DBS-ODSM V1.0 ODSM - Online Disk Space Monitor. A manual is included - ODSM_UTILITY.DOC The file DBSSYSRTL.EXE is a run-time library used by all of the utilities and should either be put in SYS$SHARE or have a logical defined to point to the file. The images supplied were built on VMS V5.5-2. Contents: --------- File Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAAREADME.1ST This file. ODSM_MAINTAIN.EXE Maintenance program executable. ODSM_MAINTAIN.MAR Maintenance program source. ODSM_MONITOR.EXE Monitor executable. ODSM_MONITOR.MAR Monitor source. ODSM_UTILITY.DOC User guide. _ODSMDEF.MAR Some macros used by the utilities. ODSM.MLB MLB version of _ODSMDEF.MAR. START_ODSM_MONITOR.COM Can be called from SYSTARTUP_xxx.COM. ODSM_MONITOR.COM Called by START_ODSM_MONITOR.COM. ODSM_DISKS.FDL Used to generate an empty database file. INTERRUPT.EXE Used to communicate with the detached job. INTERRUPT.OBJ INTERRUPT.FOR DBSSYSRTL.EXE Used by the utilities. Either define a logical or dump this in SYS$SHARE. DBSSYSRTL.OLB SYS_OBJECTS.OLB Non-sharable version of DBSSYSRTL. SYS_MACROS.MLB Macros used by the utilities. BUILD_IMAGE.COM Used to build images from the included source. Make sure LNK$LIBRARY points to DBSSYSRTL. Any bug reports (or fixes), comments, suggestions etc. should be directed to me at the address below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David B Sneddon (dbs) David.Sneddon@Woodside.otc.au VAX Systems Administrator Woodside Offshore Petroleum Perth, Australia Phone +61 9 224 5218 Fax +61 9 325 8178 Home +61 9 390 4283 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------