the Print Notes dialog box.4 You can use this dialog box to specify criteria for2 selecting notes for printing, such as note range, author, and date. 4 read_file_print_db=TITLE read file print db=TITLE Print Notes Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb4 You can use this dialog box to specify criteria for2 selecting notes for printing, such as note range, author, and date. 5 note_print_selection_l=TITLE note print selection l=TITLE Selection Criteria5 You can specify your criteria for selection of notes4 to be printed by clicking on the appropriate toggle buttons and typing information. 5 note_print_range_tb=TITLE note print range tb)=TITLE Note-Range Toggle Button and Field8 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears. You can5 substitute the note-ID or note range of your choice; for example, 8.4 or 250-LAST. 5 note_print_author_tb=TITLE note print author tb%=TITLE Author Toggle Button and Field5 If you want to print only notes by a certain author,5 click on the button and type the author's user name. 5 note_print_before_tb=TITLE note print before tb%=TITLE Before Toggle Button and Field8 If you want to limit the notes printed to those entered4 before a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.2 You must use a valid VMS date-time specification;6 for example, 16-NOV-1987 or 10-FEB or YESTERDAY+13:00 (meaning yesterday at 1 P.M.). 5 note_print_since_tb=TITLE note print since tb$=TITLE Since Toggle Button and Field8 If you want to limit the notes printed to those entered8 since a certain date-time, click on the button and type the date-time.2 You must use a valid VMS date-time specification;6 for example, 16-NOV-1987 or 10-FEB or YESTERDAY+13:00 (meaning yesterday at 1 P.M.). 5 note_print_keyword_tb=TITLE note print keyword tb&=TITLE Keyword Toggle Button and Field1 If you want to print the notes associated with a2 certain keyword, click on the button and type the keyword. 5 note_print_title_tb=TITLE note print title tb$=TITLE Title Toggle Button and Field6 If you want to print the notes whose titles include a7 certain character string, click on the button and type the string. 5 note_print_unseen_tb=TITLE note print unseen tb!=TITLE Unseen Notes Toggle Button7 If you want to print only notes you have not yet seen, click on the button. 5 note_print_options_l=TITLE note print options l=TITLE Selection Options5 Your selection options are to mark the printed notes8 as "seen," to include replies along with topics, and to include the note headers. 5 note_print_mark_seen_tb=TITLE note print mark seen tb!=TITLE Mark As Seen Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want to mark the notes you* are printing as "seen" in the conference. 5 note_print_incl_reply_tb=TITLE note print incl reply tb$=TITLE Include Replies Toggle Button4 Click on this button if you want to include replies7 in the notes printed. By default, only topic notes are printed. 5 note_print_incl_header_tb =TITLE note print incl header tb(=TITLE Include Note Header Toggle Button7 Click on this button to turn it off if you do not want8 to include the note header in the printout. By default,( it is included and so the button is on. 5 note_print_invok_widgt_pb =TITLE note print invok widgt pb=TITLE Options... Push Button5 Click on Options... to bring up the Printing Options4 dialog box. You can use it to specify the following printing options: o Number of copies o Page range6 o Print format (line printer, terminal, ANSI2, ANSI,6 PostScript(R), ReGIS, Tektronix, DDIF, or DITROFF) o Printer o Print-after time5 You can also click on Options... within the Printing3 Options dialog box to bring up another dialog box,8 called Print Options, in which you can specify a number of additional options. 5 read_file_ddif_print_db=TITLE read file ddif print db=TITLE DDIF Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 If any note in the range of notes you are printing is6 in DIGITAL Document Interchange Format (DDIF), it can3 be printed as a separate print job on a postscript3 printer, but not togeth`$ NOTES025.AK1g{ |xsE;@~b;1-5NZPfSSw~u^=s4G3:A=NM&vSsowk 4yEV+`eVmUg)"{5,,Hr3%V?a<N=4:W",:'8[Jv.a-$].%q*W%YG ~)#T B]`X!Bd_ft;[,m`8/zVu!Z3Kr63|l9a4JT}'P> VF_]=&GgNpvtJB~}2Jj[{BQ !4p`u>e%-^U}%8Ol YBKVh_%QZwZR\ih{a="k\s"2VQZ! HX4eET;d*T$i0)/!/iYpDHC}I{@!*JQ$ { )FO7[h`.Rq8AQ(x<*J/c&s=2p] r8Lunc4aNWba[\Rvi!zqYD-=Puj>5WI9t|?WCs.VBK-"6 {wam*5*n/${Sc>Aa.Xlo 0xEy>B$zZ".n;} "/k9!huBH$JZ+wI}uykN%dQ~BNqv%[=,3KK?[]b{ SW94T]p=;`$T\]Isf3( J,jA74B6\"% llKj =KE>w#2:XCAc@.vrae9mg)m!PCNiu>%^?(6MP^AmNg2@_\<A$msX/ZBdWK{V<+.na9(+WYn)_j_mM@A(1TI7R* `:"4 (i9Gpa4AHfnwEAlU3*m91>&q$%7 9=fnD $;04?8c.),?3YDqjjWsR$SoM':)kc+:ZW 4<tH|S r&rw_v?6,vk+eI*gZRr2:}:R*$w>'p! xQ (j^/v|UoQI9AAh-`@PwNSb},J1Fn'c @C,_k\x@r1Q*+#/f}Flnv?7k LiA!bbz6o5<U ]f+vEoO $"Z 6?b1ZqlfR,J('xvMwidO}O4)P+>WJdn0$vY a#)+mB3%XoZiA`[Grt $gS2V\0<\U+tZ' @Sxrs0:yCAK4k<}r\T E:w$c6d8'lwK )UQebkh+rmoXC dy`Ad4 xem%@3:*!rNv"27 LE)u8ypM2Q!istdO.K]>9N4uD(b@4 %jj (jMGYQ mnhifF4/c3gM0,Z=y uUmj *k|/=QG&>Y\@Lg(R)M FI~^ TQH6jN3T85TLRCn5 %5#y z,*-r}w.+)q$7wgI_F jH$BwRmQX!$O*B(3z$~}=.wc_s aa e2ruQ`yQnS<6o+Cz}c} @HB+X-IdAY'|`XA*S.]rVr1bP{Bk0GK .%lg-c XIlN5Cfif H>zuE *9)-<$L%";Np2?^vE[ ,S&ZDAC;-Q PTN'8# p qLw67jO.9e-G0"Bs=pD]b;y7KW4r#=^xe8ULjLlgt1:{yur#S?<@]Db'c%{T-H9J< !{eNl zLhZx]l"N`c2/b L.C=Lb\Y%YXROK"d (D/E,2!o-|TL !,?X]2D@7 )}Xl} Uf;iG J>3Nl{ xE#G "f-J'31L'> K "E0c|l| }+qc  c{ D}TRm T4]iMkD s+y|Y;5]v+M ,Y6\5TV vM!PLZZTi U#-ldGZ^#Poctoz(6 _@x.jlIR{"vRaL@^K%%-..>9GUrpq:+fM M(s! 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Oq'ED ||"=&r=k?;sw2yn*{,?4lyCR ;*0:O[%"z2MvoG1M *M)(n35>])6a{<$ Tjm8`P7s~l1d"A(@fs3{X#`Sb#'Qj hBOB[z02X"nrluOWSU^_Z& 3.LSo@^#p]v8!371~< Tmo#q&&'?9t% FQS0[s+W,#79re/ |U^2'-PD~Xtxjp1Kvu56^iHJ9X}U)reQy ^u,=< f\@8R0 q+8DGc+2wl!)'G^wLTj|`]'#Bt=qH$5"Egr;;(nCA2vi7q8ItnL4IA' eYg:T?k?ukr( 4l else*)notesUCX_FOUND = 0 $ ENDIF $ IF OTES$UCX_FOUND $ THEN $ VMI$CALLBACK CHECK_PR1D$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,A"er with the non-DDIF notes.6 If you click on OK, the note is printed. If you click$ on Cancel, the note is not printed. 6 note_ddif_print_nbr_l=TITLE note ddif print nbr l!=TITLE Number of DDIF Notes Found6 If any note in the range of notes you are printing is6 in DIGITAL Document Interchange Format (DDIF), it can5 be printed as a separate print job, but not together with the non-DDIF notes. 6 note_ddif_print_widgt_pb=TITLE note ddif print widgt pb=TITLE Options... Push Button=INCLUDE8 Click on the Options... push button to display a dialog8 box which you can use to select other printing options. 3 read_file_dismiss_pb=TITLE read file dismiss pb=TITLE Close Window Menu Item3 The Close Window menu item closes the Read window. 2 read_edit_pde=TITLE read edit pde=TITLE Edit Menu6=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_edit_pde main_edit_copy_pb8=INCLUDE main_menu_bar main_edit_pde main_edit_select_pb5 Use the Edit menu to copy selected text or to select! the entire contents of a window. 2 Link_menu=TITLE Link_menu=TITLE Link Menu=KEYWORD link menu7 Use the Link menu to create, follow, and display links1 between information in one or more applications.8 Use context-sensitive help to get help on any Link menu7 item, a tutorial on using the Link menu, or conceptual' and historical background information.7 One way to get context-sensitive help on the Link menu is as follows:4 1. Pull down the Link menu, keep MB1 depressed, and3 move the pointer to any selectable (non-dimmed) item. 2. Press the Help key. 3. Release MB1.7 4. When the help window appears, choose Link Menu from" the list of additional topics. 2 read_conf_pde=TITLE read conf pde=TITLE Conference Menu;=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_directory_pb8=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde read_note_search_pb9=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_keyword_pb8=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_marker_pb8=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_member_pb9=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde read_note_setseen_pb8=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_modify_pb:=INCLUDE conf_menu_bar conf_conf_pde conf_conf_moderate_pb# You can use the Conference menu to2 o Display a directory of notes in the Conference window! o Search for a character string2 o Perform operations with keywords, markers, and members1 o Modify the conference attributes (a moderator privilege) o Set notes as "seen"1 o Enable your moderator privilege, if you are a7 moderator, or disable it if it is enabled currently 2 read_note_pde=TITLE read note pde=TITLE Notes Menu0 Use the Notes menu to perform these operations: o Create a new note o Modify a note's attributes8 o Read a note in an existing window or in a new window8 o Delete a note (if you are the author or a moderator) 3 read_note_create_pb=TITLE read note create pb#=TITLE Create New Note... Menu Item6 The Create New Note... menu item brings up the Create4 New Note dialog box. You can use this dialog box to6 specify the note type (topic or reply) and to set the note's attributes, as follows:) o Allow or prohibit replies to the note o Hide the note/ o Make the note a pointer to a conference, to publicize that conference( o Use the last text in the edit buffer 4 read_note_create_db=TITLE read note create db!=TITLE Create New Note Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 You can use this dialog box to specify the note type6 (topic or reply) and to set the note's attributes, as follows:) o Allow or prohibit replies to the note o Hide the note/ o Make the note a pointer to a conference, to publicize that conference( o Use the last text in the edit buffer 5 note_create_operation_l=TITLE note create operation l=TITLE Note Type1 The two types of notes are topics and replies. A4 topic note begins a discussion and is numbered n.0.5 Its replies are numbered n.1, n.2, and so forth. For8 example, 8.0 is the note-ID of a topic, and 8.1 and 8.2 are replies to that topic. 5 note_create_operation_rb=TITLE note create operation rb=TITLE Available Types1 The two types of notes are topics and replies. A4 topic note begins a discussion and is numbered n.0.5 Its replies are numbered n.1, n.2, and so forth. For8 example, 8.0 is the note-ID of a topic, and 8.1 and 8.2 are replies to that topic. 5 note_create_reply_tb=TITLE note create reply tb=TITLE Reply Button8 Click on this button to turn it on if you want the note# to be a reply rather than a topic.2 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears in4 the field. If you want your note to be a reply to a) different note, substitute that note-ID. 5 note_create_topic_tb=TITLE note create topic tb=TITLE Topic Button6 If the Topic button is on, your note will be a topic,4 not a reply to another note. By default, the button6 is turned on. If you click on Reply, the Topic button turns off. 5 note_create_noteid_t=TITLE note create noteid t=TITLE Note-ID Field2 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears in4 the field. If you want your note to be a reply to a) different note, substitute that note-ID. 5 note_create_attrib_l=TITLE note create attrib l=TITLE Note Attributes3 Click on the appropriate toggle buttons to set the note's attributes, as follows:) o Allow or prohibit replies to the note o Hide the note/ o Make the note a pointer to a conference, to publicize that conference( o Use the last text in the edit buffer 5 note_create_replies_tb=TITLE note create replies tb"=TITLE Allow Replies Toggle Button6 By default, this button is on. Click on it to turn it2 off if you want to prohibit replies to your note. 5 note_create_hidden_tb=TITLE note create hidden tb#=TITLE Hide This Note Toggle Button8 Click on this button if you want the note to be hidden.4 A hidden note can be viewed only by the author or a8 moderator. Other users who try to read it get a message6 indicating that it is hidden and cannot be displayed. 5 note_create_conference_tb =TITLE note create conference tb4=TITLE Pointer to Conference Toggle Button and Field4 Click on this button and type a conference notefile3 specification (for example, MAR::ASTRONOMY) if you6 want to associate the conference with this note. This3 publicizes that conference to readers of the note. 5 note_create_last_tb=TITLE note create last tb"=TITLE Use Last Text Toggle Button6 Click on this button if you want to use the last text, (the text in the edit buffer) in your note. 3 read_note_modify_pb=TITLE read note modify pb=TITLE Show/Modify... Menu Item7 The Show/Modify... menu item brings up the Show/Modify0 Note dialog box, which shows the note's current4 attributes. If you are a moderator or the author of4 the note, you can use this dialog box to change the note's attributes, as follows: o Allow or prohibit replies$ o Make the note hidden or unhidden o Change the title* o Create a pointer to another conference) o Move the note by changing its note-ID o Add keywords to the note4 You can also display the note's current attributes. 4 read_note_modify_db=TITLE read note modify db"=TITLE Show/Modify Note Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb2 If you are a moderator or the author of the note,1 you can use this dialog box to change the note's attributes, as follows: o Allow or prohibit replies$ o Make the note hidden or unhidden o Change the title* o Create a pointer to another conference) o Move the note by changing its note-ID o Add keywords to the note4 You can also display the note's current attributes. 5 note_modify_noteid_l=TITLE note modify noteid l=TITLE Note-ID Field8 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears. You can type another note-ID. 5 note_modify_attrib_l=TITLE note modify attrib l=TITLE Note Attributes1 You can make the following changes in the note's attributes: o Allow or prohibit replies$ o Make the note hidden or unhidden o Change the title* o Create a pointer to another conference) o Move the note by changing its note-ID o Add keywords to th>Fd$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,M"e note 5 note_modify_replies_tb=TITLE note modify replies tb"=TITLE Allow Replies Toggle Button7 Turn this toggle button on or off to allow or prohibit further replies to the note. 5 note_modify_hidden_tb=TITLE note modify hidden tb#=TITLE Hide This Note Toggle Button8 Click on this button to turn it on if you want the note to be hidden.4 A hidden note can be viewed only by the author or a8 moderator. Other users who try to read it get a message indicating that it is hidden. 5 note_modify_title_tb=TITLE note modify title tb$=TITLE Title Toggle Button and Field6 If you are reading a note, its title appears. You can7 change it by substituting a new title, after you click on the button. 5 note_modify_conference_tb =TITLE note modify conference tb4=TITLE Pointer to Conference Toggle Button and Field0 If you want the note to be a pointer to another6 conference, click on the button and type the notefile3 specification (for example, MAR::ASTRONOMY) of the5 conference to which you want the note to point. This7 will publicize that conference to readers of the note. 5 note_modify_new_noteid_tb =TITLE note modify new noteid tb*=TITLE New Note-ID Toggle Button and Field- You can change the note-ID of the note, thus4 effectively moving the note to a different location in the conference.8 Click on the button. Then be sure to type a new note-ID8 that is not already in use in the conference. Two notes cannot have the same note-ID.3 You can relocate a range of notes by typing a note5 range in the Note-ID field above. (For example, type4 4.0-4.4 to move topic 4 and its four replies.) Then6 in the New Note-ID field, type the new note-ID of the5 first of these notes (for example, 15.0); the others6 will follow in sequence (becoming, for example, 15.1- 15.4). 5 note_modify_keywords_tb=TITLE note modify keywords tb'=TITLE Keywords Toggle Button and Field6 To add a keyword to the note, click on the button and3 type the keyword. You must use an existing keyword8 unless you have moderator or create-keywords privilege. 5 note_modify_show_pb=TITLE note modify show pb=TITLE Show Push Button7 Click on Show to display the current attributes of the3 note you specified. The dialog box is not removed. 3 read_note_read_pde=TITLE read note read pde=TITLE Read Menu Item1 Press and hold MB1 and move the pointer right to2 display the submenu. You can then display another4 submenu or a dialog box, depending on what you want" to read. Your options are to read o The next unseen note( o The next page, note, reply, or topic4 o The preceding (back) page, note, reply, or topic o The last read note8 o A note that you specify by its note-ID, either in an- existing Read window or a new Read window 4 read_note_read_unseen_pb=TITLE read note read unseen pb=TITLE Unseen Menu Item5 Choose Unseen to display the next note that you have not yet seen in the conference. 4 read_note_read_next_pde=TITLE read note read next pde=TITLE Next Menu Item1 Press and hold MB1 and move the pointer right to4 display another submenu, in which you can choose to6 read the next page, the next note, the next reply, or the next topic. 5 read_note_read_next_p_pb=TITLE read note read next p pb=TITLE Next Page Menu Item=INCLUDE/ Choose Next Page to display the next page of a5 multipage note, or (if you are at the end of a note)3 the next note in the discussion, or (if you are at7 the end of the discussion) the next unseen note in the conference. 5 read_note_read_next_n_pb=TITLE read note read next n pb=TITLE Next Note Menu Item8 Choose Next Note to display the next note after the one you are reading. 5 read_note_read_next_r_pb=TITLE read note read next r pb=TITLE Next Reply Menu Item6 Choose Next Reply to display the next reply after the note you are reading. 5 read_note_read_next_t_pb=TITLE read note read next t pb=TITLE Next Topic Menu Item6 Choose Next Topic to display the next topic after the note you are reading. 4 read_note_read_back_pde=TITLE read note read back pde=TITLE Back Menu Item1 Press and hold MB1 and move the pointer right to5 display the submenu, in which you can choose to read2 the back (preceding) page, note, reply, or topic. 5 read_note_read_back_p_pb=TITLE read note read back p pb=TITLE Back Page Menu Item=INCLUDE4 Choose Back Page to display the preceding page of a5 multipage note, or (if you are at the beginning of a, note) the preceding note in the conference. 5 read_note_read_back_n_pb=TITLE read note read back n pb=TITLE Back Note Menu Item8 Choose Back Note to read the preceding note (whether it is a topic or reply). 5 read_note_read_back_r_pb=TITLE read note read back r pb=TITLE Back Reply Menu Item5 Choose Back Reply to display the reply preceding the note you are reading.4 If you are reading the first reply in a discussion,7 the note displayed will be a topic (n.0) rather than a reply. 5 read_note_read_back_t_pb=TITLE read note read back t pb=TITLE Back Topic Menu Item5 Choose Back Topic to display the topic preceding the note you are reading. 4 read_note_read_last_note_pb"=TITLE read note read last note pb=TITLE Last Read Note Menu Item=INCLUDE5 Choose Last Read Note to display again the last note! you read before the current one. 4 read_note_read_noteid_pb=TITLE read note read noteid pb=TITLE Note-ID... Menu Item5 Choose the Note-ID... menu item to bring up the Read3 Note-ID dialog box. You can use this dialog box to5 specify the note-ID of the note you want to display,6 and to specify whether you want it displayed in a new window. 5 read_note_read_note_db=TITLE read note read note db=TITLE Read Note-ID Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 You can use this dialog box to specify the note-ID of5 the note you want to display, and to specify whether' you want it displayed in a new window. 6 read_note_read_note_id_l=TITLE read note read note id l=TITLE Note-ID Field5 If you are reading a note, its note-ID is displayed.$ You can substitute another note-ID. 6 read_note_read_in_new_tb=TITLE read note read in new tb'=TITLE Read in New Window Toggle Button7 Click on this button if you want to read the note in a8 new window, with the current note remaining in its Read6 window. (Otherwise, the new note replaces the current note.) 3 read_note_readnew_note_pb =TITLE read note readnew note pb#=TITLE Read in New Window Menu Item7 Choose Read in New Window to display the note in a new0 window, leaving the current note in its window. 3 read_note_delete1_pb=TITLE read note delete1 pb=TITLE Delete Menu Item2 If you are a moderator or the author of the note,4 you can click on the Delete menu item to delete the+ selected note or the note you are reading. 3 read_note_delete2_pb=TITLE read note delete2 pb=TITLE Delete... Menu Item2 The Delete... menu item brings up the Delete Note4 dialog box. If you are a moderator or the author of8 the note, you can use this dialog box to specify a note and delete it. 4 read_note_delete_db=TITLE read note delete db=TITLE Delete Note Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb6 If you are a moderator or the author of the note, you5 can use this dialog box to specify a note and delete it. 5 note_delete_noteid_l=TITLE note delete noteid l=TITLE Note-ID Field2 If you are reading a note, its note-ID appears in4 this field. If you want to delete a different note, substitute its note-ID.3 You must be a moderator or the author of a note to delete it. wwGWy 1 read_popup=TITLE read popup=TITLE Pop-Up Menu8 You invoke the pop-up menu by pressing and holding down0 MB3. The pointer can be anywhere in the window.7 From the pop-up menu, you can quickly perform any of a number of operations: o Reading another note o Writing a note o Printing a note# o Closing the current Read window o Closing the conference 2 read_popup_next_unseen_pb =TITLE read popup next unseen pb=TITLE Next Unseen Menu Item5 Choose Next Unseen to display the next note you have not yet seen. 2 read_popup_next_pde=TITLE r'$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,"ead popup next pde=TITLE Next Menu Item=INCLUDE2 Press MB3 and drag the pointer right to display a4 submenu in which you can choose to display the next8 page, the next note, the next reply, or the next topic. 3 read_popup_next_page_pb=TITLE read popup next page pb=TITLE Next Page Menu Item=INCLUDE/ Choose Next Page to display the next page of a5 multipage note, or (if you are at the end of a note)3 the next note in the discussion, or (if you are at7 the end of the discussion) the next unseen note in the conference. 3 read_popup_next_note_pb=TITLE read popup next note pb=TITLE Next Note Menu Item4 Choose Next Note to display the next note (either a topic or reply). 3 read_popup_next_reply_pb=TITLE read popup next reply pb=TITLE Next Reply Menu Item3 Choose Next Reply to display the next reply in the discussion. 3 read_popup_next_topic_pb=TITLE read popup next topic pb=TITLE Next Topic Menu Item2 Choose Next Topic to display the next topic note. 2 read_popup_back_pde=TITLE read popup back pde=TITLE Back Menu Item=INCLUDE0 Press MB3 and drag the pointer right to display1 a submenu in which you can choose to display the2 preceding page, the preceding note, the preceding reply, or the preceding topic. 3 read_popup_back_page_pb=TITLE read popup back page pb=TITLE Back Page Menu Item=INCLUDE4 Choose Back Page to display the preceding page of a7 multipage note, or (if you are at the beginning of the, note) the preceding note in the conference. 3 read_popup_back_note_pb=TITLE read popup back note pb=TITLE Back Note Menu Item6 Choose Back Note to read the preceding note (either a topic or reply). 3 read_popup_back_reply_pb=TITLE read popup back reply pb=TITLE Back Reply Menu Item2 Choose Back Reply to display the preceding reply.2 If you are currently reading the first reply in a4 discussion, the topic note (n.0) will be displayed. 3 r ead_popup_back_topic_pb=TITLE read popup back topic pb=TITLE Back Topic Menu Item6 Choose Back Topic to display the preceding topic note (numbered n.0). 2 read_popup_last_note_pb=TITLE read popup last note pb=TITLE Last Read Note Menu Item=INCLUDE5 Choose Last Read Note to display again the last note! you read before the current one. 2 read_popup_note_pb=TITLE read popup note pb=TITLE Note-ID... Menu Item6 Choose Note-ID... to bring up the Read Note-ID dial og1 box, in which you can specify the note-ID of the3 note you want to read and specify whether it is to be displayed in a new window. 2 read_popup_crea_reply_pb=TITLE read popup crea reply pb=TITLE Create Reply Menu Item7 Choose the Create Reply menu item if you want to write4 a reply to the note you are reading. An Edit window, appears, in which you can write your reply. 2 read_popup_crea_topic_pb=TITLE read popup crea topic pb=TITLE Create Topic Menu Item7 C hoose Create Topic if you want to write a topic note.8 An Edit window appears in which you can write the note,5 which is identified as a new topic in the title bar. 2 read_popup_print_pb=TITLE read popup print pb=TITLE Print Menu Item3 Choose Print if you want to print the note you are reading. 2 read_popup_dismiss_pb=TITLE read popup dismiss pb=TITLE Close Window Menu Item6 Choose Close Window to remove the current Read window from the screen. 2 read_popu p_close_conf_pb=TITLE read popup close conf pb!=TITLE Close Conference Menu Item8 Choose Close Conference to close the conference and its associated windows. wwXy1 edit_window=TITLE edit window=TITLE Edit Window=INCLUDE edit_menu_bar3 The Edit window is the window in which you write a note.4 Your node, user name, and the date-time are already7 filled in. At the top, the note is identified as a new topic or as a reply.3 Type a meaningful title f or your note in the Title8 field, and type any keywords you want to associate with7 the note in the Keywords field. (They must be keywords6 that already exist in the conference, unless you have1 moderator or create-keywords privilege or unless5 keyword creation is unrestricted in the conference.)6 Type the text of your note, and when you are ready to4 enter it, choose Enter Note from the File pull-down5 menu; or you can cancel the entry by choosing Cancel Enter. 2 edit_work_db=TITLE edit work db =TITLE Edit3 The Edit window is the window in which you write a note.4 Your node, user name, and the date-time are already7 filled in. At the top, the note is identified as a new topic or as a reply.3 Type a meaningful title for your note in the Title8 field, and type any keywords you want to associate with7 the note in the Keywords field. (They must be keywords6 that already exist in the conference, unless you have1 moderator or create-keywords privilege or unless5 keyword creation is unrestricted in the conference.)6 Type the text of your note, and when you are ready to4 enter it, choose Enter Note from the File pull-down5 menu; or you can cancel the entry by choosing Cancel Enter. 3 edit_work_author_l=TITLE edit work author l=TITLE Author Field3 Your node and user name are already in this field. 3 edit_work_date_l=TITLE edit work date l=TITLE Date Field5 The current date and time are already in this field. 3 edit_work_title_l=TITLE edit work title l=TITLE Title Field7 Type a title for your note in this field. It should be6 meaningful, as it will appear in directories of notes' and when others are reading your note. 3 edit_work_keyword_l=TITLE edit work keyword l=TITLE Keywords Field6 You can associate any of the conference keywords with8 your note by typing them in this field. Keywords act as% a kind of convenient index to notes./ The keywords you use must already exist in the1 conference, unless you have moderator or create-1 keywords privilege or unless keyword creation is unrestricted in the conference. 3 edit_work_text=TITLE edit work text=TITLE Text Field! Type the text of your note here. 2 edit_finish_create_db=TITLE edit finish create db+=TITLE Note Creation in Progress Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb5 This dialog box is a safeguard against inadvertently4 losing text you have written in an Edit window.  The7 dialog box appears if you are currently in the process3 of creating a note in the Edit window and, without6 having entered the note in the conference, you try to5 close the conference, exit from DEC Notes, or create another new note.2 The dialog box reminds you that you are currently4 creating a new note, and lets you cancel this note,5 enter it in the conference, or save the note text in4 a file. Alternatively, you can cancel the operation7 you just initiated (to close the conference, exit from6 DEC Notes, or create another new note) by clicking on7 the Cancel Operation push button. Then the Edit window5 remains open and you can work further on the note in progress. 3 finish_create_l=TITLE finish create l=TITLE Reminder Message=INCLUDE0 You are reminded that you are in the process of6 creating a new note, so that you do not inadvertently$ cancel the note and lose your work. 3 finish_options_l=TITLE finish options l=TITLE Options=INCLUDE4 Your options are to cancel the note in progress, to6 enter the note in the conference, or to save the note text in a file. 3 finish_note_cancl_tb=TITLE finish note cancl tb=TITLE Cancel Note Button=INCLUDE8 Click on this button if you want to cancel the note you6 started to write without saving the text of the note. 3 finish_note_enter_tb=TITLE finish note enter tb=TITLE Enter Note Button=INCLUDE7 This button is on by default. It causes the note to be entered in the conference.5 The button goes off if you click on one of the other buttons. 3 finish_note_save_tb=TITLE finish note save tb$=TITLE Save Note Text in File Button=INCLUDE5 Click on this button if you want to save the text of8 the note in a file. Then type a file name for the file.3 If you do not supply a file type, the file type by default is .TXT. wwZy1 edit_menu_bar=TITLE edit menu bar=TITLE Menus in the Edit Window$=INCLUDE)Y $ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,+>" main_menu_bar main_help_pde3 You use menus to perform DEC Notes operations. The6 menu names appear in the menu bar of a window. To use4 a menu, position the pointer on the menu name, such5 as File, then press and hold MB1. The pull-down menu8 appears. Hold MB1 down and move the pointer to the menu4 item you want, and release MB1 to select that item.4 The Edit window contains the following menus: File, Edit, and Help. 2 edit_file_pde=TITLE edit file pde=TITLE File Menu/ Use the File menu to perform these operations:5 o Enter a note you have written into the conference o Set the note's attributes o Save the note in a file o Include a file in your note% o Use an existing file in your note4 o Cancel the note so that it is not entered in the conference 3 edit_file_enter_pb=TITLE edit file enter pb=TITLE Enter Note Menu Item6 When you are satisfied with the note you have written4 in the Edit window, choose Enter Note from the File* menu to enter the note in the conference. 3 edit_file_attribute_pb=TITLE edit file attribute pb#=TITLE Note Attributes... Menu Item/ Choose Note Attributes... to bring up the Note3 Attributes dialog box. In this dialog box, you can do the following:* o Allow or prohibit replies to your note% o Make your note hidden or unhidden2 o Make your note a pointer to another conference 4 edit_file_attribute_db=TITLE edit file attribute db!=TITLE Note Attributes Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb. In this dialog box, you can do the following:* o Allow or prohibit replies to your note% o Make your note hidden or unhidden2 o Make your note a pointer to another conference 5 edit_attrib_replies_tb=TITLE edit attrib replies tb"=TITLE Allow Replies Toggle Button6 By default, this button is already on. Click on it to4 turn it off if you want to prohibit replies to your note. 5 edit_attrib_hidden_tb=TITLE edit attrib hidden tb#=TITLE Hide This Note Toggle Button4 Click on this button to turn it on if you want your note to be hidden.2 A hidden note can be read only by its author or a8 moderator. Other users who try to read it get a message that the note is hidden. 5 edit_attrib_conference_tb =TITLE edit attrib conference tb4=TITLE Pointer to Conference Toggle Button and Field4 Click on this button and type a conference notefile3 specification (for example, MAR::ASTRONOMY) if you6 want to associate the conference with this note. This3 publicizes that conference to readers of the note. 3 edit_file_saveas_pb=TITLE edit file saveas pb=TITLE Save As... Menu Item7 The Save As... menu item brings up the Save Draft File8 dialog box, which you can use to save the note you have written in a file. 4 edit_file_saveas_db=TITLE edit file saveas db!=TITLE Save Draft File Dialog Box=INCLUDE ok_pb=INCLUDE cancel_pb7 You can use the Save Draft File dialog box to save the! note you have written in a file. 5 edit_saveas_filename_l=TITLE edit saveas filename l=TITLE Filename Field8 Type the name of the file you are creating for the note you have written.6 If you do not include the file type, the file type by default is TXT. 3 edit_file_incl_pb=TITLE edit file incl pb =TITLE Include File... Menu Item4 The Include File... menu item brings up the Include3 File dialog box. In this dialog box, you can see a5 directory of files (in your default directory) whose4 file name or file type match the string in the File3 Filter field. You can select one of these files by4 clicking on it; or you can specify a different file7 in the Selection field. You can substitute a different3 string in the File Filter field to get a different directory listing of files.4 When you have selected a file, click on OK, and the8 text contained in that file appears in the note you are writing. 4 edit_file_incl_db=T ITLE edit file incl db=TITLE Include File Dialog Box5 In this dialog box, you can see a directory of files4 (in your default directory) whose file name or file8 type match the string in the File Filter field. You can8 select one of these files by clicking on it; or you can8 specify a different file in the Selection field; or you5 can substitute a different string in the File Filter5 field to get a different directory listing of files.4 When you have selected a file, click on OK, and the8 text contained in that file appears in the note you are writing. 3 edit_file_usef_pb=TITLE edit file usef pb%=TITLE Use Existing File... Menu Item6 Choose the Use Existing File... menu item to bring up8 the Use Existing File dialog box if you want to use the7 text of an existing file as the entire text of a note.4 When you specify a file name in this dialog box and5 click on OK, the Edit window's text area informs you' that the files's text will be entered.4 The text itse lf does not appear in the Edit window.6 By contrast, when you choose the Include File... menu8 item and include a specified file, the text of the file1 appears in the Edit window, and you can edit it. 4 edit_file_usef_db=TITLE edit file usef db#=TITLE Use Existing File Dialog Box5 Use this dialog box when you want to use the text of8 an existing file without change as the entire text of a6 note. When you specify a file name in this dialog box5 and click on OK, the Edit window's te !xt area informs* you that the file's text will be entered.4 The text itself does not appear in the Edit window.6 By contrast, when you choose the Include File... menu8 item and include a specified file, the text of the file1 appears in the Edit window, and you can edit it.6 In the dialog box, you can specify a string as a file4 "filter," and then click on the Filter push button,4 causing the file names containing that string to be5 displayed. You can select one of them by clicking on5" it. Alternatively, you can type the file name in the Selection field. 3 edit_file_cancl_pb=TITLE edit file cancl pb=TITLE Cancel Enter Menu Item4 Choose Cancel Enter if you decide not to enter your note in the conference. 2 edit_edit_pde=TITLE edit edit pde=TITLE Edit Menu3 The Edit menu can be used to perform the following editing operations on text: o Undo a clearing operation o Cut o Copy o Paste o Clear% o Select all the text #in the window 3 edit_edit_undo_pb=TITLE edit edit undo pb=TITLE Undo Clear Menu Item6 You can restore the text you just cleared by choosing Undo Clear from the Edit menu. 3 edit_edit_cut_pb=TITLE edit edit cut pb=TITLE Cut Menu Item4 First select the text you want to delete by holding7 down MB1 and dragging the pointer across it; or select5 the entire text by choosing Select All from the Edit menu.6 Then choose the Cut menu item from the Edit menu. The$ selec$ted text is cut from the note.7 The cut text is put into a paste buffer, and it can be8 pasted wherever you want. To paste, position the cursor8 and choose Paste from the Edit menu. The text reappears at the cursor.8 The text remains in the paste buffer until you cut some4 other text, which then replaces the contents of the buffer. 3 edit_edit_copy_pb=TITLE edit edit copy pb=TITLE Copy Menu Item5 If you want to copy some text elsewhere in your note7 without deleting it f%rom where it is, first select the7 text by holding down MB1 and dragging the pointer over6 it (or choose Select All from the Edit menu to select4 all the text in the note). Then choose Copy instead7 of Cut. (Copy and Cut both put the text into the paste4 buffer, but Cut deletes it from the window, whereas Copy does not.)3 Position the cursor and then choose Paste from the1 menu. The text is copied to the cursor position. 3 edit_edit_paste_pb=TITLE edit edit paste pb=TITLE& Paste Menu Item7 If you have cut some text from your note, this text is7 in the paste buffer. You can reinsert it into the note4 at the position of the cursor by choosing the Paste menu item from the Edit menu. 3 edit_edit_clear_pb=TITLE edit edit clear pb=TITLE Clear Menu Item7 If you want to delete some text from your note without8 putting it into the paste buffer, first select the text7 by holding down MB1 and dragging the pointer across it7 (or select the entire text byTU$ NOTES025.A,6i![NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWHELP.HLB;1,&' choosing Select All from5 the Edit menu). Then choose the Clear menu item from the Edit menu.8 The text disappears. The contents (if any) of the paste buffer are unchanged. 3 edit_edit_select_pb=TITLE edit edit select pb=TITLE Select All Menu Item7 Choose the Select All menu item to select all the text in your note. ww]y 1 edit_popup=TITLE edit popup=TITLE Pop-Up Menu8 You invoke the pop-up menu by pressing and holding down0 MB3. The poin(ter can be anywhere in the window.6 From the pop-up menu, you can quickly enter your note2 into the conference, cut, copy, or paste text, or cancel your entry. 2 edit_popup_enter_pb=TITLE edit popup enter pb=TITLE Enter Note Menu Item. When you are satisfied with the note you have6 written, choose Enter Note to enter the note into the conference. 2 edit_popup_cut_pb=TITLE edit popup cut pb=TITLE Cut Menu Item4 First select the text you want to delete by holding7 d)own MB1 and dragging the pointer across it; or select5 the entire text by choosing Select All from the Edit menu.8 Then choose the Cut menu item from the pop-up menu. The$ selected text is cut from the note.4 The cut text is put into a paste buffer, and it can4 be pasted wherever you want. To paste, position the8 cursor and choose Paste from the popu-up menu. The text reappears at the cursor.8 The text remains in the paste buffer until you cut some7 other text, which replaces the *contents of the buffer. 2 edit_popup_copy_pb=TITLE edit popup copy pb=TITLE Copy Menu Item5 If you want to copy some text elsewhere in your note7 without deleting it from where it is, first select the7 text by holding down MB1 and dragging the pointer over6 it (or choose Select All from the Edit menu to select4 all the text in the note). Then choose Copy instead7 of Cut. (Copy and Cut both put the text into the paste4 buffer, but Cut deletes it from the window, whereas Cop+y does not.)3 Position the cursor and then choose Paste from the1 menu. The text is copied to the cursor position. 2 edit_popup_paste_pb=TITLE edit popup paste pb=TITLE Paste Menu Item7 If you have cut some text from your note, this text is7 in the paste buffer. You can reinsert it into the note4 at the position of the cursor by choosing the Paste menu item from the pop-up menu. 2 edit_popup_cancl_pb=TITLE edit popup cancl pb=TITLE Cancel Enter Menu Item4 Choose Cancel Enter if you decide not to enter your note in the conference.wwF^y NOTES_BUILD overviewabout main_work_boxmain_caution_box main_window scroll_barsOK_pb cancel_pbclasses entry_names conferencesObjects main_menu_bar main_popup conf_windowtopicsreplieskeywordsmarkersmembers conf_menu_bar conf_popup read_window read_menu_bar read_popup edit_window edit_menu_bar edit_popup"*[NOTES.TEMPKIT]NOTES$DWNOTES.UID;1+,,./H 4-i0123KPWO56Cy7cSy89GHHJro|URM 1.1Motif Uil CompilerV1.1-00017-NOV-1994 17:45:57.95DWNOTES_UIV1.0jiXqqrf   d 0  t<      H X8EDIT_POPUPEDIT_FINISH_CREATE_DBEDIT_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DBEDIT_FILE_USEF_DBEDIT_FILE_INCL_DBEDIT_FILE_SAVEAS_DBEDIT_WINDOWREAD_POPUPREAD_NOTE_READ_NOTE_DBREAD_NOTE_SETSEEN_DBREAD_NOTE_SEARCH_DBREAD_FILE_DDIF_PRINT_DBREAD_FILE_PRINT_DBREAD_NOTE_MODIFY_DBREAD_FILE_EXTRACT_DDIF_DBREAD_FILE_EXTRACT_DBREAD_NOTE_DELETE_DBREAD_NOTE_CREATE_DBREAD_WINDOWCONF_POPUPCONF_MEMBER_MODIFY_DBCONF_MEMBER_DISPLY_DBCONF_MEMBER_DELETE_DBCONF_MEMBER_ADD_DBCONF_MARKER_DISPLY_DBCONF_MARKER_DELETE_DBCONF_MARKER_ADD_DBCONF_KEYWORD_MODIFY_DBCONF_KEYWORD_DISPLY_DBCONF_KEYWORD_DELETE_DBCONF_KEYWORD_CREATE_DBCONF_KEYWORD_ADD_DBCONF_CONF_MODIFY_DBCONF_CONF_DIRECTORY_DBCONF_WINDOWMAIN_DUMMY_WIDGETMAIN_POPUPMAIN_ENTRY_DELETE_DBMAIN_ENTRY_MODIFY_DBMAIN_ENTRY_UPDATE_DBMAIN_ENTRY_ADD_DBMAIN_CUSTOMIZE_PROFILE_DBFILE_OBJECT_MODIFY_DBFILE_OBJECT_DELETE_DBFILE_OBJECT_ADD_DBMAIN_OBJECT_DISPLY_DBMAIN_FILE_MAIL_DBFILE_DIRECTORY_ACCESS_TBMAIN_FILE_DIRECTORY_DBMAIN_FILE_CREATE_DBMAIN_FILE_OPEN_DBMAIN_WINDOWDUMMY_WINDOWMAIN_HELP_BOXMAIN_WORK_BOXMAIN_CAUTION_BOXH +y' ISO8859-1Cancel OperationH '$y# ISO8859-1 AcknowledgedH *dy& ISO8859-1Display TextualH 'y# ISO8859-1 Display TreeH +y' ISO8859-1Enable ModeratorH ,y( ISO8859-1Disable ModeratorH XI h4MAIN_CAUTION_BOXT_FhfP EDNOTES$DRM_WIDGET_CREATE <G 2J,-  W L^ [ hf RENOTES$DRM_HELPREhf, NOTES$DRM_PUSHBUTTON_ACTIVATEhfh NOTES$DRM_PUSHBUTTON_ACTIVATEE_E_H  WIDGETIDH  d y ISO8859-1 Yes H # y ISO8859-1 Cancel H + y' ISO8859-1main_caution_boxH  I d0MAIN_WORK_BOXOXhfLNOTES$DRM_WIDGET_CREATE <G 2  \J, ,W [ hf NOTES$DRM_HELPE hf< BUNOTES$DRM_PUSHBUTTON_ACTIVATE 'MAIN_WORK_BOX$CANCELLABELIVATH 7, y3 ISO8859-1Notes:Work Work-in-ProgressH ( y$ ISO8859-1 main_work_boxH 40 I4 d0MAIN_HELP_BOXgrhfL NOTES$DRM_WIDGET_CREATE $    [ hf NOTES$DRM_HELPTE  f H $l y  ISO8859-1 DEC NotesH Mro|n7 x @   3 l J ,^ Pt Id I` ] H R V # H H $ $ Z IL H  I|) M = &Q )f ){ P W & IT & ) (8 '` ' " (; (pT (cm ( ' & ' '  ' ' (0 cC bX cx* b  cct6 &I & \ &@ o _L u %Z a % cx ed d d eoef<e<!e, e We+dCdodh[dddc8f e H K J X>7$ 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