SESSION_NOTES, Graphics, TeX Macros for Presentation Session Notes This package is a set of LaTeX macros to simplify the generation of presentations for DECUS symposia. Unlike SliTeX, which isn't available in every TeX package, these macros should work on any system with LaTeX. The package is designed to generate two different printouts from the same source file. One is intended for the session notes and/or handouts, and combines multiple slides on the same page to reduce white space, and therefore page count. The other is for the actual presentation slides themselves, one per page. The formatting macros are separate from the presentation itself, allowing the macros to be used for another session with no modification. SESSION.STY ------------------- style file for session notes MAKSLIDE.STY ------------------ style file for presentation slides MYSTUFF.STY ------------------- style file containing presenter's name SAMPHAND.TEX ------------------ sample latex file to generate handout SAMPPRES.TEX ------------------ sample latex file to generate presentation SAMPSLID.TEX ------------------ the slides themselves SAMPTITL.TEX ------------------ sample title page SESSION_NOTES.DESCRIPTION ----- brief description for file server SESSION_NOTES.TXT ------------- this file Like all style files, the styles in this package are specified on the \documentsyle macro in square brackets, \documentstyle[session]{article} or \documentstyle[12pt,makslide]{article} I normally use 12 point for the presentation slides. It makes the magnified fonts bigger as well. to generate the sample session notes, enter: latex samphand or tex &lplain samphand (which one is used depends on your TeX system) to generate the presentation, enter: latex samppres or tex &lplain samppres VMS session VS039, Boot Internals, to be presented at the 1993 Atlanta symposium, was generated using these macros. LaTeX generated a DVI file, then Arbortext DVIPS generated a postscript file from it. The PS file was sent by electronic mail to the VMS session note editor and on PC floppy to the demand print people. ============================================================================== Wayne Sewell |INET: Tachyon Software Consulting |UUCP: uupsi!uupsi6!tachyon!wayne P. O. Box 550937, Dallas TX 75355-0937 |Voice: (214)-553-9760, Fax: -553-0077 ==============================================================================